Compartilhar via Testing the Connection

If the higher-layer business logic decides to send an MTAG_HELLO message to test the connection with the Management Server, the Management Client MUST perform the following actions:

  • If the Management Connection field is not set to a CONNTYPE_TXUSER_DTCUIC Connection in the Active state:

    • Signal the higher layer that no active Connection with the Management Server exists.

  • Otherwise:

    • Send a MTAG_HELLO message using the Connection. As the goal is to test the established Connection, the Management Client sends the message but doesn't wait for a response. Because no response is expected from the server, the most likely cause of failure when sending this message would be related to problems on the client side.

    • If the send fails:

      • Set the Management Connection field to a null value.

      • Signal the higher layer that no active Connection with the Management Server exists.

      • Set the state of the Connection to Ended.