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regex_traits Class


The latest version of this topic can be found at regex_traits Class.

Describes characteristics of elements for matching.


struct regex_traits {  
   static size_type length(const char_type *str);
   char_type translate(char_type ch) const;
   char_type translate_nocase(char_type ch) const;
   template <class FwdIt>  
   string_type transform(FwdIt first, FwdIt last) const;
   template <class FwdIt>  
   string_type transform_primary(FwdIt first, FwdIt last) const;
   template <class FwdIt>  
   char_class_type lookup_classname(FwdIt first, FwdIt last) const;
   template <class FwdIt>  
   string_type lookup_collatename(FwdIt first, FwdIt last) const;
   bool isctype(char_type ch, char_class_type cls) const;
   int value(Elem ch, int base) const;
   locale_type imbue(locale_type loc);
   locale_type getloc() const;
   typedef Elem char_type;  
   typedef T6 size_type;  
   typedef basic_string<Elem>  
   typedef T7 locale_type;  
   typedef T8 char_class_type;  


The element type to describe.


The template class describes various regular expression traits for type Elem. The template class basic_regex Class uses this information to manipulate elements of type Elem.

Each regex_traits object holds an object of type regex_traits::locale which is used by some of its member functions. The default locale is a copy of regex_traits::locale(). The member function imbue replaces the locale object, and the member function getloc returns a copy of the locale object.


Header: <regex>

Namespace: std


The type of character class designators.

typedef T8 char_class_type;  


The type is a synonym for an unspecified type that designates character classes. Values of this type can be combined using the | operator to designate character classes that are the union of the classes designated by the operands.


// std_tr1__regex__regex_traits_char_class_type.cpp   
// compile with: /EHsc   
#include <regex>   
#include <iostream>   
typedef std::regex_traits<char> Mytr;   
int main()   
    Mytr tr;   
    Mytr::char_type ch = tr.translate('a');   
    std::cout << "translate('a') == 'a' == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (ch == 'a') << std::endl;   
    std::cout << "nocase 'a' == 'A' == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (tr.translate_nocase('a') == tr.translate_nocase('A'))   
        << std::endl;   
    const char *lbegin = "abc";   
    const char *lend = lbegin + strlen(lbegin);   
    Mytr::size_type size = tr.length(lbegin);   
    std::cout << "length(\"abc\") == " << size <<std::endl;   
    Mytr::string_type str = tr.transform(lbegin, lend);   
    std::cout << "transform(\"abc\") < \"abc\" == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (str < "abc") << std::endl;   
    const char *ubegin = "ABC";   
    const char *uend = ubegin + strlen(ubegin);   
    std::cout << "primary \"ABC\" < \"abc\" == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (tr.transform_primary(ubegin, uend) <   
            tr.transform_primary(lbegin, lend))   
        << std::endl;   
    const char *dig = "digit";   
    Mytr::char_class_type cl = tr.lookup_classname(dig, dig + 5);   
    std::cout << "class digit == d == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (cl == tr.lookup_classname(dig, dig + 1))   
        << std::endl;   
    std::cout << "'3' is digit == " <<std::boolalpha   
        << tr.isctype('3', tr.lookup_classname(dig, dig + 5))   
        << std::endl;   
    std::cout << "hex C == " << tr.value('C', 16) << std::endl;   
// other members   
    str = tr.lookup_collatename(dig, dig + 5);   
    Mytr::locale_type loc = tr.getloc();   
    return (0);   
translate('a') == 'a' == true  
nocase 'a' == 'A' == true  
length("abc") == 3  
transform("abc") < "abc" == false  
primary "ABC" < "abc" == false  
class digit == d == true  
'3' is digit == true  
hex C == 12  


The type of an element.

typedef Elem char_type;  


The typedef is a synonym for the template argument Elem.


// std_tr1__regex__regex_traits_char_type.cpp   
// compile with: /EHsc   
#include <regex>   
#include <iostream>   
typedef std::regex_traits<char> Mytr;   
int main()   
    Mytr tr;   
    Mytr::char_type ch = tr.translate('a');   
    std::cout << "translate('a') == 'a' == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (ch == 'a') << std::endl;   
    std::cout << "nocase 'a' == 'A' == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (tr.translate_nocase('a') == tr.translate_nocase('A'))   
        << std::endl;   
    const char *lbegin = "abc";   
    const char *lend = lbegin + strlen(lbegin);   
    Mytr::size_type size = tr.length(lbegin);   
    std::cout << "length(\"abc\") == " << size <<std::endl;   
    Mytr::string_type str = tr.transform(lbegin, lend);   
    std::cout << "transform(\"abc\") < \"abc\" == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (str < "abc") << std::endl;   
    const char *ubegin = "ABC";   
    const char *uend = ubegin + strlen(ubegin);   
    std::cout << "primary \"ABC\" < \"abc\" == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (tr.transform_primary(ubegin, uend) <   
            tr.transform_primary(lbegin, lend))   
        << std::endl;   
    const char *dig = "digit";   
    Mytr::char_class_type cl = tr.lookup_classname(dig, dig + 5);   
    std::cout << "class digit == d == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (cl == tr.lookup_classname(dig, dig + 1))   
        << std::endl;   
    std::cout << "'3' is digit == " <<std::boolalpha   
        << tr.isctype('3', tr.lookup_classname(dig, dig + 5))   
        << std::endl;   
    std::cout << "hex C == " << tr.value('C', 16) << std::endl;   
// other members   
    str = tr.lookup_collatename(dig, dig + 5);   
    Mytr::locale_type loc = tr.getloc();   
    return (0);   
translate('a') == 'a' == true  
nocase 'a' == 'A' == true  
length("abc") == 3  
transform("abc") < "abc" == false  
primary "ABC" < "abc" == false  
class digit == d == true  
'3' is digit == true  
hex C == 12  


Returns the stored locale object.

locale_type getloc() const;


The member function returns the stored locale object.


// std_tr1__regex__regex_traits_getloc.cpp   
// compile with: /EHsc   
#include <regex>   
#include <iostream>   
typedef std::regex_traits<char> Mytr;   
int main()   
    Mytr tr;   
    Mytr::char_type ch = tr.translate('a');   
    std::cout << "translate('a') == 'a' == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (ch == 'a') << std::endl;   
    std::cout << "nocase 'a' == 'A' == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (tr.translate_nocase('a') == tr.translate_nocase('A'))   
        << std::endl;   
    const char *lbegin = "abc";   
    const char *lend = lbegin + strlen(lbegin);   
    Mytr::size_type size = tr.length(lbegin);   
    std::cout << "length(\"abc\") == " << size <<std::endl;   
    Mytr::string_type str = tr.transform(lbegin, lend);   
    std::cout << "transform(\"abc\") < \"abc\" == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (str < "abc") << std::endl;   
    const char *ubegin = "ABC";   
    const char *uend = ubegin + strlen(ubegin);   
    std::cout << "primary \"ABC\" < \"abc\" == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (tr.transform_primary(ubegin, uend) <   
            tr.transform_primary(lbegin, lend))   
        << std::endl;   
    const char *dig = "digit";   
    Mytr::char_class_type cl = tr.lookup_classname(dig, dig + 5);   
    std::cout << "class digit == d == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (cl == tr.lookup_classname(dig, dig + 1))   
        << std::endl;   
    std::cout << "'3' is digit == " <<std::boolalpha   
        << tr.isctype('3', tr.lookup_classname(dig, dig + 5))   
        << std::endl;   
    std::cout << "hex C == " << tr.value('C', 16) << std::endl;   
// other members   
    str = tr.lookup_collatename(dig, dig + 5);   
    Mytr::locale_type loc = tr.getloc();   
    return (0);   
translate('a') == 'a' == true  
nocase 'a' == 'A' == true  
length("abc") == 3  
transform("abc") < "abc" == false  
primary "ABC" < "abc" == false  
class digit == d == true  
'3' is digit == true  
hex C == 12  


Alters the stored locale object.

locale_type imbue(locale_type loc);


The locale object to store.


The member function copies loc to the stored locale object and returns a copy of the previous value of the stored locale object.


// std_tr1__regex__regex_traits_imbue.cpp   
// compile with: /EHsc   
#include <regex>   
#include <iostream>   
typedef std::regex_traits<char> Mytr;   
int main()   
    Mytr tr;   
    Mytr::char_type ch = tr.translate('a');   
    std::cout << "translate('a') == 'a' == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (ch == 'a') << std::endl;   
    std::cout << "nocase 'a' == 'A' == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (tr.translate_nocase('a') == tr.translate_nocase('A'))   
        << std::endl;   
    const char *lbegin = "abc";   
    const char *lend = lbegin + strlen(lbegin);   
    Mytr::size_type size = tr.length(lbegin);   
    std::cout << "length(\"abc\") == " << size <<std::endl;   
    Mytr::string_type str = tr.transform(lbegin, lend);   
    std::cout << "transform(\"abc\") < \"abc\" == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (str < "abc") << std::endl;   
    const char *ubegin = "ABC";   
    const char *uend = ubegin + strlen(ubegin);   
    std::cout << "primary \"ABC\" < \"abc\" == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (tr.transform_primary(ubegin, uend) <   
            tr.transform_primary(lbegin, lend))   
        << std::endl;   
    const char *dig = "digit";   
    Mytr::char_class_type cl = tr.lookup_classname(dig, dig + 5);   
    std::cout << "class digit == d == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (cl == tr.lookup_classname(dig, dig + 1))   
        << std::endl;   
    std::cout << "'3' is digit == " <<std::boolalpha   
        << tr.isctype('3', tr.lookup_classname(dig, dig + 5))   
        << std::endl;   
    std::cout << "hex C == " << tr.value('C', 16) << std::endl;   
// other members   
    str = tr.lookup_collatename(dig, dig + 5);   
    Mytr::locale_type loc = tr.getloc();   
    return (0);   
translate('a') == 'a' == true  
nocase 'a' == 'A' == true  
length("abc") == 3  
transform("abc") < "abc" == false  
primary "ABC" < "abc" == false  
class digit == d == true  
'3' is digit == true  
hex C == 12  


Tests for class membership.

bool isctype(char_type ch, char_class_type cls) const;


The element to test.

The classes to test for.


The member function returns true only if the character ch is in the character class designated by cls.


// std_tr1__regex__regex_traits_isctype.cpp   
// compile with: /EHsc   
#include <regex>   
#include <iostream>   
typedef std::regex_traits<char> Mytr;   
int main()   
    Mytr tr;   
    Mytr::char_type ch = tr.translate('a');   
    std::cout << "translate('a') == 'a' == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (ch == 'a') << std::endl;   
    std::cout << "nocase 'a' == 'A' == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (tr.translate_nocase('a') == tr.translate_nocase('A'))   
        << std::endl;   
    const char *lbegin = "abc";   
    const char *lend = lbegin + strlen(lbegin);   
    Mytr::size_type size = tr.length(lbegin);   
    std::cout << "length(\"abc\") == " << size <<std::endl;   
    Mytr::string_type str = tr.transform(lbegin, lend);   
    std::cout << "transform(\"abc\") < \"abc\" == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (str < "abc") << std::endl;   
    const char *ubegin = "ABC";   
    const char *uend = ubegin + strlen(ubegin);   
    std::cout << "primary \"ABC\" < \"abc\" == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (tr.transform_primary(ubegin, uend) <   
            tr.transform_primary(lbegin, lend))   
        << std::endl;   
    const char *dig = "digit";   
    Mytr::char_class_type cl = tr.lookup_classname(dig, dig + 5);   
    std::cout << "class digit == d == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (cl == tr.lookup_classname(dig, dig + 1))   
        << std::endl;   
    std::cout << "'3' is digit == " <<std::boolalpha   
        << tr.isctype('3', tr.lookup_classname(dig, dig + 5))   
        << std::endl;   
    std::cout << "hex C == " << tr.value('C', 16) << std::endl;   
// other members   
    str = tr.lookup_collatename(dig, dig + 5);   
    Mytr::locale_type loc = tr.getloc();   
    return (0);   
translate('a') == 'a' == true  
nocase 'a' == 'A' == true  
length("abc") == 3  
transform("abc") < "abc" == false  
primary "ABC" < "abc" == false  
class digit == d == true  
'3' is digit == true  
hex C == 12  


Returns the length of a nul-terminated sequence.

static size_type length(const char_type *str);


The nul-terminated sequence.


The static member function returns std::char_traits<char_type>::length(str).


// std_tr1__regex__regex_traits_length.cpp   
// compile with: /EHsc   
#include <regex>   
#include <iostream>   
typedef std::regex_traits<char> Mytr;   
int main()   
    Mytr tr;   
    Mytr::char_type ch = tr.translate('a');   
    std::cout << "translate('a') == 'a' == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (ch == 'a') << std::endl;   
    std::cout << "nocase 'a' == 'A' == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (tr.translate_nocase('a') == tr.translate_nocase('A'))   
        << std::endl;   
    const char *lbegin = "abc";   
    const char *lend = lbegin + strlen(lbegin);   
    Mytr::size_type size = tr.length(lbegin);   
    std::cout << "length(\"abc\") == " << size <<std::endl;   
    Mytr::string_type str = tr.transform(lbegin, lend);   
    std::cout << "transform(\"abc\") < \"abc\" == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (str < "abc") << std::endl;   
    const char *ubegin = "ABC";   
    const char *uend = ubegin + strlen(ubegin);   
    std::cout << "primary \"ABC\" < \"abc\" == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (tr.transform_primary(ubegin, uend) <   
            tr.transform_primary(lbegin, lend))   
        << std::endl;   
    const char *dig = "digit";   
    Mytr::char_class_type cl = tr.lookup_classname(dig, dig + 5);   
    std::cout << "class digit == d == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (cl == tr.lookup_classname(dig, dig + 1))   
        << std::endl;   
    std::cout << "'3' is digit == " <<std::boolalpha   
        << tr.isctype('3', tr.lookup_classname(dig, dig + 5))   
        << std::endl;   
    std::cout << "hex C == " << tr.value('C', 16) << std::endl;   
// other members   
    str = tr.lookup_collatename(dig, dig + 5);   
    Mytr::locale_type loc = tr.getloc();   
    return (0);   
translate('a') == 'a' == true  
nocase 'a' == 'A' == true  
length("abc") == 3  
transform("abc") < "abc" == false  
primary "ABC" < "abc" == false  
class digit == d == true  
'3' is digit == true  
hex C == 12  


The type of the stored locale object.

typedef T7 locale_type;  


The typedef is a synonym for a type that encapsulates locales. In the specializations regex_traits<char> and regex_traits<wchar_t> it is a synonym for std::locale.


// std_tr1__regex__regex_traits_locale_type.cpp   
// compile with: /EHsc   
#include <regex>   
#include <iostream>   
typedef std::regex_traits<char> Mytr;   
int main()   
    Mytr tr;   
    Mytr::char_type ch = tr.translate('a');   
    std::cout << "translate('a') == 'a' == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (ch == 'a') << std::endl;   
    std::cout << "nocase 'a' == 'A' == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (tr.translate_nocase('a') == tr.translate_nocase('A'))   
        << std::endl;   
    const char *lbegin = "abc";   
    const char *lend = lbegin + strlen(lbegin);   
    Mytr::size_type size = tr.length(lbegin);   
    std::cout << "length(\"abc\") == " << size <<std::endl;   
    Mytr::string_type str = tr.transform(lbegin, lend);   
    std::cout << "transform(\"abc\") < \"abc\" == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (str < "abc") << std::endl;   
    const char *ubegin = "ABC";   
    const char *uend = ubegin + strlen(ubegin);   
    std::cout << "primary \"ABC\" < \"abc\" == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (tr.transform_primary(ubegin, uend) <   
            tr.transform_primary(lbegin, lend))   
        << std::endl;   
    const char *dig = "digit";   
    Mytr::char_class_type cl = tr.lookup_classname(dig, dig + 5);   
    std::cout << "class digit == d == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (cl == tr.lookup_classname(dig, dig + 1))   
        << std::endl;   
    std::cout << "'3' is digit == " <<std::boolalpha   
        << tr.isctype('3', tr.lookup_classname(dig, dig + 5))   
        << std::endl;   
    std::cout << "hex C == " << tr.value('C', 16) << std::endl;   
// other members   
    str = tr.lookup_collatename(dig, dig + 5);   
    Mytr::locale_type loc = tr.getloc();   
    return (0);   
translate('a') == 'a' == true  
nocase 'a' == 'A' == true  
length("abc") == 3  
transform("abc") < "abc" == false  
primary "ABC" < "abc" == false  
class digit == d == true  
'3' is digit == true  
hex C == 12  


Maps a sequence to a character class.

template <class FwdIt>  
char_class_type lookup_classname(FwdIt first, FwdIt last) const;


Beginning of sequence to look up.

End of sequence to look up.


The member function returns a value that designates the character class named by the character sequence pointed to by its arguments. The value does not depend on the case of the characters in the sequence.

The specialization regex_traits<char> recognizes the names "d", "s", "w", "alnum", "alpha", "blank", "cntrl", "digit", "graph", "lower", "print", "punct", "space", "upper", and "xdigit", all without regard to case.

The specialization regex_traits<wchar_t> recognizes the names L"d", L"s", L"w", L"alnum", L"alpha", L"blank", L"cntrl", L"digit", L"graph", L"lower", L"print", L"punct", L"space", L"upper", and L"xdigit", all without regard to case.


// std_tr1__regex__regex_traits_lookup_classname.cpp   
// compile with: /EHsc   
#include <regex>   
#include <iostream>   
typedef std::regex_traits<char> Mytr;   
int main()   
    Mytr tr;   
    Mytr::char_type ch = tr.translate('a');   
    std::cout << "translate('a') == 'a' == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (ch == 'a') << std::endl;   
    std::cout << "nocase 'a' == 'A' == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (tr.translate_nocase('a') == tr.translate_nocase('A'))   
        << std::endl;   
    const char *lbegin = "abc";   
    const char *lend = lbegin + strlen(lbegin);   
    Mytr::size_type size = tr.length(lbegin);   
    std::cout << "length(\"abc\") == " << size <<std::endl;   
    Mytr::string_type str = tr.transform(lbegin, lend);   
    std::cout << "transform(\"abc\") < \"abc\" == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (str < "abc") << std::endl;   
    const char *ubegin = "ABC";   
    const char *uend = ubegin + strlen(ubegin);   
    std::cout << "primary \"ABC\" < \"abc\" == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (tr.transform_primary(ubegin, uend) <   
            tr.transform_primary(lbegin, lend))   
        << std::endl;   
    const char *dig = "digit";   
    Mytr::char_class_type cl = tr.lookup_classname(dig, dig + 5);   
    std::cout << "class digit == d == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (cl == tr.lookup_classname(dig, dig + 1))   
        << std::endl;   
    std::cout << "'3' is digit == " <<std::boolalpha   
        << tr.isctype('3', tr.lookup_classname(dig, dig + 5))   
        << std::endl;   
    std::cout << "hex C == " << tr.value('C', 16) << std::endl;   
// other members   
    str = tr.lookup_collatename(dig, dig + 5);   
    Mytr::locale_type loc = tr.getloc();   
    return (0);   
translate('a') == 'a' == true  
nocase 'a' == 'A' == true  
length("abc") == 3  
transform("abc") < "abc" == false  
primary "ABC" < "abc" == false  
class digit == d == true  
'3' is digit == true  
hex C == 12  


Maps a sequence to a collating element.

template <class FwdIt>  
string_type lookup_collatename(FwdIt first, FwdIt last) const;


Beginning of sequence to look up.

End of sequence to look up.


The member function returns a string object containing the collating element corresponding to the sequence [first, last), or an empty string if the sequence is not a valid collating element.


// std_tr1__regex__regex_traits_lookup_collatename.cpp   
// compile with: /EHsc   
#include <regex>   
#include <iostream>   
typedef std::regex_traits<char> Mytr;   
int main()   
    Mytr tr;   
    Mytr::char_type ch = tr.translate('a');   
    std::cout << "translate('a') == 'a' == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (ch == 'a') << std::endl;   
    std::cout << "nocase 'a' == 'A' == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (tr.translate_nocase('a') == tr.translate_nocase('A'))   
        << std::endl;   
    const char *lbegin = "abc";   
    const char *lend = lbegin + strlen(lbegin);   
    Mytr::size_type size = tr.length(lbegin);   
    std::cout << "length(\"abc\") == " << size <<std::endl;   
    Mytr::string_type str = tr.transform(lbegin, lend);   
    std::cout << "transform(\"abc\") < \"abc\" == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (str < "abc") << std::endl;   
    const char *ubegin = "ABC";   
    const char *uend = ubegin + strlen(ubegin);   
    std::cout << "primary \"ABC\" < \"abc\" == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (tr.transform_primary(ubegin, uend) <   
            tr.transform_primary(lbegin, lend))   
        << std::endl;   
    const char *dig = "digit";   
    Mytr::char_class_type cl = tr.lookup_classname(dig, dig + 5);   
    std::cout << "class digit == d == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (cl == tr.lookup_classname(dig, dig + 1))   
        << std::endl;   
    std::cout << "'3' is digit == " <<std::boolalpha   
        << tr.isctype('3', tr.lookup_classname(dig, dig + 5))   
        << std::endl;   
    std::cout << "hex C == " << tr.value('C', 16) << std::endl;   
// other members   
    str = tr.lookup_collatename(dig, dig + 5);   
    Mytr::locale_type loc = tr.getloc();   
    return (0);   
translate('a') == 'a' == true  
nocase 'a' == 'A' == true  
length("abc") == 3  
transform("abc") < "abc" == false  
primary "ABC" < "abc" == false  
class digit == d == true  
'3' is digit == true  
hex C == 12  


Constructs the object.



The constructor constructs an object whose stored locale object is initialized to the default locale.


// std_tr1__regex__regex_traits_construct.cpp   
// compile with: /EHsc   
#include <regex>   
#include <iostream>   
typedef std::regex_traits<char> Mytr;   
int main()   
    Mytr tr;   
    Mytr::char_type ch = tr.translate('a');   
    std::cout << "translate('a') == 'a' == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (ch == 'a') << std::endl;   
    std::cout << "nocase 'a' == 'A' == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (tr.translate_nocase('a') == tr.translate_nocase('A'))   
        << std::endl;   
    const char *lbegin = "abc";   
    const char *lend = lbegin + strlen(lbegin);   
    Mytr::size_type size = tr.length(lbegin);   
    std::cout << "length(\"abc\") == " << size <<std::endl;   
    Mytr::string_type str = tr.transform(lbegin, lend);   
    std::cout << "transform(\"abc\") < \"abc\" == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (str < "abc") << std::endl;   
    const char *ubegin = "ABC";   
    const char *uend = ubegin + strlen(ubegin);   
    std::cout << "primary \"ABC\" < \"abc\" == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (tr.transform_primary(ubegin, uend) <   
            tr.transform_primary(lbegin, lend))   
        << std::endl;   
    const char *dig = "digit";   
    Mytr::char_class_type cl = tr.lookup_classname(dig, dig + 5);   
    std::cout << "class digit == d == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (cl == tr.lookup_classname(dig, dig + 1))   
        << std::endl;   
    std::cout << "'3' is digit == " <<std::boolalpha   
        << tr.isctype('3', tr.lookup_classname(dig, dig + 5))   
        << std::endl;   
    std::cout << "hex C == " << tr.value('C', 16) << std::endl;   
// other members   
    str = tr.lookup_collatename(dig, dig + 5);   
    Mytr::locale_type loc = tr.getloc();   
    return (0);   
translate('a') == 'a' == true  
nocase 'a' == 'A' == true  
length("abc") == 3  
transform("abc") < "abc" == false  
primary "ABC" < "abc" == false  
class digit == d == true  
'3' is digit == true  
hex C == 12  


The type of a sequence length.

typedef T6 size_type;  


The typedef is a synonym for an unsigned integral type. In the specializations regex_traits<char> and regex_traits<wchar_t> it is a synonym for std::size_t.

The typedef is a synonym for std::size_t.


// std_tr1__regex__regex_traits_size_type.cpp   
// compile with: /EHsc   
#include <regex>   
#include <iostream>   
typedef std::regex_traits<char> Mytr;   
int main()   
    Mytr tr;   
    Mytr::char_type ch = tr.translate('a');   
    std::cout << "translate('a') == 'a' == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (ch == 'a') << std::endl;   
    std::cout << "nocase 'a' == 'A' == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (tr.translate_nocase('a') == tr.translate_nocase('A'))   
        << std::endl;   
    const char *lbegin = "abc";   
    const char *lend = lbegin + strlen(lbegin);   
    Mytr::size_type size = tr.length(lbegin);   
    std::cout << "length(\"abc\") == " << size <<std::endl;   
    Mytr::string_type str = tr.transform(lbegin, lend);   
    std::cout << "transform(\"abc\") < \"abc\" == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (str < "abc") << std::endl;   
    const char *ubegin = "ABC";   
    const char *uend = ubegin + strlen(ubegin);   
    std::cout << "primary \"ABC\" < \"abc\" == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (tr.transform_primary(ubegin, uend) <   
            tr.transform_primary(lbegin, lend))   
        << std::endl;   
    const char *dig = "digit";   
    Mytr::char_class_type cl = tr.lookup_classname(dig, dig + 5);   
    std::cout << "class digit == d == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (cl == tr.lookup_classname(dig, dig + 1))   
        << std::endl;   
    std::cout << "'3' is digit == " <<std::boolalpha   
        << tr.isctype('3', tr.lookup_classname(dig, dig + 5))   
        << std::endl;   
    std::cout << "hex C == " << tr.value('C', 16) << std::endl;   
// other members   
    str = tr.lookup_collatename(dig, dig + 5);   
    Mytr::locale_type loc = tr.getloc();   
    return (0);   
translate('a') == 'a' == true  
nocase 'a' == 'A' == true  
length("abc") == 3  
transform("abc") < "abc" == false  
primary "ABC" < "abc" == false  
class digit == d == true  
'3' is digit == true  
hex C == 12  


The type of a string of elements.

typedef basic_string<Elem> string_type;  


The typedef is a synonym for basic_string<Elem>.


// std_tr1__regex__regex_traits_string_type.cpp   
// compile with: /EHsc   
#include <regex>   
#include <iostream>   
typedef std::regex_traits<char> Mytr;   
int main()   
    Mytr tr;   
    Mytr::char_type ch = tr.translate('a');   
    std::cout << "translate('a') == 'a' == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (ch == 'a') << std::endl;   
    std::cout << "nocase 'a' == 'A' == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (tr.translate_nocase('a') == tr.translate_nocase('A'))   
        << std::endl;   
    const char *lbegin = "abc";   
    const char *lend = lbegin + strlen(lbegin);   
    Mytr::size_type size = tr.length(lbegin);   
    std::cout << "length(\"abc\") == " << size <<std::endl;   
    Mytr::string_type str = tr.transform(lbegin, lend);   
    std::cout << "transform(\"abc\") < \"abc\" == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (str < "abc") << std::endl;   
    const char *ubegin = "ABC";   
    const char *uend = ubegin + strlen(ubegin);   
    std::cout << "primary \"ABC\" < \"abc\" == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (tr.transform_primary(ubegin, uend) <   
            tr.transform_primary(lbegin, lend))   
        << std::endl;   
    const char *dig = "digit";   
    Mytr::char_class_type cl = tr.lookup_classname(dig, dig + 5);   
    std::cout << "class digit == d == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (cl == tr.lookup_classname(dig, dig + 1))   
        << std::endl;   
    std::cout << "'3' is digit == " <<std::boolalpha   
        << tr.isctype('3', tr.lookup_classname(dig, dig + 5))   
        << std::endl;   
    std::cout << "hex C == " << tr.value('C', 16) << std::endl;   
// other members   
    str = tr.lookup_collatename(dig, dig + 5);   
    Mytr::locale_type loc = tr.getloc();   
    return (0);   
translate('a') == 'a' == true  
nocase 'a' == 'A' == true  
length("abc") == 3  
transform("abc") < "abc" == false  
primary "ABC" < "abc" == false  
class digit == d == true  
'3' is digit == true  
hex C == 12  


Converts to equivalent ordered sequence.

template <class FwdIt>  
string_type transform(FwdIt first, FwdIt last) const;


Beginning of sequence to transform.

End of sequence to transform.


The member function returns a string that it generates by using a transformation rule that depends on the stored locale object. For two character sequences designated by the iterator ranges [first1, last1) and [first2, last2), transform(first1, last1) < transform(first2, last2) if the character sequence designated by the iterator range [first1, last1) sorts before the character sequence designated by the iterator range [first2, last2).


// std_tr1__regex__regex_traits_transform.cpp   
// compile with: /EHsc   
#include <regex>   
#include <iostream>   
typedef std::regex_traits<char> Mytr;   
int main()   
    Mytr tr;   
    Mytr::char_type ch = tr.translate('a');   
    std::cout << "translate('a') == 'a' == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (ch == 'a') << std::endl;   
    std::cout << "nocase 'a' == 'A' == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (tr.translate_nocase('a') == tr.translate_nocase('A'))   
        << std::endl;   
    const char *lbegin = "abc";   
    const char *lend = lbegin + strlen(lbegin);   
    Mytr::size_type size = tr.length(lbegin);   
    std::cout << "length(\"abc\") == " << size <<std::endl;   
    Mytr::string_type str = tr.transform(lbegin, lend);   
    std::cout << "transform(\"abc\") < \"abc\" == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (str < "abc") << std::endl;   
    const char *ubegin = "ABC";   
    const char *uend = ubegin + strlen(ubegin);   
    std::cout << "primary \"ABC\" < \"abc\" == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (tr.transform_primary(ubegin, uend) <   
            tr.transform_primary(lbegin, lend))   
        << std::endl;   
    const char *dig = "digit";   
    Mytr::char_class_type cl = tr.lookup_classname(dig, dig + 5);   
    std::cout << "class digit == d == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (cl == tr.lookup_classname(dig, dig + 1))   
        << std::endl;   
    std::cout << "'3' is digit == " <<std::boolalpha   
        << tr.isctype('3', tr.lookup_classname(dig, dig + 5))   
        << std::endl;   
    std::cout << "hex C == " << tr.value('C', 16) << std::endl;   
// other members   
    str = tr.lookup_collatename(dig, dig + 5);   
    Mytr::locale_type loc = tr.getloc();   
    return (0);   
translate('a') == 'a' == true  
nocase 'a' == 'A' == true  
length("abc") == 3  
transform("abc") < "abc" == false  
primary "ABC" < "abc" == false  
class digit == d == true  
'3' is digit == true  
hex C == 12  


Converts to equivalent caseless ordered sequence.

template <class FwdIt>  
string_type transform_primary(FwdIt first, FwdIt last) const;


Beginning of sequence to transform.

End of sequence to transform.


The member function returns a string that it generates by using a transformation rule that depends on the stored locale object. For two character sequences designated by the iterator ranges [first1, last1) and [first2, last2), transform_primary(first1, last1) < transform_primary(first2, last2) if the character sequence designated by the iterator range [first1, last1) sorts before the character sequence designated by the iterator range [first2, last2) without regard for case or accents.


// std_tr1__regex__regex_traits_transform_primary.cpp   
// compile with: /EHsc   
#include <regex>   
#include <iostream>   
typedef std::regex_traits<char> Mytr;   
int main()   
    Mytr tr;   
    Mytr::char_type ch = tr.translate('a');   
    std::cout << "translate('a') == 'a' == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (ch == 'a') << std::endl;   
    std::cout << "nocase 'a' == 'A' == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (tr.translate_nocase('a') == tr.translate_nocase('A'))   
        << std::endl;   
    const char *lbegin = "abc";   
    const char *lend = lbegin + strlen(lbegin);   
    Mytr::size_type size = tr.length(lbegin);   
    std::cout << "length(\"abc\") == " << size <<std::endl;   
    Mytr::string_type str = tr.transform(lbegin, lend);   
    std::cout << "transform(\"abc\") < \"abc\" == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (str < "abc") << std::endl;   
    const char *ubegin = "ABC";   
    const char *uend = ubegin + strlen(ubegin);   
    std::cout << "primary \"ABC\" < \"abc\" == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (tr.transform_primary(ubegin, uend) <   
            tr.transform_primary(lbegin, lend))   
        << std::endl;   
    const char *dig = "digit";   
    Mytr::char_class_type cl = tr.lookup_classname(dig, dig + 5);   
    std::cout << "class digit == d == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (cl == tr.lookup_classname(dig, dig + 1))   
        << std::endl;   
    std::cout << "'3' is digit == " <<std::boolalpha   
        << tr.isctype('3', tr.lookup_classname(dig, dig + 5))   
        << std::endl;   
    std::cout << "hex C == " << tr.value('C', 16) << std::endl;   
// other members   
    str = tr.lookup_collatename(dig, dig + 5);   
    Mytr::locale_type loc = tr.getloc();   
    return (0);   
translate('a') == 'a' == true  
nocase 'a' == 'A' == true  
length("abc") == 3  
transform("abc") < "abc" == false  
primary "ABC" < "abc" == false  
class digit == d == true  
'3' is digit == true  
hex C == 12  


Converts to equivalent matching element.

char_type translate(char_type ch) const;


The element to convert.


The member function returns a character that it generates by using a transformation rule that depends on the stored locale object. For two char_type objects ch1 and ch2, translate(ch1) == translate(ch2) only if ch1 and ch2 should match when one occurs in the regular expression definition and the other occurs at a corresponding position in the target sequence for a locale-sensitive match.


// std_tr1__regex__regex_traits_translate.cpp   
// compile with: /EHsc   
#include <regex>   
#include <iostream>   
typedef std::regex_traits<char> Mytr;   
int main()   
    Mytr tr;   
    Mytr::char_type ch = tr.translate('a');   
    std::cout << "translate('a') == 'a' == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (ch == 'a') << std::endl;   
    std::cout << "nocase 'a' == 'A' == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (tr.translate_nocase('a') == tr.translate_nocase('A'))   
        << std::endl;   
    const char *lbegin = "abc";   
    const char *lend = lbegin + strlen(lbegin);   
    Mytr::size_type size = tr.length(lbegin);   
    std::cout << "length(\"abc\") == " << size <<std::endl;   
    Mytr::string_type str = tr.transform(lbegin, lend);   
    std::cout << "transform(\"abc\") < \"abc\" == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (str < "abc") << std::endl;   
    const char *ubegin = "ABC";   
    const char *uend = ubegin + strlen(ubegin);   
    std::cout << "primary \"ABC\" < \"abc\" == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (tr.transform_primary(ubegin, uend) <   
            tr.transform_primary(lbegin, lend))   
        << std::endl;   
    const char *dig = "digit";   
    Mytr::char_class_type cl = tr.lookup_classname(dig, dig + 5);   
    std::cout << "class digit == d == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (cl == tr.lookup_classname(dig, dig + 1))   
        << std::endl;   
    std::cout << "'3' is digit == " <<std::boolalpha   
        << tr.isctype('3', tr.lookup_classname(dig, dig + 5))   
        << std::endl;   
    std::cout << "hex C == " << tr.value('C', 16) << std::endl;   
// other members   
    str = tr.lookup_collatename(dig, dig + 5);   
    Mytr::locale_type loc = tr.getloc();   
    return (0);   
translate('a') == 'a' == true  
nocase 'a' == 'A' == true  
length("abc") == 3  
transform("abc") < "abc" == false  
primary "ABC" < "abc" == false  
class digit == d == true  
'3' is digit == true  
hex C == 12  


Converts to equivalent caseless matching element.

char_type translate_nocase(char_type ch) const;


The element to convert.


The member function returns a character that it generates by using a transformation rule that depends on the stored locale object. For two char_type objects ch1 and ch2, translate_nocase(ch1) == translate_nocase(ch2) only if ch1 and ch2 should match when one occurs in the regular expression definition and the other occurs at a corresponding position in the target sequence for a case-insensitive match.


// std_tr1__regex__regex_traits_translate_nocase.cpp   
// compile with: /EHsc   
#include <regex>   
#include <iostream>   
typedef std::regex_traits<char> Mytr;   
int main()   
    Mytr tr;   
    Mytr::char_type ch = tr.translate('a');   
    std::cout << "translate('a') == 'a' == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (ch == 'a') << std::endl;   
    std::cout << "nocase 'a' == 'A' == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (tr.translate_nocase('a') == tr.translate_nocase('A'))   
        << std::endl;   
    const char *lbegin = "abc";   
    const char *lend = lbegin + strlen(lbegin);   
    Mytr::size_type size = tr.length(lbegin);   
    std::cout << "length(\"abc\") == " << size <<std::endl;   
    Mytr::string_type str = tr.transform(lbegin, lend);   
    std::cout << "transform(\"abc\") < \"abc\" == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (str < "abc") << std::endl;   
    const char *ubegin = "ABC";   
    const char *uend = ubegin + strlen(ubegin);   
    std::cout << "primary \"ABC\" < \"abc\" == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (tr.transform_primary(ubegin, uend) <   
            tr.transform_primary(lbegin, lend))   
        << std::endl;   
    const char *dig = "digit";   
    Mytr::char_class_type cl = tr.lookup_classname(dig, dig + 5);   
    std::cout << "class digit == d == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (cl == tr.lookup_classname(dig, dig + 1))   
        << std::endl;   
    std::cout << "'3' is digit == " <<std::boolalpha   
        << tr.isctype('3', tr.lookup_classname(dig, dig + 5))   
        << std::endl;   
    std::cout << "hex C == " << tr.value('C', 16) << std::endl;   
// other members   
    str = tr.lookup_collatename(dig, dig + 5);   
    Mytr::locale_type loc = tr.getloc();   
    return (0);   
translate('a') == 'a' == true  
nocase 'a' == 'A' == true  
length("abc") == 3  
transform("abc") < "abc" == false  
primary "ABC" < "abc" == false  
class digit == d == true  
'3' is digit == true  
hex C == 12  


Converts an element to a digit value.

int value(Elem ch, int radix) const;


The element to convert.

The arithmetic base to use.


The member function returns the value represented by the character ch in the base radix, or -1 if ch is not a valid digit in the base radix. The function will only be called with a radix argument of 8, 10, or 16.


// std_tr1__regex__regex_traits_value.cpp   
// compile with: /EHsc   
#include <regex>   
#include <iostream>   
typedef std::regex_traits<char> Mytr;   
int main()   
    Mytr tr;   
    Mytr::char_type ch = tr.translate('a');   
    std::cout << "translate('a') == 'a' == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (ch == 'a') << std::endl;   
    std::cout << "nocase 'a' == 'A' == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (tr.translate_nocase('a') == tr.translate_nocase('A'))   
        << std::endl;   
    const char *lbegin = "abc";   
    const char *lend = lbegin + strlen(lbegin);   
    Mytr::size_type size = tr.length(lbegin);   
    std::cout << "length(\"abc\") == " << size <<std::endl;   
    Mytr::string_type str = tr.transform(lbegin, lend);   
    std::cout << "transform(\"abc\") < \"abc\" == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (str < "abc") << std::endl;   
    const char *ubegin = "ABC";   
    const char *uend = ubegin + strlen(ubegin);   
    std::cout << "primary \"ABC\" < \"abc\" == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (tr.transform_primary(ubegin, uend) <   
            tr.transform_primary(lbegin, lend))   
        << std::endl;   
    const char *dig = "digit";   
    Mytr::char_class_type cl = tr.lookup_classname(dig, dig + 5);   
    std::cout << "class digit == d == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (cl == tr.lookup_classname(dig, dig + 1))   
        << std::endl;   
    std::cout << "'3' is digit == " <<std::boolalpha   
        << tr.isctype('3', tr.lookup_classname(dig, dig + 5))   
        << std::endl;   
    std::cout << "hex C == " << tr.value('C', 16) << std::endl;   
// other members   
    str = tr.lookup_collatename(dig, dig + 5);   
    Mytr::locale_type loc = tr.getloc();   
    return (0);   
translate('a') == 'a' == true  
nocase 'a' == 'A' == true  
length("abc") == 3  
transform("abc") < "abc" == false  
primary "ABC" < "abc" == false  
class digit == d == true  
'3' is digit == true  
hex C == 12  

See Also

regex_traits<char> Class
regex_traits<wchar_t> Class