The MESSAGE_PACKET structure defines the initial message fields that are contained by all message tags (MTAG)s in this protocol, as specified in [MS-CMP] section 2.2.2.
1 |
2 |
3 |
MsgTag |
fIsMaster |
dwConnectionId |
dwUserMsgType |
dwcbVarLenData |
dwReserved1 |
MsgTag (4 bytes): A 4-byte integer value that describes the OLE transaction message type. For all uses in this document, this value MUST be 0x00000FFF, which indicates MTAG_USER_MESSAGE message, as specified in [MS-CMP] section 2.2.8.
fIsMaster (4 bytes): A 4-byte value indicating the direction of the message in the conversation.
This value MUST be one of the following values.
The message is sent by the party that accepted the connection.
The message is sent by the party that initiated the connection.
dwConnectionId (4 bytes): A 4-byte integer value that MUST contain the unique identifier for the associated connection.
dwUserMsgType (4 bytes): This field contains the message type identifier. Each MTAG that is defined in this section MUST specify a distinct value for this field for a specified connection type.
dwcbVarLenData (4 bytes): An unsigned 4-byte integer value that MUST contain the size, in bytes, of the message buffer that contains the MESSAGE_PACKET structure, minus the size, in bytes, of the MESSAGE_PACKET structure itself.
dwReserved1 (4 bytes): Reserved. This value MAY be set to any implementation-specific value and MUST be ignored on receipt.<9>