Compartilhar via Transaction Manager Endpoint Registry Keys

The transaction manager endpoint registry keys contain the information required for the creation of transaction manager endpoints. The registry path of the transaction manager endpoint registry keys and the protocol used for accessing these keys are version-dependent, as specified in section The <GUID> part of the registry path is the contact identifier (CID) for a transaction manager endpoint.

There MUST be an endpoint registry key for each endpoint supported by a transaction manager and each endpoint registry key MUST have a unique GUID string value (as specified in [MS-DTYP] section, and MUST have a "Description\(Default)" subkey value (as specified in section set to one of the values in the "Description\(Default)" column of the following table. Each endpoint registry key MUST have a different "Description\(Default)" subkey value. In the following table, the <EndpointRegistryPath> part of the registry path represents the registry protocol version-dependent registry path as specified in section


Registry path









  • <EndpointRegistryPath>\<MSDTC_GUID> key is used by the Core transaction manager Facet to initialize its transport protocols as specified in [MS-DTCO] section 3.2.3.

  • <EndpointRegistryPath>\<MSDTCUIS_GUID> key is used to construct the Management Server Name during initialization of the Management Server Role as specified in section 3.2.3.

  • <EndpointRegistryPath>\<MSDTCXATM_GUID> key is used by the XA Subordinate transaction manager and XA Resource Manager Bridge Facets to initialize their transport protocols as specified in [MC-DTCXA] sections 3.2.3 and 3.4.3.

  • <EndpointRegistryPath>\<MSDTCTIPGW_GUID> key is used to construct the TIP Interoperability Provider Name during initialization of the TIP Interoperability Provider Role as specified in [MS-DTCM] section