Brazil overview
This article includes information and links to resources that can help you set up legal entities with a primary address in Brazil.
- Fiscal books
- Configure fiscal books
- ICMS tax fiscal documents
- Import fiscal documents
- Export and import legal entity transactions from General ledger consolidation
- Import and verify NF-e XML documents and DANFE files
- Process electronic payment remittances
- Fiscal documents and fiscal document framework
- Fiscal document text placeholders
- Purchase complementary fiscal documents
- Referenced fiscal documents
- Sales complementary fiscal documents
- Service electronic fiscal document
- Journals generated during the electronic payment return process
- NF-e process
- Parameters for legal entities
- Acquire and dispose a CIAP fixed asset
- SPED fiscal resolution 13/2019 RJ
- Taxes
- Calculate tax on purchase quotations
- Create a tax assessment - ICMS
- Create a tax assessment - IPI tax
- Create a tax assessment - PIS and COFINS tax
- Enter and post tax adjustment transactions
- Enter PIS and COFINS tax adjustment transactions
- Fiscal establishment tax attributes
- Issue ICMS tax credit fiscal documents
- Issue ICMS tax credit transfer fiscal documents
- Set up adjustment codes for ICMS tax
- Set up adjustment codes for ICMS taxes on fiscal documents
- Set up adjustment codes for IPI taxes
- Set up adjustment codes for PIS and COFINS taxes
- Set up PIS and COFINS tables
- Tax assessment for ISS tax
- Tax attributes
- Tax payments
- Tax in sales quotations
- Withholding taxes
- Tasks for Brazil
- Set up legal entity parameters
- Set up fiscal document source text
- Set up bank account numbers for Brazil
- Receive vendor fiscal documents (fixed assets - PIS and COFINS long term recoverable)
- Receive vendor fiscal documents (products)
- Create and post a purchase complementary fiscal document
- Cancel a purchase complementary fiscal document
- Issue fiscal documents for vendors
- Issue customer fiscal documents
- Delivery slips
- Miscellaneous charges on free text invoices
- Create and post a sales complementary fiscal document
- Cancel a sales complementary fiscal document
- Service electronic fiscal document using text files
- Set up interest and fines for vendor payments
- Calculate interest and fines on vendor payments
- Set up interest and fines on customer payments
- Calculate interest and fines on customer payments
- Electronic payment management for vendor payments
- Project debit notes
- Manage fiscal document text in procurement documents
- Receive vendor fiscal documents (fixed assets - ICMS long term recoverable)
- Issue customer fiscal documents (services)
- Issue customer fiscal documents (fixed assets)
- Issue customer fiscal documents (project)
- Issue customer fiscal documents (for end users)
- Issue customer fiscal documents (for SUFRAMA customers)
- Cancel a customer fiscal document (project)
- Non-fiscal operations
- Enter a CIAP transaction
- Calculate CIAP credit amount
- Include CIAP credit from a previous period
- PIS and COFINS fixed assets