Project Active Directory nested object could not be resolved
Applies to: Project Server 2013, Project Server 2010
Topic Last Modified: 2013-12-18
Element ID / Rule Name: Project_Active_Directory_Nested_Object_Could_Not_Be_Resolved
Summary: Microsoft Project Server could not resolve a nested Active Directory object during Active Directory synchronization. The Active Directory object could be either a user or a group.However, this warning message does verify that the top-level Active Directory group was resolved. This means that communication between the Project Server application server that initiated the Active Directory synchronization and the Active Directory domain or forest to which the top-level Active Directory group belongs was successfully established. However, the nested Active Directory object listed in the Windows Server event log cannot be resolved. Active Directory synchronization was tagged for partial failure.
Cause: Possible causes include the following:
The Active Directory group no longer exists in the Active Directory store. For example, the group may have been deleted by an administrator.
The Project Server application server's SharePoint Service Account (SA) account does not have read access to the Active Directory group or user object listed in the Windows Server event log.
A communication problem exists between Project Server and the Active Directory domain in which the Active Directory group or user object resides.
Possible resolutions include the following:
Verify that at least one Active Directory group exists in the Active Directory store with the same Active Directory GUID that is stored in the Project Server application server.
Use the Active Directory Service Interfaces (ADSI) Edit tool to check security permissions on individual Active Directory group and user objects. The SA account must be able to read all Active Directory group and user objects that are involved in the synchronization process.
The ADSI Edit tool is available for Windows Server 2008 when you install the Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) role to make a server a domain controller. It is also available as a part of the Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT) kit available. See Installing or Removing the Remote Server Administration Tools Pack ( in the TechNet Library.
Ensure the local Active Directory forest or domain has access to the remote Active Directory forest or domain on which the foreign security principal resides.
See Also
Other Resources
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