SNA Sense Codes

If there is a communication problem during an SNA session, Host Integration Server can generate sense codes that notify the remote system of the type of problem. The sense codes fall into five distinct categories, corresponding to the type of problem that occurred.

Value Category
X'08' Request Reject
X'10' Request Error
X'20' State Error
X'40' RH Usage Error
X'80' Path Error

The following sections list the sense codes by category, and include two additional categories of sense codes:

  • Sense codes sent by a 3270 emulator on LUSTAT requests

  • Sense codes that can only flow on LU 6.2 sessions

In This Section

Request Reject (Category X'08')

Request Errors (Category X'10')

State Errors (Category X'20')

RH Usage Errors (Category X'40')

Path Errors (Category X'80')

LUSTAT Sense Codes

Sense Data Specific to LU 6.2