The MSG_DTCUIC_TRACE message is sent by the Management Server to the Management Client to trace a formatted message (see section
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MsgHeader (24 bytes) |
... |
... |
dwSev |
dwSource |
dwMessage |
fHasParam |
szParam (variable) |
... |
MsgHeader (24 bytes): This field MUST contain a MESSAGE_PACKET structure (as specified in [MS-DTCO] section The dwUserMsgType field MUST be 0x00002FFF. The dwcbVarLenData field MUST be 16 plus the length of the string present in the szParam field (not including its null terminator).
dwSev (4 bytes): This MUST be set to a TRACE_SEVERITY_LEVEL value.
dwSource (4 bytes): This field MUST be set to an implementation-specific unsigned integer that maps to one of the functional modules in the specific implementation. This field is set to one the following 4-byte unsigned integer values.
Trace Source
The MSDTC service functionality
The transaction manager core
The connection manager
dwMessage (4 bytes): This field MUST contain an implementation-specific unsigned integer which maps to an implementation-specific trace string. This field is set to one of the following dwMessage values.
4-byte unsigned integer value
Trace string
The MSDTC service is shutting down.
Unknown message type encountered.
Message length incorrect.
Bad message value.
Message not expected.
ReenlistmentComplete was called on a Resource Manager (RM) and there is at least one transaction that was enlisted on the RM that is still in doubt.
fHasParam (4 bytes): This field MUST be set to 0x00000000 if the szParam field does not contain a non-null string, or 0x00000001 if the szParam field contains a non-null string.
Possible values for this field are specified in the following table.
Field does not contain a non-null string.
Field contains a non-null string.
szParam (variable): This field MUST contain a null-terminated Latin-1 ANSI string, as specified in [ISO/IEC-8859-1]. This field is set to one of the following string values.
"PRIMARY: Session Bind Failed. Primary Timed Out while waiting for the secondary to Bind"
"PRIMARY: Session Bind Failed. The Version Numbers did not match"
"PRIMARY: Session Bind Failed. Protocol Not Supported"
"ProcId = <PROCID> CSO: Maintain session; Received E_CM_SERVER_NOT_READY." Where <PROCID> is the string representation of the 4-byte unsigned integer process identifier value in hexadecimal notation.
"ProcId = <PROCID> CSO: Maintain session; Received E_S_UNAVAILABLE. Giving up after retry." Where <PROCID> is the string representation of the 4-byte unsigned integer value process identifier value in hexadecimal notation.
"Session Bind Failed due. Primary Timed Out while waiting for the secondary to Bind"