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Cyrus' Blather

A problem has occurred, would you like to send this data to Microsoft?

I'm watching the current Tech-Ed session on the new additions to the debugger to help simplify...

Author: CyrusN Date: 05/28/2004

Auto-expanding enums in C#

Chris asks: Simple productivity question. Why doesn't C# intellisense expand enum values like...

Author: CyrusN Date: 05/28/2004

Intellisense interaction

I noticed a question on the C# faq by David who asks: --- Is it possible when you type {, (, [, etc....

Author: CyrusN Date: 05/28/2004

Worst picture of me ever

Someone took my pic at tech-ed and put it up for all the world to see. That's really not what I look...

Author: CyrusN Date: 05/28/2004

C# has a FAQ

The C# team has a FAQ where you can ask questions and have the answers posted for all to read in the...

Author: CyrusN Date: 05/27/2004

Intelligent Intellisense (part 2/?)

Rick, a member on on the C# team responded in the feedback section of another post. It was...

Author: CyrusN Date: 05/27/2004

Explosive Apple growth at Tech-Ed

Look at these stats: On Tuesday mine was the only PowerBook that I could see here On Wednesday I saw...

Author: CyrusN Date: 05/27/2004

Extract method

Last post indicated a gotcha that can occur when reordering parameters in a signature. Here's one...

Author: CyrusN Date: 05/26/2004

Reorder parameters

One of the refactorings we're including in C# 2.0 is "reorder parameters." Strangely enough, it...

Author: CyrusN Date: 05/26/2004


That's basically the message we got today concerning the work we're doing in the C# IDE for VS 2005....

Author: CyrusN Date: 05/26/2004

Intelligent Intellisense (part 1/?)

Scott brought up an interesting idea for how completion lists could work: He says: "ArrayList...

Author: CyrusN Date: 05/25/2004

Tech-Ed Issue #2

11,000 people sharing a 56k connection. 5,500 laptops, but only 2 power plugs.

Author: CyrusN Date: 05/25/2004

Dynamic help

I had an attendee come up to me today asking if they could talk to someone from VS-Core. 'Core' is...

Author: CyrusN Date: 05/25/2004

Tech-Ed Issue #1

I was dissapointed with a choice made yesterday at the SteveB keynote. We got to the room at about...

Author: CyrusN Date: 05/25/2004

Dogfooding + Critical services

My last post was actually going to be what this post is, but then i ended up getting distracted and...

Author: CyrusN Date: 05/25/2004

Tech-Ed Day 2 Begins

Disclaimer: OMG it's early. (and i don't have a spell checker) I'm going to start the today by going...

Author: CyrusN Date: 05/25/2004

Thoughts on the first day of Tech-Ed

It's interesting how sheltered one can become working in a small team that owns one part of an...

Author: CyrusN Date: 05/25/2004

First Day of Tech-Ed

Dear god it's early! This is a bit of a change from my normal routine of waking up in the afternoon...

Author: CyrusN Date: 05/24/2004

At Tech-Ed this coming week

I'm going with the C# team to Tech-Ed 2004 in San Diego. I'll be in the Vistual Studio.Net and...

Author: CyrusN Date: 05/22/2004

How do you test nondeterministic code?

Jay posted some of the code we wrote on the lazy loader and weak references. An astute reader...

Author: CyrusN Date: 05/21/2004

New Reference type for use with the lazy loader

Theo and I were talking about places where you might use lazy loading and the singleton pattern. We...

Author: CyrusN Date: 05/21/2004

Theo builds up. Operation "educate-cyrus" about to commence.

Theo posted a short article on singletons and difference ways to achieve them in C#. It's a good...

Author: CyrusN Date: 05/21/2004

Defining Equals on an interface

I was wondering today if ICollection should declare an Equals method on it and state what the...

Author: CyrusN Date: 05/19/2004

Internal and External Iterators

I've updated ICollection<A> in the following manner: public interface ICollection<A> :...

Author: CyrusN Date: 05/19/2004

Theo schools me on OO over functional programming

I just got back from dinner with another friend (The-oy) who schooled me on the OO mistakes I made...

Author: CyrusN Date: 05/18/2004

Is it possible to get java's '==' semantics in C#?

Prelude: Here's what my current array based implementation of ICollection looks like. It builds upon...

Author: CyrusN Date: 05/18/2004


Sorry for the poor quality (formatting wise) of the post last night. I was enjoying writing it but...

Author: CyrusN Date: 05/18/2004

Untying unnatural bonds

Didn't get to work on any of the Unit-testing/Collections work today. Instead I worked on...

Author: CyrusN Date: 05/18/2004

Issues posting from my mac

Kinda frustrated trying to blog from home. Firefox tends to get caught in infinite loops and Safari...

Author: CyrusN Date: 05/17/2004

Jay mentioned me

Jay linked to me from his blog and had some nice things to say. Unfortunately, I'm new to this...

Author: CyrusN Date: 05/17/2004

Mike chews me out for including optional operations on an interface

Mike, another dev on the C# took issue (aka slapped me around) with the way my current interface is...

Author: CyrusN Date: 05/17/2004

Where extensible formatting breaks down

Imagine the following bit of code: public void ImFeelingStandardToday(int i, int j, int k) { }...

Author: CyrusN Date: 05/17/2004

Formatting intro

Anson and i were discussing formatting last night (at around 1 am). He'd received some feedback from...

Author: CyrusN Date: 05/17/2004

First stab at the basic ICollection interface done.

Ended up with the following for my ICollection interface: namespace Testing.Collections { public...

Author: CyrusN Date: 05/17/2004

New language innovation from MS research

Anson and I chatted last night about the very interesting work done my MS research to advance...

Author: CyrusN Date: 05/16/2004

A fun algorithmic problem

Gunnar posted a very interesting problem. I gave it two mental stabs before running into walls. So...

Author: CyrusN Date: 05/16/2004

What can/should Pre/Post conditions do?

In the last post i dicussed the issue of interface invariants. I'm currently enforcing interface...

Author: CyrusN Date: 05/16/2004

Should an interface declare invariants that it can't enforce

I was thinking about the clear method on my ICollection interface. i.e: /// <summary> ///...

Author: CyrusN Date: 05/16/2004

New core delgate added

Just added the following delgate: delegate bool Authenticator<A>(A a1, A a2); It's purpose is...

Author: CyrusN Date: 05/16/2004

Object oriented programming and binary functions

Ran into an interesting problem while trying to implement the latest function on my ICollection...

Author: CyrusN Date: 05/16/2004

Writing the simplest code (Part2)

Turns out there was an even simpler way to write a concrete implementation of ICollection: namespace...

Author: CyrusN Date: 05/16/2004

Collections and threadsafety (with some perf implications)

I've already made the design decision that my collections will not be inherently threadsafe. If you...

Author: CyrusN Date: 05/16/2004

Writing the simplest code to make your test pass

I realized with my last bit of coding/post that i was following one of the rules that jay had told...

Author: CyrusN Date: 05/16/2004

Poor mans bootstrapping unit testing

I wrote in a pervious post about my inability to use NUnit, and my want to avoid my own unit testing...

Author: CyrusN Date: 05/16/2004

First ICollection implementation: Array Collection

Wrote my first concrete implementation of my ArrayCollection class: namespace Testing.Collections {...

Author: CyrusN Date: 05/16/2004

Importance of shipping with the platform (=> NUnit+BadImageFormatException)

Anson and i had a pretty interesting argument about the need to ship working versions of the tools...

Author: CyrusN Date: 05/16/2004

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