Path Errors (Category X'80')

Sense codes in this category indicate that the request could not be delivered to the required half-session because of path errors. The following codes are in this category.

Code Meaning
8004 Unrecognized destination field address (DAF)
8005 No session
8006 Invalid format identification (FID): Error detected and logged; negative response not sent
8007 Segmentation error request/response header (RH) not present or too short: negative response sent only for segmentation error
8008 Primary unit (PU) not active: SSCP-PU was not active and request was not ACTPU or DACTPU
8009 Logical unit (LU) not active: DAF specified an LU for which the SSCP-SLU session has not been activated, and request was not ACTLU or DACTLU
800F Invalid address combination

See Also

SNA Sense Codes