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CPaneFrameWnd Class


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The latest version of this topic can be found at CPaneFrameWnd Class.


Implements a mini-frame window that contains one pane. The pane fills the client area of the window.


class CPaneFrameWnd : public CWnd  


Public Methods

Name Description
CPaneFrameWnd::AddPane Adds a pane.
CPaneFrameWnd::AddRemovePaneFromGlobalList Adds or removes a pane from the global list.
CPaneFrameWnd::AdjustLayout Adjusts the layout of the mini-frame window.
CPaneFrameWnd::CalcBorderSize Calculates the size of the borders for a mini-frame window.
CPaneFrameWnd::CalcExpectedDockedRect Calculate the expected rectangle of a docked window.
CPaneFrameWnd::CanBeAttached Determines whether the current pane can be docked to another pane or frame window.
CPaneFrameWnd::CanBeDockedToPane Determines whether the mini-frame window can be docked to a pane.
CPaneFrameWnd::ConvertToTabbedDocument Converts the pane to a tabbed document.
CPaneFrameWnd::Create Creates a mini-frame window and attaches it to the CPaneFrameWnd object.
CPaneFrameWnd::CreateEx Creates a mini-frame window and attaches it to the CPaneFrameWnd object.
CPaneFrameWnd::DockPane Docks the pane.
CPaneFrameWnd::FindFloatingPaneByID Finds a pane with the specified control ID in the global list of floating panes.
CPaneFrameWnd::FrameFromPoint Finds the mini-frame window containing a user-supplied point.
CPaneFrameWnd::GetCaptionHeight Returns the height of the mini-frame window caption.
CPaneFrameWnd::GetCaptionRect Calculates the bounding rectangle of a mini-frame window caption.
CPaneFrameWnd::GetCaptionText Returns the caption text.
CPaneFrameWnd::GetDockingMode Returns the docking mode.
CPaneFrameWnd::GetFirstVisiblePane Returns the first visible pane that is contained in a mini-frame window.
CPaneFrameWnd::GetPane Returns a pane that is contained in the mini-frame window.
CPaneFrameWnd::GetPaneCount Returns the number of panes that are contained in a mini-frame window.
CPaneFrameWnd::GetVisiblePaneCount Returns the number of visible panes that are contained in a mini-frame window.
CPaneFrameWnd::HitTest Determines what part of a mini-frame window is at a given point.
CPaneFrameWnd::IsRollDown Determines whether a mini-frame window should be rolled down.
CPaneFrameWnd::IsRollUp Determines whether a mini-frame window should be rolled up.
CPaneFrameWnd::KillDockingTimer Stops the docking timer.
CPaneFrameWnd::LoadState Loads the pane's state from the registry.
CPaneFrameWnd::OnBeforeDock Determines if docking is possible.
CPaneFrameWnd::OnDockToRecentPos Docks the mini-frame window at its most recent position.
CPaneFrameWnd::OnKillRollUpTimer Stops the rollup timer.
CPaneFrameWnd::OnMovePane Moves the mini-frame window by a specified offset.
CPaneFrameWnd::OnPaneRecalcLayout Adjusts the layout of a contained pane.
CPaneFrameWnd::OnSetRollUpTimer Sets the rollup timer.
CPaneFrameWnd::OnShowPane Called by the framework when a pane in the mini-frame window is hidden or displayed.
CPaneFrameWnd::PaneFromPoint Returns a pane if it contains a user-supplied point inside a mini-frame window.
CPaneFrameWnd::PreTranslateMessage Used by class CWinApp to translate window messages before they are dispatched to the TranslateMessage and DispatchMessage Windows functions.
CPaneFrameWnd::RedrawAll Redraws all mini-frame windows.
CPaneFrameWnd::RemoveNonValidPanes Called by the framework to remove non-valid panes.
CPaneFrameWnd::RemovePane Removes a pane from the mini-frame window.
CPaneFrameWnd::ReplacePane Replaces one pane with another.
CPaneFrameWnd::SaveState Saves the pane's state to the registry.
CPaneFrameWnd::Serialize Reads or writes this object from or to an archive.
CPaneFrameWnd::SetCaptionButtons Sets caption buttons.
CPaneFrameWnd::SetDockingTimer Sets the docking timer.
CPaneFrameWnd::SetDockState Sets the docking state.
CPaneFrameWnd::SetPreDockState Called by the framework to set the predocking state.
CPaneFrameWnd::SizeToContent Adjusts the size of a mini-frame window so that it is equivalent in size to a contained pane.
CPaneFrameWnd::StartTearOff Tears off a menu.

Protected Methods

Name Description
CPaneFrameWnd::OnCheckRollState Determines whether a mini-frame window should be rolled up or down.
CPaneFrameWnd::OnDrawBorder Draws the borders of a mini-frame window.

Data Members

Name Description
CPaneFrameWnd::m_bUseSaveBits Specifies whether to register the window class with the CS_SAVEBITS class style.


The framework automatically creates a CPaneFrameWnd object when a pane is switched from a docked state to a floating state.

A mini-frame window can be dragged with its contents visible (immediate docking) or using a drag rectangle (standard docking). The docking mode of the mini-frame's container pane determines the mini-frame's dragging behavior. For more information, see CBasePane::GetDockingMode.

A mini-frame window displays buttons on the caption in accordance with the contained pane style. If the pane can be closed ( CBasePane::CanBeClosed), it displays a Close button. If the pane has the AFX_CBRS_AUTO_ROLLUP style, it displays a pin.

If you derive a class from CPaneFrameWnd, you must tell the framework how to create it. Either create the class by overriding CPane::CreateDefaultMiniframe, or set the CPane::m_pMiniFrameRTC member so that it points to the runtime class information for your class.

Inheritance Hierarchy






Header: afxPaneFrameWnd.h


Adds a pane.

virtual void AddPane(CBasePane* pWnd);


[in] pWnd
The pane to add.


Adds or removes a pane from the global list.

static BOOL __stdcall AddRemovePaneFromGlobalList(
    CBasePane* pWnd,  
    BOOL bAdd);


[in] pWnd
The pane to add or remove.

[in] bAdd
If non-zero, add the pane. If 0, remove the pane.

Return Value

Nonzero if the method was successful; otherwise 0.


Adjusts the layout of the mini-frame window.

virtual void AdjustLayout();


This topic is included for completeness. For more detail see the source code located in the VC\atlmfc\src\mfc folder of your Visual Studio installation.

virtual void AdjustPaneFrames();



Calculates the size of the borders for a miniframe window.

virtual void CalcBorderSize(CRect& rectBorderSize) const;  


[out] rectBorderSize
Contains the size, in pixels, of the border of the miniframe window.


This method is called by the framework to calculate the size of the border of a miniframe window. The returned size depends on whether a miniframe window contains a toolbar or a CDockablePane.


Calculate the expected rectangle of a docked window.

virtual void CalcExpectedDockedRect(
    CWnd* pWndToDock,  
    CPoint ptMouse,  
    CRect& rectResult,  
    BOOL& bDrawTab,  
    CDockablePane** ppTargetBar);


[in] pWndToDock
A pointer to the window to dock.

[in] ptMouse
The mouse location.

[out] rectResult
The calculated rectangle.

[out] bDrawTab
If TRUE, draw a tab. If FALSE, do not draw a tab.

[out] ppTargetBar
A pointer to the target pane.


This method calculates the rectangle that a window would occupy if a user dragged the window to the point specified by ptMouse and docked it there.


Determines whether the current pane can be docked to another pane or frame window.

virtual BOOL CanBeAttached() const;  

Return Value

TRUE if the pane can be docked to another pane or frame window; otherwise FALSE.


Determines whether the mini-frame window can be docked to a pane.

virtual BOOL CanBeDockedToPane(const CDockablePane* pDockingBar) const;  


[in] pDockingBar
A pane.

Return Value

Nonzero if the mini-frame can be docked to pDockingBar; otherwise 0.


This topic is included for completeness. For more detail see the source code located in the VC\atlmfc\src\mfc folder of your Visual Studio installation.

virtual void CheckGripperVisibility();



Converts the pane to a tabbed document.

virtual void ConvertToTabbedDocument();


Creates a miniframe window and attaches it to the CPaneFrameWnd object.

virtual BOOL Create(
    LPCTSTR lpszWindowName,  
    DWORD dwStyle,  
    const RECT& rect,  
    CWnd* pParentWnd,  
    CCreateContext* pContext = NULL);


[in] lpszWindowName
Specifies the text to display on the miniframe window.

[in] dwStyle
Specifies the window style. For more information, see Window Styles.

[in] rect
Specifies the initial size and position of the miniframe window.

[in] [out] pParentWnd
Specifies the parent frame of the miniframe window. This value must not be NULL.

[in] [out] pContext
Specifies user-defined context.

Return Value

TRUE if the window was created successfully; otherwise, FALSE.


A miniframe window is created in two steps. First, the framework creates a CPaneFrameWnd object. Second, it calls Create to create the Windows miniframe window and attach it to the CPaneFrameWnd object.


Creates a miniframe window and attaches it to the CPaneFrameWnd object.

virtual BOOL CreateEx(
    DWORD dwStyleEx,  
    LPCTSTR lpszWindowName,  
    DWORD dwStyle,  
    const RECT& rect,  
    CWnd* pParentWnd,  
    CCreateContext* pContext=NULL);


[in] dwStyleEx
Specifies the extended window style. For more information, see Extended Window Styles

[in] lpszWindowName
Specifies the text to display on the miniframe window.

[in] dwStyle
Specifies the window style. For more information, see Window Styles.

[in] rect
Specifies the initial size and position of the miniframe window.

[in] [out] pParentWnd
Specifies the parent frame of the miniframe window. This value must not be NULL.

[in] [out] pContext
Specifies user-defined context.

Return Value

TRUE if the window was created successfully; otherwise, FALSE.


A miniframe window is created in two steps. First, the framework creates a CPaneFrameWnd object. Second, it calls Create to create the Windows miniframe window and attach it to the CPaneFrameWnd object.


Docks the pane.

virtual CDockablePane* DockPane(BOOL& bWasDocked);


[out] bWasDocked
TRUE if the pane was already docked; otherwise FALSE.

Return Value

If the operation was successful, the CDockablePane that the pane was docked to; otherwise NULL.


Finds a pane with the specified control ID in the global list of floating panes.

static CBasePane* FindFloatingPaneByID(UINT nID);


[in] nID
Represents the control ID of the pane to find.

Return Value

The pane with the specified control ID; otherwise, NULL, if no pane has the specified control ID.


Finds the mini-frame window that contains the specified point.

static CPaneFrameWnd* __stdcall FrameFromPoint(
    CPoint pt,  
    int nSensitivity,  
    CPaneFrameWnd* pFrameToExclude = NULL,  
    BOOL bFloatMultiOnly = FALSE);


[in] pt
The point, in screen coordinates.

[in] nSensitivity
Increase the search area of the mini-frame window by this size. A mini-frame window satisfies the search criteria if the given point falls in the increased area.

[in] pFrameToExclude
Specifies a mini-frame window to exclude from the search.

[in] bFloatMultiOnly
If TRUE, only search mini-frame windows that have the CBRS_FLOAT_MULTI style. If FALSE, search all mini-frame windows.

Return Value

A pointer to the mini-frame window that contains pt; otherwise NULL.


Returns the height of the mini-frame window caption.

virtual int GetCaptionHeight() const;  

Return Value

The height, in pixels, of the mini-frame window.


Call this method to determine the height of a mini-frame window. By default, the height is set to SM_CYSMCAPTION. For more information, see GetSystemMetrics Function.


Calculates the bounding rectangle of a mini-frame window caption.

virtual void GetCaptionRect(CRect& rectCaption) const;  


[out] rectCaption
Contains the size and position of the mini-frame window caption, in screen coordinates.


This method is called by the framework to calculate the bounding rectangle of a mini-frame window caption.


Returns the caption text.

virtual CString GetCaptionText();

Return Value

The caption text of the mini-frame window.


This method is called by the framework when it displays the caption text.


This topic is included for completeness. For more detail see the source code located in the VC\atlmfc\src\mfc folder of your Visual Studio installation.

CDockingManager* GetDockingManager() const;  

Return Value



Returns the docking mode.

virtual AFX_DOCK_TYPE GetDockingMode() const;  

Return Value

The docking mode. One of the following values:





Returns the first visible pane that is contained in a mini-frame window.

virtual CWnd* GetFirstVisiblePane() const;  

Return Value

The first pane in the mini-frame window, or NULL if the mini-frame window contains no panes.


This topic is included for completeness. For more detail see the source code located in the VC\atlmfc\src\mfc folder of your Visual Studio installation.

CPoint GetHotPoint() const;  

Return Value



Returns a pane that is contained in the mini-frame window.

virtual CWnd* GetPane() const;  

Return Value

The pane that is contained in the mini-frame, or NULL if the mini-frame window contains no panes.



Returns the number of panes that are contained in a mini-frame window.

virtual int GetPaneCount() const;  

Return Value

The number of panes in the mini-frame window. This value can be zero.



This topic is included for completeness. For more detail see the source code located in the VC\atlmfc\src\mfc folder of your Visual Studio installation.

CWnd* GetParent();

Return Value



This topic is included for completeness. For more detail see the source code located in the VC\atlmfc\src\mfc folder of your Visual Studio installation.

BOOL GetPinState() const;  

Return Value



This topic is included for completeness. For more detail see the source code located in the VC\atlmfc\src\mfc folder of your Visual Studio installation.

CRect GetRecentFloatingRect() const;  

Return Value



Returns the number of visible panes that are contained in a mini-frame window.

virtual int GetVisiblePaneCount() const;  

Return Value

The number of visible panes.



Determines what part of a mini-frame window is at a given point.

virtual LRESULT HitTest(
    CPoint point,  
    BOOL bDetectCaption);


[in] point
The point to test.

[in] bDetectCaption
If TRUE, check the point against the caption. If FALSE, ignore the caption.

Return Value

One of the following values:

Value Meaning
HTNOWHERE The point is outside the mini-frame window.
HTCLIENT The point is in the client area.
HTCAPTION The point is on the caption.
HTTOP The point is at the top.
HTTOPLEFT The point is at the top left.
HTTOPRIGHT The point is at the top right.
HTLEFT The point is at the left.
HTRIGHT The point is at the right.
HTBOTTOM The point is at the bottom.
HTBOTTOMLEFT The point is at the bottom left.
HTBOTTOMRIGHT The point is at the bottom right.


This topic is included for completeness. For more detail see the source code located in the VC\atlmfc\src\mfc folder of your Visual Studio installation.

BOOL IsCaptured() const;  

Return Value



This topic is included for completeness. For more detail see the source code located in the VC\atlmfc\src\mfc folder of your Visual Studio installation.

BOOL IsDelayShow() const;  

Return Value



Determines whether a mini-frame window should be rolled down.

virtual BOOL IsRollDown() const;  

Return Value

TRUE if the mini-frame window must be rolled down; otherwise, FALSE.


This method is called by the framework to determine whether a mini-frame window should be rolled down. The rollup/rolldown feature is enabled for a mini-frame window if it contains at least one pane that has the AFX_CBRS_AUTO_ROLLUP flag. This flag is set when a pane is created. For more information, see CBasePane::CreateEx.

By default, the framework checks whether the mouse pointer is inside the mini-frame window bounding rectangle to determine whether the window has to be rolled down. You can override this behavior in a derived class.


Determines whether a mini-frame window should be rolled up.

virtual BOOL IsRollUp() const;  

Return Value

TRUE if the mini-frame window must be rolled up; otherwise, FALSE.


This method is called by the framework to determine whether a mini-frame window should be rolled up. The rollup/rolldown feature is enabled for a mini-frame window if it contains at least one pane that has the AFX_CBRS_AUTO_ROLLUP flag. This flag is set when a pane is created. For more information, see CBasePane::CreateEx.

By default, the framework checks whether the mouse pointer is inside the mini-frame window bounding rectangle to determine whether the window has to be rolled up. You can override this behavior in a derived class.


Stops the docking timer.

void KillDockingTimer();


Loads the pane's state from the registry.

virtual BOOL LoadState(
    LPCTSTR lpszProfileName = NULL,  
    UINT uiID = (UINT) -1);


[in] lpszProfileName
The profile name.

[in] uiID
The pane ID.

Return Value

TRUE if the pane state was loaded successfully; otherwise FALSE.


Specifies whether to register the window class that has the CS_SAVEBITS class style.

AFX_IMPORT_DATA static BOOL m_bUseSaveBits;  


Set this static member to TRUE to register the mini-frame window class that has the CS_SAVEBITS style. This may help reduce flickering when a user drags the mini-frame window.


Determines if docking is possible.

virtual BOOL OnBeforeDock();

Return Value

TRUE if docking is possible; otherwise, FALSE.


Determines whether a mini-frame window should be rolled up or down.

virtual void OnCheckRollState();


This method is called by the framework to determine whether a mini-frame window should be rolled up or down.

By default, the framework calls CPaneFrameWnd::IsRollUp and CPaneFrameWnd::IsRollDown and just stretches or restores the mini-frame window. You can override this method in a derived class to use a different visual effect.


Docks the mini-frame window at its most recent position.

virtual void OnDockToRecentPos();


Draws the borders of a mini-frame window.

virtual void OnDrawBorder(CDC* pDC);


[in] pDC
The device context used to draw the border.


This method is called by the framework to draw the borders of the mini-frame window.


Stops the rollup timer.

virtual void OnKillRollUpTimer();


Moves the mini-frame window by a specified offset.

virtual void OnMovePane(
    CPane* pBar,  
    CPoint ptOffset);


[in] pBar
A pointer to a pane (ignored).

[in] ptOffset
The offset by which to move the pane.


Adjusts the layout of a pane inside a mini-frame window.

virtual void OnPaneRecalcLayout();


The framework calls this method when it must adjust the layout of a pane inside the mini-frame window.

By default, the pane is positioned to cover the complete client area of the mini-frame window.


Sets the rollup timer.

virtual void OnSetRollUpTimer();


Called by the framework when a pane in the mini-frame window is hidden or displayed.

virtual void OnShowPane(
    CDockablePane* pBar,  
    BOOL bShow);


[in] pBar
The pane that is being shown or hidden.

[in] bShow
TRUE if the pane is being shown; FALSE if the pane is being hidden.


Called by the framework when a pane in the mini-frame window is shown or hidden. The default implementation does nothing.


This topic is included for completeness. For more detail see the source code located in the VC\atlmfc\src\mfc folder of your Visual Studio installation.

void Pin(BOOL bPin = TRUE);


[in] bPin



Returns a pane if it contains a user-supplied point inside a mini-frame window.

virtual CBasePane* PaneFromPoint(
    CPoint point,  
    int nSensitivity,  
    BOOL bCheckVisibility);


[in] point
The point that the user clicked, in screen coordinates.

[in] nSensitivity
This parameter is not used.

[in] bCheckVisibility
TRUE to specify that only visible panes should be returned; otherwise, FALSE.

Return Value

The pane that the user clicked, or NULL if no pane exists at that location.


Call this method to obtain a pane that contains the given point.


Redraws all mini-frame windows.

static void RedrawAll();


This method updates all mini-frame windows by calling CWnd::RedrawWindow for each window.


Called by the framework to remove non-valid panes.

virtual void RemoveNonValidPanes();


Removes a pane from the mini-frame window.

virtual void RemovePane(
    CBasePane* pWnd,  
    BOOL bDestroy = FALSE,  
    BOOL bNoDelayedDestroy = FALSE);


[in] pWnd
A pointer to the pane to remove.

[in] bDestroy
Specifies what happens to the mini-frame window. If bDestroy is TRUE, this method destroys the mini-frame window immediately. If it is FALSE, this method destroys the mini-frame window after a certain delay.

[in] bNoDelayedDestroy
If TRUE, delayed destruction is disabled. If FALSE, delayed destruction is enabled.


The framework can destroy mini-frame windows immediately or after a certain delay. If you want to delay destruction of mini-frame windows, pass FALSE in the bNoDelayedDestroy parameter. Delayed destruction occurs when the framework processes the AFX_WM_CHECKEMPTYMINIFRAME message.


Replaces one pane with another.

virtual void ReplacePane(
    CBasePane* pBarOrg,  
    CBasePane* pBarReplaceWith);


[in] pBarOrg
A pointer to the original pane.

[in] pBarReplaceWith
A pointer to the pane that replaces the original pane.


Saves the pane's state to the registry.

virtual BOOL SaveState(
    LPCTSTR lpszProfileName = NULL,  
    UINT uiID = (UINT) -1);


[in] lpszProfileName
The profile name.

[in] uiID
The pane ID.

Return Value

TRUE if the pane state was saved successfully; otherwise FALSE.


Sets caption buttons.

virtual void SetCaptionButtons(DWORD dwButtons);


[in] dwButtons
Bitwise-OR combination of the following values:






This topic is included for completeness. For more detail see the source code located in the VC\atlmfc\src\mfc folder of your Visual Studio installation.

void SetDelayShow(BOOL bDelayShow);


[in] bDelayShow



This topic is included for completeness. For more detail see the source code located in the VC\atlmfc\src\mfc folder of your Visual Studio installation.

void SetDockingManager(CDockingManager* pManager);


[in] pManager



Sets the docking timer.

void SetDockingTimer(UINT nTimeOut);


[in] nTimeOut
Timeout value in milliseconds.


Sets the docking state.

virtual void SetDockState(CDockingManager* pDockManager);


[in] pDockManager
A pointer to a docking manager.


This topic is included for completeness. For more detail see the source code located in the VC\atlmfc\src\mfc folder of your Visual Studio installation.

void SetHotPoint(CPoint& ptNew);


[in] ptNew



Called by the framework to set the predocking state.

virtual BOOL SetPreDockState(
    AFX_PREDOCK_STATE preDockState,  
    CBasePane* pBarToDock = NULL,  
    AFX_DOCK_METHOD dockMethod = DM_MOUSE);


[in] preDockState
Possible values:




[in] pBarToDock
A pointer to the pane to dock.

[in] dockMethod
The docking method. (This parameter is ignored.)

Return Value

TRUE if the mini-frame window is undocked; FALSE if it is docked.


Adjusts the size of a mini-frame window so that it is equivalent to a contained pane.

virtual void SizeToContent();


Call this method to adjust the size of a mini-frame window to the size of a contained pane.


Tears off a menu.

BOOL StartTearOff(CMFCPopu* pMenu);


[in] pMenu
A pointer to a menu.

Return Value

TRUE if the method was successful; otherwise, FALSE.


This topic is included for completeness. For more detail see the source code located in the VC\atlmfc\src\mfc folder of your Visual Studio installation.

virtual void StoreRecentDockSiteInfo(CPane* pBar);


[in] pBar



This topic is included for completeness. For more detail see the source code located in the VC\atlmfc\src\mfc folder of your Visual Studio installation.

virtual void StoreRecentTabRelatedInfo(
    CDockablePane* pDockingBar,  
    CDockablePane* pTabbedBar);


[in] pDockingBar
[in] pTabbedBar


See Also

Hierarchy Chart
CWnd Class