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How do you test nondeterministic code?

Jay posted some of the code we wrote on the lazy loader and weak references.  An astute reader pointed out that there was a flaw in my implementation.  Specifically I was messing up how I interacted with “null” and “None<A>.Instance”.  None<A>.Instance is both a singleton and an example of Fowler's “Null Object” (see Introduce Null Object).  However, I didn't catch it because it passed all testing that I put it through.  The issue was non of the testing ever hit the WeakReference when it had actually released it's hold on the object.  I wanted to add tests to make sure that works, but I wasn't sure how.  Not only are weak references out of my control as the class is provided by the BCL but its highly dependent on how the GC works which is basically a non deterministic beast that i don't have enough control enough.  (Even if the BCL provided a “collect all weakreferences method”, I'd just extend this question to any non-deterministic code).  So how do I test this?  How do you test code like this?

Note: this also applies to multi-threaded code.  The best I've been able to come up with is doing something like spawning tons of threads and having tehm go nuts and then verifying validaity of state every so often.  Bleagh.


  • Anonymous
    May 20, 2004
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    May 21, 2004
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    May 21, 2004
    Mock objects are great ways to test functions which are outside of the control of your application (e.g., the GC). However, this particular case is difficult because as you mentioned you'd be trying to mock an object from the BCL. Typically, one would refactor the class whose object is to be mocked into an interface, and provide your "real" implementation for runtime and your "mock" implementation for those test cases that need the mocked functionality. Coverage begins to get tricky at this point, as you might then have to test certain portions of your real implementation in isolation, etc., etc.

    So in this instance maybe you could refactor your code to use some internal wrapper around WeakReference so you have more wiggle room? Then you can mock this wrapper class.

    I'd recommend checking out some of the stuff by Dave Thomas on this topic -- definitely pretty interesting.

  • Anonymous
    May 21, 2004
    Joe: WeakReference<T> is my internal wrapper around WeakReference :-)

    I have no wiggle room :(
  • Anonymous
    May 21, 2004
    Thinking more about it, it seems that you didn't have much of a choice. WeakReference changes the value back to "null" when it gets collected, not to "None<T>.Instance"...

    For the unittesting part, you need to make it deterministic one way or another, preferrably without having to fill up the memory of your computer ;-) You can simulate the collection by setting the WeakReference to null maybe.