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Krok 7. Dodawanie problemów mnożenia i dzielenia

W siódmej części tego samouczka będziesz dodawać problemy mnożenia i dzielenia, ale najpierw zastanów się, jak wprowadzić tę zmianę.Należy wziąć pod uwagę etap początkowy, który obejmuje zapisanie wartości.

Aby dodać problemy mnożenia i dzielenia

  1. Dodaj cztery kolejne zmienne w postaci liczb całkowitych do formularza.

    Public Class Form1
        ' Create a Random object called randomizer  
        ' to generate random numbers. 
        Private randomizer As New Random
        ' These integer variables store the numbers  
        ' for the addition problem.  
        Private addend1 As Integer 
        Private addend2 As Integer 
        ' These integer variables store the numbers  
        ' for the subtraction problem.  
        Private minuend As Integer 
        Private subtrahend As Integer 
        ' These integer variables store the numbers  
        ' for the multiplication problem.  
        Private multiplicand As Integer 
        Private multiplier As Integer 
        ' These integer variables store the numbers  
        ' for the division problem.  
        Private dividend As Integer 
        Private divisor As Integer 
        ' This integer variable keeps track of the  
        ' remaining time. 
        Private timeLeft As Integer
    public partial class Form1 : Form
        // Create a Random object called randomizer  
        // to generate random numbers.
        Random randomizer = new Random();
        // These integer variables store the numbers  
        // for the addition problem.  
        int addend1;
        int addend2;
        // These integer variables store the numbers  
        // for the subtraction problem.  
        int minuend;
        int subtrahend;
        // These integer variables store the numbers  
        // for the multiplication problem.  
        int multiplicand;
        int multiplier;
        // These integer variables store the numbers  
        // for the division problem.  
        int dividend;
        int divisor;
        // This integer variable keeps track of the  
        // remaining time. 
        int timeLeft;
  2. Tak jak poprzednio, zmodyfikuj metodę StartTheQuiz(), aby wprowadzić liczby losowe dla problemów mnożenia i dzielenia.

    ''' <summary> 
    ''' Start the quiz by filling in all of the problem  
    ''' values and starting the timer.  
    ''' </summary> 
    ''' <remarks></remarks> 
    Public Sub StartTheQuiz()
        ' Fill in the addition problem. 
        ' Generate two random numbers to add. 
        ' Store the values in the variables 'addend1' and 'addend2'.
        addend1 = randomizer.Next(51)
        addend2 = randomizer.Next(51)
        ' Convert the two randomly generated numbers 
        ' into strings so that they can be displayed 
        ' in the label controls.
        plusLeftLabel.Text = addend1.ToString()
        plusRightLabel.Text = addend2.ToString()
        ' 'sum' is the name of the NumericUpDown control. 
        ' This step makes sure its value is zero before 
        ' adding any values to it.
        sum.Value = 0
        ' Fill in the subtraction problem.
        minuend = randomizer.Next(1, 101)
        subtrahend = randomizer.Next(1, minuend)
        minusLeftLabel.Text = minuend.ToString()
        minusRightLabel.Text = subtrahend.ToString()
        difference.Value = 0
        ' Fill in the multiplication problem.
        multiplicand = randomizer.Next(2, 11)
        multiplier = randomizer.Next(2, 11)
        timesLeftLabel.Text = multiplicand.ToString()
        timesRightLabel.Text = multiplier.ToString()
        product.Value = 0
        ' Fill in the division problem.
        divisor = randomizer.Next(2, 11)
        Dim temporaryQuotient As Integer = randomizer.Next(2, 11)
        dividend = divisor * temporaryQuotient
        dividedLeftLabel.Text = dividend.ToString()
        dividedRightLabel.Text = divisor.ToString()
        quotient.Value = 0
        ' Start the timer.
        timeLeft = 30
        timeLabel.Text = "30 seconds"
    End Sub
    /// <summary> 
    /// Start the quiz by filling in all of the problem  
    /// values and starting the timer.  
    /// </summary> 
    public void StartTheQuiz()
        // Fill in the addition problem. 
        // Generate two random numbers to add. 
        // Store the values in the variables 'addend1' and 'addend2'.
        addend1 = randomizer.Next(51);
        addend2 = randomizer.Next(51);
        // Convert the two randomly generated numbers 
        // into strings so that they can be displayed 
        // in the label controls.
        plusLeftLabel.Text = addend1.ToString();
        plusRightLabel.Text = addend2.ToString();
        // 'sum' is the name of the NumericUpDown control. 
        // This step makes sure its value is zero before 
        // adding any values to it.
        sum.Value = 0;
        // Fill in the subtraction problem.
        minuend = randomizer.Next(1, 101);
        subtrahend = randomizer.Next(1, minuend);
        minusLeftLabel.Text = minuend.ToString();
        minusRightLabel.Text = subtrahend.ToString();
        difference.Value = 0;
        // Fill in the multiplication problem.
        multiplicand = randomizer.Next(2, 11);
        multiplier = randomizer.Next(2, 11);
        timesLeftLabel.Text = multiplicand.ToString();
        timesRightLabel.Text = multiplier.ToString();
        product.Value = 0;
        // Fill in the division problem.
        divisor = randomizer.Next(2, 11);
        int temporaryQuotient = randomizer.Next(2, 11);
        dividend = divisor * temporaryQuotient;
        dividedLeftLabel.Text = dividend.ToString();
        dividedRightLabel.Text = divisor.ToString();
        quotient.Value = 0;
        // Start the timer.
        timeLeft = 30;
        timeLabel.Text = "30 seconds"; 
  3. Zmodyfikuj metodę CheckTheAnswer(), tak aby sprawdzała również problemy mnożenia i dzielenia.

    ''' <summary> 
    ''' Check the answers to see if the user got everything right. 
    ''' </summary> 
    ''' <returns>True if the answer's correct, false otherwise.</returns> 
    ''' <remarks></remarks> 
    Public Function CheckTheAnswer() As Boolean 
        If addend1 + addend2 = sum.Value AndAlso 
           minuend - subtrahend = difference.Value AndAlso 
           multiplicand * multiplier = product.Value AndAlso 
           dividend / divisor = quotient.Value Then 
            Return True 
            Return False 
        End If 
    End Function
    /// <summary> 
    /// Check the answers to see if the user got everything right. 
    /// </summary> 
    /// <returns>True if the answer's correct, false otherwise.</returns> 
    private bool CheckTheAnswer()
        if ((addend1 + addend2 == sum.Value)
            && (minuend - subtrahend == difference.Value)
            && (multiplicand * multiplier == product.Value)
            && (dividend / divisor == quotient.Value))
            return true;
            return false;

    Nie możesz łatwo wprowadzić znaku mnożenia (x) i znaku dzielenia (÷) za pomocą klawiatury, dlatego Visual C# i Visual Basic przyjmuje gwiazdkę (*) dla mnożenia i ukośnik (/) dla dzielenia.

  4. Zmień ostatnią część obsługi zdarzeń Tick czasomierza, tak aby wypełnił poprawną odpowiedź, gdy skończy się czas.

        ' If the user ran out of time, stop the timer, show 
        ' a MessageBox, and fill in the answers.
        timeLabel.Text = "Time's up!"
        MessageBox.Show("You didn't finish in time.", "Sorry!")
        sum.Value = addend1 + addend2
        difference.Value = minuend - subtrahend
        product.Value = multiplicand * multiplier
        quotient.Value = dividend / divisor
        startButton.Enabled = True 
    End If
        // If the user ran out of time, stop the timer, show  
        // a MessageBox, and fill in the answers.
        timeLabel.Text = "Time's up!";
        MessageBox.Show("You didn't finish in time.", "Sorry");
        sum.Value = addend1 + addend2;
        difference.Value = minuend - subtrahend;
        product.Value = multiplicand * multiplier;
        quotient.Value = dividend / divisor;
        startButton.Enabled = true;
  5. Zapisz i uruchom program.

    Uczestnicy quizu muszą rozwiązać cztery problemy, aby zakończyć quiz, jak pokazano na poniższej ilustracji.

    Quiz matematyczny z czterema problemami

    Test Math cztery problemów.

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