Lync Server 2010 PowerShell: The Un-Blog
In 1929, the Howdy Corporation created a soft drink that they named Bib-Label Lithiated Lemon-Lime Soda. In spite of its name, the drink became incredibly popular, and eventually turned into what we know today as 7UP. In 1967, the Howdy Corporation, with the new name The Seven-Up Company, dubbed their drink the UNCOLA. The reason they called it the UNCOLA is because, according to the 7UP web site: “The UNCOLA campaign set 7UP apart from its competition and became part of a counter [culture] that symbolized being true to yourself and challenging the status quo.”
Along those same lines, we see ourselves as the Un-Blog. In 2010 we created a blog with the name Communications Server “14” PowerShell Blog. In spite of its name, this blog became mildly popular and now has the more catchy name of Lync Server 2010 PowerShell Blog. (True, that’s not as big an improvement as the move from Bib-Label Lithiated Lemon-Lime Soda to 7UP. But it still has a nice ring to it, don’t you think?) Like the famous UNCOLA, this blog has set itself apart from the competition. (What competition? Well, we’re not sure, but we know it’s out there somewhere.)
The one snag we’ve run into is that, unlike the UNCOLA, which everyone knows what to do with (open the can and drink), not everyone is entirely sure what to do with the Un-Blog. The original idea was to create a web site where we could have a repository of information that people could easily navigate through to find the information they need. Unfortunately, web sites are hard to come by. (No, really, they are.) However, blogs are a dime a dozen, so we took our dime and decided to create a web site out of a blog.
If you take a look at our home page, you’ll see a list of Headlines. This is where you’ll find the most important things that we want to make sure you notice. We try to change the Headlines frequently, but, this being a blog and not a web site, that’s more easily said than done. But we wanted to make sure there was a place you could go to find the big news. On a typical blog page, new blog posts push old ones down and they get lost. The Headlines are things we don’t want to get lost for a while.
Down below the Headlines you’ll see the actual blog entries, which we’ve cleverly labeled News. These are the entries you’ll see if you subscribe to our RSS feed, and they’ll point you to all the new articles we post and any news we think is important (or even mildly interesting).
Aside from this, like a web site we’ve included some navigation pages that you can get to from the Browse This Blog section on the left side of the page.
We hope our Un-Blog makes sense now, and that you can easily find your way around. To sum up:
· Check the Headlines for the stuff we want everyone to be sure to see
· Check the News for the latest updates
· Browse around using the links in Browse This Blog
· Subscribe to the RSS feed and follow us on Twitter
· Use the Search box.
· Take a look at our FAQ.
Hopefully you’ll find what you’re looking for, and thank you for supporting the Lync Server 2010 PowerShell Un-Blog.
January 01, 2003
Absolutely! We're guessing your one vote ought to make us the winner, given the number of Un-Blogs out there, but who know?Anonymous
January 01, 2003
Hey Dmitry, Good idea, thanks. Anyone who's interested, Dmitry has provided the link here, and we'll be sure to add it somewhere as a reference, too.Anonymous
January 27, 2011
Thanks for the explanation of why this is an unblog. The explanation clarifies why this blog is not really a blog but is still an utterly fantastic source of information. Would that every team in MS that produces a PowerShell module do such a great job. In an ideal world, MS politics woudl allow you to have BOTH a blog and a web site. But as long as they don't this comprise works well once you understand it and know how to navigate to the content you need. Can I vote this site for the Un-Blog of the Year?Anonymous
February 17, 2011
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