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SearchServiceApplicationFaultType Enumeration

Enumerates the types of the SearchServiceApplicationFault.

Namespace:  Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Administration
Assembly:  Microsoft.Office.Server.Search (in Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.dll)


<DataContractAttribute(Namespace := "")> _
Public Enumeration SearchServiceApplicationFaultType
Dim instance As SearchServiceApplicationFaultType
[DataContractAttribute(Namespace = "")]
public enum SearchServiceApplicationFaultType


Member name Description
SpecialTerm_NotFound The special term cannot be found in the SearchAdminDatabase.
SpecialTerm_DuplicateError A duplicate special term already exists in the SearchAdminDatabase.
Synonym_NotFound The Synonym of the special term cannot be found in the SearchAdminDatabase.
BestBet_NotFound The BestBet with the specified properties cannot be found in the SearchAdminDatabase.
BestBet_OrderDuplicationError A duplicate BestBet with the specified order already exists in the SearchAdminDatabase.
AllNoiseQuery The terms in the search Query are all stop words.
SearchServiceNotFound The requested SPSearchService cannot be found.
QueryMalformed The search Query is not formed correctly.
ScopeNotFound A Scope used in the search Query does not exist in the SearchAdminDatabase.
InvalidProperty The search Query contains an invalid property.
OnlyExcludedTerms The fault thrown is a QueryContainsOnlyExcludedTermsException.
RankingModelNotFound The requested RankingModel cannot be found in the SearchAdminDatabase.
UnSupportedTopology An unsupported server topology is required to process the Query.
FASTSearchQuery This type of fault is thrown by the FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint.
Timeout The time-out for an operation has expired.
ExtendedConnectorApplicaion This type of fault is thrown when a Search query is being executed and the SearchServiceApplicationType is ExtendedConnector.
PartitionOptionsMismatch The partition option of the SearchServiceApplication does not match the partition option of the SearchServiceApplicationProxy.
TooComplexQueryException The number of the results for a Query exceeds the limit.

See Also


Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Administration Namespace