(BRA) Post a payment with the check method of payment

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2

Use this procedure to post a payment by using a method of payment for checks.

All the payment lines in the payment journal are grouped by vendor or bank, based on the posting level that you select for the method of payment in the Posting level field in the Methods of payment - vendors form. For more information, see (BRA) Set up a check or Bordero method of payment for a vendor. To post and print one check for the payment lines that are grouped for a vendor or a bank, all the payment lines must have the same vendor or bank, payment currency, method of payment, and payment date. All the payment lines that are grouped for the vendor or the bank are updated with the same check number.

  1. Click Accounts payable > Journals > Payments > Payment journal.

  2. Select or create a payment journal, and then click Lines to open the Journal voucher form.

  3. Select or create a journal line. For more information, see Kluczowe zadania: płatności dostawcy i rozliczeń.

    Alternatively, you can click Functions > Settlement to open the Settle open transactions form, where you can select a vendor invoice line to settle.

  4. In the Journal voucher form, in the Method of payment field, select the method of payment for checks.

  5. Click Functions, and then click Generate payments to open the Generate payments form.

  6. In the Payment method field, select the method of payment for checks.

  7. In the Bank account field, select the bank account.

  8. Click OK to generate the checks.

  9. Close the form.

  10. In the Payment journal form, click Post, and then click Post to post the payment journal.

In the Checks form, you can view the list of vendor payments that are generated by using the method of payment for checks.

See also

(BRA) Methods of payment - vendors (modified form)

(BRA) Set up a custom check layout for a bank

(BRA) About check payments and Bordero payments

(BRA) Journal voucher - Vendor payment journal (modified form)

Czek (formularz)