TableDesigner.GetDesignTimeHtml Método
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Obtém o HTML usado para representar o controle em tempo de design.
override System::String ^ GetDesignTimeHtml();
public override string GetDesignTimeHtml ();
override this.GetDesignTimeHtml : unit -> string
Public Overrides Function GetDesignTimeHtml () As String
O HTML usado para representar o controle em tempo de design.
O exemplo de código a seguir demonstra como substituir o GetDesignTimeHtml método para exibir linhas e células para a StyledTable
classe na superfície de design.
No bloco , o código verifica se a tabela contém linhas ou células e, se não contiver, cria uma linha e executa um loop para criar duas células para a linha, juntamente com o texto de espaço reservado a ser exibido em cada célula em tempo de design. Se a tabela não estiver vazia, mas uma linha estiver, o código executará o mesmo loop para criar e preencher as células.
No bloco , o código retorna os valores para seu estado original.
' Override the GetDesignTimeHtml method to display
' placeholder text at design time for the
' rows and cells of the StyledTable class.
Public Overrides Function GetDesignTimeHtml() As String
Dim sTable As StyledTable = CType(Component, StyledTable)
Dim designTimeHTML As String
Dim rows As TableRowCollection = sTable.Rows
Dim cellsWithDummyContents As ArrayList = Nothing
Dim emptyTable As Boolean = rows.Count = 0
Dim emptyRows As Boolean = False
Dim counter As Integer = 1
Dim numcells As Integer = 2
' Create two cells to display
' in a row at design time.
If emptyTable Then
Dim row As TableRow = New TableRow()
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To numcells - 1
Dim c As TableCell = New TableCell()
c.Text = "Cell #" & counter.ToString()
counter += 1
Next i
emptyRows = True
Dim j As Integer
For j = 0 To rows.Count - 1
If rows(j).Cells.Count <> 0 Then
emptyRows = False
Exit For
End If
Next j
If emptyRows = True Then
Dim k As Integer
For k = 0 To numcells - 1
Dim c As TableCell = New TableCell()
c.Text = "Cell #" & counter.ToString()
counter += 1
Next k
End If
End If
If emptyTable = False Then
' If the rows and cells were defined by the user, but the
' cells remain empty this code defines a string to display
' in them at design time.
Dim row As TableRow
For Each row In rows
Dim c As TableCell
For Each c In row.Cells
If ((c.Text.Length = 0) AndAlso (c.HasControls() = False)) Then
If cellsWithDummyContents Is Nothing Then
cellsWithDummyContents = New ArrayList()
End If
c.Text = "Cell #" & counter.ToString()
counter += 1
End If
Next c
Next row
End If
' Retrieve the design-time HTML for the StyledTable class.
designTimeHTML = MyBase.GetDesignTimeHtml()
' If the StyledTable was empty before the dummy text was added,
' restore it to that state.
If emptyTable Then
' Clear the cells that were empty before the dummy text
' was added.
If Not (cellsWithDummyContents Is Nothing) Then
Dim c As TableCell
For Each c In cellsWithDummyContents
c.Text = [String].Empty
Next c
End If
If emptyRows Then
End If
End If
End Try
Return designTimeHTML
End Function
O GetDesignTimeHtml método garante que a tabela tenha pelo menos uma linha e célula e que as células contenham algum texto para exibição em tempo de design.