Issue ICMS tax credit fiscal documents (Brazil)
You can create a new tax fiscal document and generate a Nota Fiscal eletrônica (NF-e). When you post the document, an NF-e XML message is generated and submitted to the Secretaria da Fazenda (SEFAZ). This task uses the BRMF demo company.
- Go to General ledger > Journal entries > All tax fiscal documents.
- Click New.
- In the Tax fiscal document type field, select an option.
- Select the type of tax transfer fiscal document, either ICMS tax transfer between fiscal establishments or ICMS tax credit installment.
- In the Fiscal establishment ID field, enter or select a value.
- In the Account type field, select an option.
- While you're doing an ICMS tax transfer, select a vendor to receive the tax credit from another fiscal establishment, or select a customer to transfer the tax credit to another fiscal establishment.
- In the Account number field, enter or select a value.
- The fiscal establishment must be a vendor or customer.
- In the Document model field, enter or select a value.
- In the Access key field, type a value.
- In the Date field, enter a date.
- Click Save.
- Click Add line.
- In the Item description field, type a value.
- In the list, mark the selected row.
- In the CFOP field, enter or select a value.
- In the Sales tax code field, enter or select a value.
- In the Amount field, enter a number.
- Click Save.
- Click Post.
- Click OK.
- Close the page.
- Close the page.