Learn About Surface 5 part video series now showing!
My good friend and teammate Jennifer Marsman just posted a great 5 part series on Surface. As you know from my Interview with Rick Barazza at SXSW, I think the device is awesome as well. Enjoy the series below:
- Surface Development Part 1: What is the Microsoft Surface? This is a good overview link on the coolness that is Surface!
- Surface Development Part 2: Surface Controls This talks about the enhancements of developing for Surface controls. Many of the Surface controls derive from and have similar functionality to corresponding WPF controls, but provide extra enhancements for the Surface.
- Surface Development Part 3: ScatterView How does Surface provide 360 degree views of applications? The ScatterView control quickly enables 360-degree applications.
- Surface Development Part 4: Reacting to Physical Objects When you place a Zune or other devices on the Surface it is recognized by tags. Surface has the ability to recognize and respond to actual physical real-world objects placed on the Surface top, and it does this by means of tags.
- Surface Development Part 5: Futures and Resources Checkout the roadmap on where Surface is headed!