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M3 Sweatt's blog

Thoughts on time, technology, products and services at Microsoft

My Windows 7 Party Pack Arrives

As I noted earlier today on Twitter before my important afternoon meetings, my Windows 7 house party...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 10/02/2009

Free download: Microsoft Security Essentials suite available now

Now available (US and Canada) is the new Microsoft Security Essentials suite, available for free,...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 09/30/2009

Announcement: New Xbox 360 Elite $50 rebate for U.S. customers 'til October 5, 2009

Even with the recent price drops on the Xbox 360 Elite to $299, a new announcement today on an...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 09/22/2009

Announcement: Updated Microsoft's Support Policy for Daylight Saving Time & Time Zone Updates

This from the Microsoft Support Lifecycle team, a revision to the Microsoft Support Lifecycle policy...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 09/10/2009

Of interest: NetworkWorld with 5 Reasons Macs Can't Claim They're Better than Windows 7: the debates will continue

As I noted on Twitter today, writer Mitchell Ashley says that he didn't realize he'd ruffle so many...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/20/2009

It's nearly back to school time: here's info on buying a new PC

As I posted on Twitter today, Joel Santo Domingo over at PC Magazine has published a new article,...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/14/2009

Of interest: Aussie NSW secondary school students were the first in the world to use Microsoft's Windows 7

The folks down under are first again. First I read that NZ will be among the first customers to get...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/11/2009

Windows 7 flying high in the skies above Redmond

Last week a few of the folks got together and enjoyed a cool but fun afternoon on main campus. A fun...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/09/2009

Ed Bott offers up his update to the Windows 7 upgrade chart in Walt Mossberg's blog

As I noted on Twitter, a quick nod of the head to Ed Bott for his post on the Windows 7 upgrade...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/06/2009

Windows 7 RTM Available Today for MSDN & TechNet Subscribers

As previously announced (thanks to Brandon for his post), MSDN & TechNet Subscribers may now...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/06/2009

Be careful: Why getting Windows 7 "RTM" today can be like a box of chocolates

There's a lot of talk on the Web and on Twitter that Windows 7 has hit the Release to Manufacturing...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 07/19/2009

Advisory: Information on changes coming to First Run in Internet Explorer 8

The IE team just posted on their blog changes they're making to IE8's first run experience, coming...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 07/18/2009

Just ahead of Windows 7, Windows Home Server Power Pack 3 BETA is now available

I now have a new project for the weekend: dogfooding the latest bits just released for the Windows...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 07/17/2009

Of interest for IT Professionals: Internet Explorer 8 via Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) coming in August 2009

Of interest: this post from Eric Hebenstreit on the IE Blog, a note on Internet Explorer 8...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 07/12/2009

Your questions: what do I like about Windows 7? Hardware home pages with Device Stage

John Swenson has an interesting article covering Device Stage in Windows 7, as he describes as...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 07/09/2009

The latest Microsoft "Laptop Hunters" commercial: all it's missing is a puppy

New in heavy rotation is the latest Laptop Hunter "You find it, you keep it" Microsoft PC...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 07/09/2009

Thoughts on potential competitors, new technology, and a new Windows division President

Gosh, has it really been nearly two weeks between blog posts? Given the lack of blog posts, you...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 07/08/2009

Your questions: what do I like about Windows 7? Windows Easy Transfer for migrating your life to a new PC

A quick post during a break in the day, as I've been executing a clean install on my PC with Windows...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 06/24/2009

Preview: Windows 7 Application Compatibility Roundtable Springboard Series Discussion Highlights

New on the Springboard Series Blog, highlights from the latest Virtual Roundtable on Application...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 06/23/2009

Announcement: Microsoft Security Essentials Beta now available

The Windows Security Essentials beta is now available for download on a new Microsoft site dedicated...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 06/23/2009

Of interest: Windows Home Server for Home Office and Small Office

A quick note, as I have been way too busy prepping for a slew of work this month… New on...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 06/22/2009

Coming this Thursday, 6/18: June Chat with the Internet Explorer team at 10AM Pacific

Of interest is the upcoming June Chat with the Internet Explorer team this Thursday, as Allison from...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 06/16/2009

Of interest: Blog post on Windows 7 for Europe

Of interest, a new post on the Microsoft On The Issues blog from Dave Heiner, on Working to Fulfill...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 06/11/2009

Software and Hardware partners: ready for Windows 7? Be sure to get Ready. Set. 7

Have you seen the site for hardware and software manufacturers...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 06/04/2009

It's official: Steve Guggenheimer announces that Windows 7 arrives in stores October 22

As I noted on Twitter yesterday the various news reports regarding Windows 7, it's now official:...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 06/03/2009

Windows 7 Coming October 22

According to news reports today, Windows 7 is slated for debut on October 22, as noted in the lead...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 06/02/2009

Want to know more about Bing? Live webcast on June 1, 2009 @10:00AM Pacific Daylight Time

Want to know more about Microsoft's new Bing? Then take a look at the new Bing Interactive Product...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 05/31/2009

Video of the new Zune HD in action, courtesy of Gizmodo

On the news today is this blog post from the Seattle PI about how the folks at Gizmodo got a demo of...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 05/29/2009

Now available: SP2 for Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 on WU and the Microsoft Download Center

As I noted the other day in my post Thinking about downloading SP2 for Windows Vista or Windows...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 05/27/2009

Thinking about downloading SP2 for Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008? Please download it from a trusted source!

I've seen a couple of blog posts offering downloads to Service Pack 2 (SP2) for Windows Server 2008...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 05/23/2009

Get ready: New Acer Aspire Windows Home Server appears on Amazon in the States

OK, geek moment before the start of the long weekend here in the States. I'm very excited as the new...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 05/22/2009

Advisory: Important Information on SharePoint Server 2007 Service Pack 2

As I posted on Twitter, the SharePoint team has posted important information about SharePoint Server...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 05/22/2009

Videos: Steve Ballmer and Bill Gates speak at the Microsoft CEO Summit 2009

A quick post: Of interest is the coverage and videos this week from the Microsoft CEO Summit 2009...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 05/22/2009

Your questions: what do I like about Windows 7? HomeGroup for managing your home network

I didn't expect the large amount of interest and feedback on my post yesterday about HomeGroup and...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 05/15/2009

Your questions: what do I like about Windows 7? Yes, HomeGroup and Play To are nice, but codec support is a quiet wonder

I've noted previously that there were a few things I like about Windows 7 here and here. But media...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 05/14/2009

The latest Microsoft "Laptop Hunters" commercial: "I'm a PC and I got exactly what I wanted."

There's a new Laptop Hunters "You find it, you keep it" Microsoft PC television commercial...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 05/14/2009

Thinking about joining a new club? Take a look at the Windows Clubhouse

Groucho Marx famously said… "I don’t care to belong to any club that will have me as a...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 05/09/2009

Video: Migrating from Windows XP to Windows 7 using the User State Migration Tool

Of interest is the TechNet information on Migrating from Windows XP to Windows 7 using the User...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 05/06/2009

Windows 7 Release Candidate now available, with more info on what's new in the RC, MED-V, and improved SSD support

Lots of news today (as noted in the news today) on the availability of the Windows 7 Release...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 05/05/2009

Personal documentary from Microsoft writer makes an impression

Of interest: reminding me of the brief series noted here, I found this article from Nicole Brodeur...

Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 05/01/2009

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