Interview: Surface Computing and New Opportunities
This was another fun interview with Rick Barazza from cynergy systems. As you may recall from last year I was able to spend some time with Rick, as we showed of his “Minorty Report” style software using a Wii remote. Take a look here to see that interview:
Matt on the Floor at SXSW* Talking with Cynergy and a New User Interface
Well this year Rick was doing some amazing things with the Microsoft Surface. I was able to get some more of his time this year. We chatted on how to prepare for developing for a Microsoft Surface device and some of the new opportunities that Surface brings to the world of computing. Interesting stuff.
Rick also allowed me to borrow a video of him showcasing some of the unique capabilities of Microsoft Surface.
March 27, 2009
Watching Rick Barazza here on your blog is almost as good as seeing him demonstrate the Microsoft Surface table and applications in person- it was a true highlight of sxsw for me-and we saw a lot of technology...his fluency and ability to articulate how the technology can be translated to millennials is amazing- Thanks Rick! Social WendyAnonymous
May 29, 2009
My good friend and teammate Jennifer Marsman just posted a great 5 part series on Surface.  As you