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DST Change in Iraq - Technical Guidance


Background – Iraq Daylight Saving Time changes for 2008

Microsoft has learned of a change to the observance of Daylight Saving Time (DST) in Iraq that could impact customers using the Baghdad time zone which is also called the Arabic time zone (GMT +03:00). The Ministry of Iraq has decided that the country will no longer observe DST as they have in prior years, which has historically taken effect on April 1. This may impact customers and partners in the region who use the Baghdad time zone, including entities engaged in business in or with the region. Microsoft has created product updates and guidance to help customer adjust to this change.

Who is affected?

Microsoft has created guidance and specific product hotfixes (where applicable) in response to news reports that indicate Iraq will not recognize or utilize daylight saving time in 2008. IT professionals and systems administrators should review their systems and installations, and determine if any users or systems will be impacted by this change not to use DST in Iraq this year. Microsoft is recognizing this change and provides the guidance to customers and partners should they have systems that may be impacted by this change in Iraq, as noted on the Microsoft Daylight Saving Time & Time Zone FAQs Blog at


Microsoft recommends that customers with operations in the affected area review the impact and, if necessary, follow the guidance and steps as outlined in the product update guidance currently available. Generally, this includes application of product updates and rebasing calendar items as outlined in this document.


Current status of required updates

Microsoft has created product updates in anticipation of the change in Daylight Saving Time (DST) rules in Iraq. The following table provides information about product updates and supporting documentation that has been released for this potential DST change.





Windows XP and 2003

Run script to update the Baghdad time zone. See included Windows update information the appropriate registry key settings.

KB 914387 has been updated with the appropriate steps as well.

Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008

A hotfix is now available by contacting Microsoft Support and referencing KB 950571.

Time Zone Data Update Tool for Microsoft Office Outlook

A hotfix has been created that will update installations of the Time Zone Data Update Tool for Microsoft Office Outlook. KB 950575 contains supporting details. Additional details are available in the “Impact for Outlook” section in this document.

Exchange Calendar Update Tool

The Exchange Calendar Update Tool package, once installed, can be updated with the Outlook Calendar Update Tool hotfix. KB 950575 contains supporting details. Additional details are available in the “Impact for Outlook” section in this document.

Exchange Server 2003

A hotfix is now available by contacting Microsoft Support and referencing KB 951061.

No update to CDO 1.2.1 will be required if Iraq cancels DST.1


Manual updates to the timezone.xml on each SharePoint server. KB 950837 is published with the detailed instructions customers can follow.

Windows Mobile

KB 950885 is published and updates for Window Mobile 5 and 6 are available on the Download Center.


1In the December 2007 set of time zone update roll ups, Microsoft Exchange has updated Baghdad (Arabic) time zone, as per the Iraqi government’s original notification, as noted in KB940368. Given the Iraqi governments recent DST change Microsoft will provide an Exchange update and new guidance will be published for remediation. No changes were made to the CDO 1.2.1 and MAPI CDO 1.2.1 (KB945835) and as such will require no additional updates.

General recommendations


1. In order to update Windows desktop and server operating systems, we recommend administrators change the time zone information for Iraq’s Baghdad (Arabic) time zone that is stored in the registry to reflect the extension of the daylight saving time. Please read the section “How to update Windows Servers and Desktop Operating Systems” for details on the recommended steps.

2. Please do not manually adjust the machine’s clock. This will cause adverse effects on your environment and it is not supported by Microsoft.

3. Before you apply the changes on Windows Operating Systems to reflect the new DST rules for the Baghdad (Arabic) time zone, be aware of potential issues that will affect Microsoft Office Outlook and Exchange Server. The primary impact will be that appointments that occur after April 1, 2008 can appear in the users Calendar one hour earlier than originally scheduled. Read “Impact for Outlook clients in Iraq” sections for more details.

4. Update all Windows servers and desktop operating systems. If that is not possible due to the size of the customer environment then the customer should update all servers and desktops that are used to schedule or process meetings in Iraq. This includes updating the following:

a. All Exchange servers that have mailboxes in the Baghdad (or Arabic) time zone.

b. All Exchange servers that process messages for mailboxes in the Baghdad (or Arabic) time zone.

c. All Windows servers in the Baghdad (Arabic) time zone.

d. All desktop clients that have their local time zone set to the Baghdad (or Arabic) time zone.

e. All desktop clients that schedule meetings with users that are in the Baghdad (or Arabic) time zone.

5. After installing the new time zone rules for the Baghdad (Arabic) time zone to the Windows systems, we recommend that users perform the one of the following options to correct their user Calendars and resource mailbox Calendars:

Option 1

Manually Update Appointments

a. Manually update appointments by dragging-and-dropping the appointments to the correct time. Each user will need to do this for every appointment that displays appointments as one hour early in their calendar after April 1st, 2008 for any appointments created by Windows clients in the Baghdad (or Arabic) time zone.

b. Meeting organizers will need to send out meeting updates.

c. Attendees need to Accept the meeting updates to correct their Calendars.

Option 2

Update Appointments with the Time Zone Data Update Tool for Microsoft Office Outlook

a. Follow the instructions in this document that appear in the section titled “How can I update appointments using the Time Zone Data Update Tool for Microsoft Office Outlook?“

Option 3

Update Appointments with the Exchange Calendar Update Tool

1. Follow the instructions in this document that appear in the section titled “How can I update appointments using the Exchange Calendar Update Tool?”

Updating Windows Servers and Desktop Operating Systems



  • The recommendation for Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP is to update the definition for “(GMT +03:00) Baghdad” time zone to reflect the DST dates defined by the Iraqi government. To do so, please see the “How to update Windows Servers and Desktop Operating Systems”section at the end of this document to see specific steps for updating the Windows system registry.

  • Systems updated with the December 2007 cumulative time zone update for Microsoft Windows operating systems (KB 942763) had the time zone rules for Baghdad set to change on April 1, 2008. Systems without the update for 942763 have time zone rules for Baghdad set to change on the first Tuesday of April, which this year would have been April 6, 2008.

    The result is that time zone rules are different between the versions of the Windows updates so Outlook appointments can be stamped with DST rules that are configured to change on April 1 or April 6, 2008.

  • Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista have a hotfix available which is documented in KB 950571.


Impact for Windows Mobile users in Iraq

Windows Mobile devices will show all items (messages and appointments) 1 hour off if the new time zone rules begin April 1st.

These devices require an update that is documented in KB 950885 which contains the details regarding updates for Window Mobile 5 and 6. Updates are available on the Microsoft Download Center.

Supporting Links

KB Article:

Windows Mobile Information:

Windows Mobile Update CAB file:

Windows Mobile Update Desktop file:


Impact for Outlook clients in Iraq


There is a difference between the previous DST dates established and the new dates defined by the Iraqi government for the 2008 period. We are going to call this difference “Delta Period”.


Delta period for Iraq DST in 2008:

Systems that are not updated will experience incorrect times from April 1st 2008 until October 1st 2008 and each year thereafter until updates with the new rules are applied. 


The inconvenience experienced by Outlook client users happens for all appointments during the delta period that were created before the administrators update the DST dates on the operating system.


Those appointments will be off 1 hour. This may happen for both recurring and single-instance appointments.


The appointments created after the DST dates have been updated on the operating system will have the correct time.


1.     Why do we experience this behavior?


To answer this question, we need to understand how Outlook schedules meetings and appointments:


Three factors affect the scheduling of a meeting and appointment in Outlook:


  • The computer's clock setting (time).
  • The computer's local time zone setting.
  • The computer's daylight saving time adjustment setting.

Outlook time stamps the message request with the Greenwich Mean Time for the meeting. Outlook calculates Greenwich Mean Time by using the computer's clock time, plus or minus the local time zone adjustment, minus (depending upon the time of year) the daylight-saving time adjustment.


As soon as Outlook receives the meeting request it will calculate the meeting time for the recipient and schedule it on the calendar. If any of the three factors listed earlier are incorrect at that time, the meeting time will be incorrect. You cannot correct the time after the fact by correcting the factor in error; you must open the meeting request and manually correct the scheduled time.


2.     How can I update appointments using the Time Zone Data Update Tool for Microsoft Office Outlook?


An update is available for the Time Zone Data Update Tool for Microsoft Office Outlookwhich will be documented in KB 950575. A summary of the instructions for installing and launching the tool are as follows:

1) Download the Time Zone Data Update Tool package by going to the following link:

2) Click the "Download" button

3) Select the "Run" option to install and launch the tool.

4) Click the checkbox to Accept the License Terms and click the "Continue" button

5) When the "Change Calendar Time Zone" dialog appears, click "Cancel" which will close the application.

6) Download the update for the Time Zone Data Update Tool for Microsoft Office Outlook from the following location:

7) Run office-kb950575-fullfile-x86-glb.exe

8) Click the checkbox to accept the License Terms and click the "Continue" button

9) Click "OK" once installation is complete

10) Click on the Windows "Start" button

11) Select All Programs, Accessories and then "windows Explorer"

12) Browse to the folder "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\Office Outlook Time Zone Data Update Tool"

13) Open the file "TZMOVE.EXE"

14) Rebase Calendars according to the instructions in KB 931667.

Refer to KB article 931667 for additional options and guidelines.

Note: Meeting requests will automatically be sent out for any updated meeting as part of this process. Recipients of the meeting requests must Accept updates that they want to have correctly displayed in their Calendars.

3. How can I update appointments using the Exchange Calendar Update Tool?

An update is available which is required for the Exchange Calendar Update Tool to update appointments correctly. The update is installed over existing installations of the tool using the following steps.

1) Download the Exchange Calendar Update Tool from:

2) Run the downloaded CalendarUpdateConfigurationTool.exe

3) Set the "Unzip to folder" option to a location where you can easily access the extracted files.

4) Click the "Unzip" button

5) The tool will launch automatically.

6) Read the Readme.htm that is displayed and the close it

7) Run the extracted "Install.exe"

8) If you receive any errors when launching Install.exe then review Readme.htm for System Requirements and Permissions.

9) Click "Next" on the Exchange Calendar Update Configuration Tool Installation Wizard dialog

10) Set the install path which is "C:\Program Files\MSExTmz" by default and click "Next".

11) Click the checkbox to accept the license terms and click "Next".

12) Again, click the "I agree" option to accept the license terms and click "Next".

13)  Click "Next" again to confirm the installation and then click "Finish"

14) Download the Time Zone Data Update Tool for Microsoft Outlook package by going to the following link:

This step of installing the Time Zone Data Update Tool for Microsoft Outlook is required to install the update for the Exchange Calendar Update Tool.

15) Click the "Download" button

16) Select the "Run" option to install and launch the tool.

17) Click the checkbox to Accept the License Terms and click the "Continue" button

15) When the "Change Calendar Time Zone" dialog appears, click "Cancel" which will close the application.

16) Download the update for the Outlook Time Zone Data Update Tool from the following location:

17) Run office-kb950575-fullfile-x86-glb.exe

18) Click the checkbox to accept the License Terms and click the "Continue" button

19) Click "OK" once installation is complete

20) You can verify the install by ensuring that tzmovelib.dll has a created date of March 20, 2008 or later.

Note: tzmovelib.dll is located in the folder where the Exchange Calendar update tool was installed ("C:\Program Files\MSExTmz" by default).

21) Launch MsExTmzCfg.exe.

22) Rebase appointments according to the steps in KB 941018.

(See Troubleshooting.doc in the installation location for addressing error messages generated by the tool.)

Note: Meeting requests will automatically be sent out for any updated meeting as part of this process. Recipients of the meeting requests must Accept updates that they want to have correctly displayed in their Calendars.

Impact for Exchange

In the December 2007 set of time zone update roll ups, Microsoft Exchange has updated Baghdad (Arabic) time zone, as per the Iraqi government’s original notification, as noted in KB940368. Given the Iraqi government recent DST change Microsoft has provided an Exchange update for Exchange 2003 SP2 (KB951061). No changes were made to the CDO 1.2.1 and MAPI CDO 1.2.1 (KB945835) and as such will require no additional updates.

NOTE: A recently discovered issue with the Exchange Calendar Update Tool affects how the system patch date is stamped. When you use the SystemPatchDate option in the Exchange update tool, a date that is in the MM/DD/YYYY format that uses a single-digit month is set to M/DD/YYYY. This error occurs because of an incorrect option setting in the configuration .ini file.

The only workaround is to not use the SystemPatchDate option since has been confirmed to be an issue and a fix is currently being investigated. KB 941018 is being updated with this information.

How to update Windows Servers and Desktop Operating Systems

This section is based on the following article:

914387 - How to configure daylight saving time for Microsoft Windows operating systems;EN-US;914387

1.     Create a registry file that contains the new DST settings for Iraq, following these steps below:

1.1 Click Start, click Run, type notepad, and then click OK.

1.2 Copy the following registry information, and then paste it into the Notepad document:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Time Zones\Arabic Standard Time]


[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Time Zones\Arabic Standard Time\Dynamic DST]





1.3 On the File menu, click Save As.

1.4 Select a destination, and then type TZupdate.reg in the File name box.

1.5  In the Save as type box, click All Files, and then click Save.

1.6 Click Start, Run, All Programs, Accessories, Command Prompt

1.7 At the command prompt, change to the folder that TZupdate.reg is saved into.

1.8 Type the following command at the command prompt:
regedit /s TZupdate.reg

1.9 Next, type the following command to update the registry:
control.exe timedate.cpl /Z,,Arabic Standard Time

2. In order to deploy these time zone changes in a corporate environment, you can use a startup script as described in the session “Deploy the registry file with the new DST information using Group Policy” below.

Note: The registry settings above contain the following information for the “(GMT +03:00) Baghdad” time zone:

§ There are no daylight saving time begin/end values since we are removing DST settings.


Use a script to reload the TimeZoneInformation registry key

Time zone information is stored in two locations. We need to make sure these locations are updated. Importing the TZupdate.reg file updates the time zone database in the registry. Next, you must create a script that updates the time zone information registry key in the CurrentControlSet. You can deploy this script by using Group Policy or another deployment mechanism.

The script identifies the current time zone of the client computer and then reloads the Time Zone Information registry key with the updated information from the time zone database. Then, the script writes an event to the Application log of the client computer where the script was run.

To create the script file, follow these steps.

1. Click Start, click Run, type notepad, and then press ENTER.

2. Copy the following code, and then paste it into the Notepad document.

Set objSh = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")


'Get the StandardName key of the current time zone

szStandardName = objSh.RegRead("HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\TimeZoneInformation\StandardName")


'Enumerate the subkeys in the time zone database

const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002

Set objReg=GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\default:StdRegProv")

szTzsKeyPath = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Time Zones"

objReg.EnumKey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szTzsKeyPath, arrTzSubKeys


'Step through the time zones to find the matching Standard Name

szTzKey = "<Unknown>"

For Each subkey In arrTzSubKeys

    If (objSh.RegRead("HKLM\" & szTzsKeyPath & "\" & subkey & "\Std") = szStandardName) Then

        'Found matching StandardName, now store this time zone key name

        szTzKey = subkey

    End If



If szTzKey = "<Unknown>" Then

       'Write entry to the Application event log stating that the update has failed to execute

       objSh.LogEvent 1, "DST 2008 Registry Update and Refresh failed to execute on this computer. Time zones failed to enumerate properly or matching time zone not found."

       Wscript.Quit 0

End If


Dim process, processid, result, strUpdateCommand

Set process = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2:Win32_process")


'Add time change privilege to the process object

process.Security_.Privileges.AddAsString "SeSystemTimePrivilege",True

strUpdateCommand = "control.exe timedate.cpl,,/Z" & szTzKey


'Launch control.exe to refresh time zone information using the TZ key name obtained above

result = process.create(strUpdateCommand,Null,Null,processid)

If result <> 0 Then

       objSh.LogEvent 1, "DST 2008 Registry Update and Refresh failed to execute on this computer. Unable to refresh the Timezone database."

    Wscript.Quit 0

End If


'Get current display name of refreshed time zone

szCurrDispName = objSh.RegRead("HKLM\" & szTzsKeyPath & "\" & szTzKey & "\Display")


'Write entry to the Application event log stating that the update has executed

objSh.LogEvent 4, "DST 2008 Registry Update and Refresh has been executed on this computer." & chr(13) & chr(10) & chr(13) & chr(10) & "Current time zone is: " & szCurrDispName & "."


3. On the File menu, click Save As.

4. Select a destination, and then type “refreshTZinfo.vbs” in the File name box.

5. In the Save as type box, click All Files, and then click Save.

Note: Microsoft provides programming examples for illustration only, without warranty either expressed or implied. This includes, but is not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. This article assumes that you are familiar with the programming language that is being demonstrated and with the tools that are used to create and to debug procedures. Microsoft support engineers can help explain the functionality of a particular procedure. However, they will not modify these examples to provide added functionality or construct procedures to meet your specific requirements.

6. Double click in the refreshTZinfo.vbs to refresh time zone information.

Deploying the DST modifications using Group Policy

1. Click Start, click Run, type notepad, and then press ENTER. 

2. Copy the following code, and then paste it into the Notepad document.

@echo off


ver |find /i "6.0">nul

IF %errorlevel% EQU 0 GOTO end


regedit /s \\\NETLOGON\TZupdate.reg

cscript \\\NETLOGON\refreshTZinfo.vbs



Note: You must replace the \\ notation above with the actual DNS domain name for your Active Directory domain.

3. On the File menu, click Save As.

4. DST2008Update.cmd in the File name box. 

5. In the Save as type box, click All Files, and then click Save. 

6. Copy the following files to the Netlogon share folder of the domain controller that holds the PDC emulator role in the domain:

- TZupdate.reg
- DST2008Update.cmd
- refreshTZinfo.vbs

7. Wait until Active Directory replication occurs. Also, wait until the files and folders in the system volume (SYSVOL) shared folder replicate to domain controllers in the domain. 

8. Click Start, click Run, type control admintools, and then click OK. 

9. Double-click Active Directory Users and Computers

10. Select an Organizational Unit (OU) which contains the computers that you want to apply this script to. In this example, we will use an OU that is named DST-COMPUTERS. This example also assumes that this OU contains computer accounts.

11. Right-click the DST-COMPUTERS OU and then click Properties. 

12. Click the Group Policy tab, click New, type DST Registry Update, and then press ENTER. 

13. Click Edit. The Group Policy Object Editor tool starts.

14. Expand Computer Configuration, expand Windows Settings, and then click Scripts (Startup/Shutdown). 

15. Double-click Startup, and then click Add. 

16. In the Script Name box, type the universal naming convention (UNC) path of the DST2008Update.cmd file that is located in the Netlogon share. For example, type \\\NETLOGON\DST2008Update.cmd

17. Click OK two times. 

Note: Client computers that are within the DST-COMPUTERS organizational unit will run the startup script the next time the machine starts up, meaning all machines needs to be restarted to be able to recognize the new DST configuration via Startup script.

Important information about procedures described in this document:

§ The instructions above may be applied on Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 Operating systems. However after performing these instructions on a Windows 2003 operating system the current time zone may not be updated. In this case you may need to restart the machine or run the refreshTZinfo.vbsscript manually.

§ The instructions above are not supported on Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008 operating systems. Windows Vista and Server 2008 require that a hotfix be installed. See the “Current Status” section of this document for details.

Additional recommendations


  • Simulate the changes on a lab environment, so you know what will happen and what to expect.


  • Work in conjunction with the operating system team to update the DST dates as soon as possible to minimize the chance of users creating new appointments during the updated before the operating system DST dates get updated. Update the Outlook calendar as soon as the Operating System update is performed.


  • Before doing any change on the DST information, request the users to print their schedule during the delta period so they have a point of reference. This will help you can keep track of which meetings were scheduled before and after you run the tools.


  • Include the time of the meeting in the e-mail request so that invitees can double check the correct meeting time (such as, "Project brainstorming - 11:00 A.M. Central Time").


  • Exercise caution updating the appointments and meetings in the updated DST period. When in doubt, verify the correct time with the organizer.


  • For the meetings with multiple attendees only the meeting requestor should update the time and send the update to the others.


Frequently Asked Questions


1. Do I have to update machines outside Iraq?


As a general recommendation, apply the registry updates to all machines, including the ones outside of Iraq. Any users that interact directly with calendars of users in Iraq are particularly important since they can potentially create appointments with incorrect time zone rules (i.e., delegates) if not updated with the new rules.


2. Should I manually adjust the machine’s clock on April 1st2008? Will that fix the problem for me?


You should not adjust the machine’s clock manually. This can cause adverse effects on your environment; in addition this is an unsupported procedure.


3. What calendar items will be updated using the Time Zone Data Update Tool for Microsoft Office Outlook ?


All single-instance appointments that fall into the affected date ranges and that were created before the Windows time zone update was installed


All recurring appointments that have instances in the affected date ranges and that were not created for other time zones


Note: The tool will try to update all such single-instance appointments because the tool cannot tell the time zone to which they are targeted. This condition does not apply if the appointments were created in Outlook 2007 or Outlook 2003 SP3 or were already updated by a previous run of the Time Zone Data Update Tool.


4. Are there any instructions for rolling back the changes recommended in this bulletin?


We received information from the Iraq press and other sources that the DST cancellation in Iraq is a one-time event, thus to may be permanent for years to come. However, Microsoft is still working with local and military officials to clarify the situation and the short- and long-term ramifications. We will communicate more as soon as we have more information regarding this matter.


5. Is there any public guidance/documentation available on this matter?


You can visit our external site for the latest public guidance at:



Rude Q&A

Q: Should I wait until Windows is updated with the new Baghdad time zone information before I correct my appointments?

A: Yes, you should wait for Windows to be updated and also wait until your Windows mobile device is updated. 

More information

If you want more information, you can refer to the following Microsoft articles:


931667 - How to address time zone changes by using the Time Zone Data Update Tool for Microsoft Office Outlook;EN-US;931667


941018 How to address daylight saving time by using the Exchange Calendar Update Tool;EN-US;941018


914387 - How to configure daylight saving time for Microsoft Windows operating systems;EN-US;914387

289668 - Advancing time on production computers and the effect on Active Directory and FRS;EN-US;289668

195900 - How Outlook handles time zones for meeting requests


325413 - INFO: Task Scheduler Behavior at Daylight Saving Time Transitions and Other Events;EN-US;325413

Video: How to Address Daylight Saving Time by Using the Exchange Calendar Data Update Tool

Video: Using the Outlook v2.0 Time Zone Data Update Tool




  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    A popular question over the last few days... "What is going on in Iraq next week on daylight saving time?"

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    As I initially reported , we now have it on reasonable authority that Iraq will not switch to daylight

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Background – Iraq Daylight Saving Time changes for 2008 Microsoft has learned of a change to the observance