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Thinking about joining a new club? Take a look at the Windows Clubhouse

Groucho Marx famously said…

"I don’t care to belong to any club that will have me as a member."

Head off to the ClubhouseWell, there's an exception to every rule. I found such an exception in the Windows Clubhouse.

The Clubhouse is a community where you can connect with other members and help people learn how to use Windows.

"The Clubhouse is all about sharing content and ideas. Showing what you do best. Voicing your opinions. Being an active member in a community that will select the best content for display on the Windows Vista and Windows Live sites."

This is a place where you can create and rate content about Microsoft products, share through posts on your blog and provide feedback on other's posts.

More info:

I went ahead and posted my own profile here and tagged a few of my favourite blog posts, answers to popular questions on everything from Windows Live to the latest on Windows 7 to show up in the feed.

Tags: articles, blogs, Windows 7.

Clubhouse Tags: Challenge-Windows 7, Clubhouse, how-to, Windows 7, video, migration, Windows XP

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