FTP 7.5 Service Extensibility References
As I pointed out in my recent blog post that was titled "FTP 7.5 and WebDAV 7.5 have been released", one of the great new features of the FTP 7.5 service is extensibility. In that blog post I mentioned that I wrote the following walkthroughs to help developers get started writing providers for the FTP 7.5 service, and these walkthroughs are all available on Microsoft's learn.iis.net Web site:
- For Managed Code Developers:
- For Native Code Developers:
We have also recently published the FTP Service Extensibility Reference on Microsoft's MSDN Web site, and here is a list of all the reference topics that we have written for FTP 7.5 service extensibility:
- FTP Managed-Code Extensibility API Reference
- FTP Native-Code Extensibility API Reference
I hope this helps!