Microsoft Lync Server 2010 PowerShell FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions
Hello, and welcome to the new site devoted to Microsoft Lync Server 2010 and, in particular, to the new implementation of Windows PowerShell found in Lync Server 2010. What follows are the most frequently-asked questions about Lync Server 2010 and Windows PowerShell. Or, at least, what we think are the most frequently-asked questions about Lync Server 2010 and Windows PowerShell.
I’m sorry; I dozed off. What did you say this site is for again?
Don’t feel bad; we dozed off, too. This site is devoted to the new implementation of Windows PowerShell found in Lync Server 2010.
They added Windows PowerShell to Lync Server? When did that happen?
Uh, with this new version, Microsoft Lync Server 2010.
And you said this new version is available to the general public right now?
Yes, as a matter of fact it is. You can even download the trial version here .
You know, this all sounds really cool. What made you guys decide to add PowerShell to Lync Server?
Funny you should ask. We were sitting in Steve Ballmer’s office one day and we said, “Steve, isn’t it about time we added PowerShell to Lync Server?” and Steve said, “Security! Get these two out of my office!” Kind of a cute story, don’t you think?
Actually, there are a lot of good reasons why we added PowerShell to Lync Server, and we could relay some of those reasons to you. But why not hear it straight from the horses’ mouths? Sometime in the next few weeks we plan on interviewing Edwin Young, the lead architect for Lync Server PowerShell, and Cezar Ungureanasu, the principal Program Manager for Lync Server PowerShell. They’ll tell the story much more eloquently than we could ever hope to.
Straight from the horses’ mouths?!? Are you saying that Edwin Young and Cezar Ungureanasu are real–
No, that’s just an expression.
Hey, does this mean that PowerShell will be backported to Office Communications Server 2007 R2?
No, sorry. And before you ask, it’s probably not going to be backported to Office Communications Server 2007; Live Communications Server 1.0; or Microsoft Bob, either.
Well, maybe Microsoft Bob. We’ll see.
Well, this site seems nice enough, at least for now. How often do you plan on updating it?
Good question. At this point in time it’s unlikely that we’ll update the site every hour, although currently we are updating it almost every day. For example, you can take a look at the Lync Server PowerShell Haiku of the Day every day. Other than that, subscribe to the RSS feed and watch our home page for updates.
I’m not sure I have time to check this site every day. Shouldn’t you have a Facebook group or a Twitter account or some other way to let people know when new stuff is added to the site?
Funny you should ask. Log on to Facebook and search for Lync Server PowerShell. Or check us out on Twitter . That should get you started.
No offense to you guys, but I have some really cool scripts as well as a basket-load of PowerShell tips and tricks that I think people would find very useful. But I suppose only Microsoft employees are allowed to contribute to this site, right?
Well, you might find this hard to believe, but Microsoft people don’t know everything. (The last time we counted, there were 7 or 8 things that we Microsoft people didn’t know.) We would love to publish your PowerShell scripts and/or your PowerShell tips and tricks. Got something related to Lync Server PowerShell you think other people would be interested in? Then send a copy to , and we’ll take it from there.
We’re also open to answering questions and to receiving feedback about this site and what can be done to make it better and more useful. Just drop us a line: .
I have some PowerShell scripts, too, but they’re for Office Communications Server 2007 R2. Are you guys interested in those scripts?
Sure, why not? Admittedly, our focus is on Lync Server 2010. On the other hand, one of the great things about Lync Server 2010 is that it coexists quite nicely with previous versions of the product. (Why is that a great thing? Because it means you don’t have to drop everything and move all your servers and all your users to Lync Server 2010 right this very moment. Instead, you can make the transition as gradual – and as painless – as you like.)
So, yes, if you PowerShell scripts that can be used to manage Office Communications Server 2007 R2 send them to . We’ll just file them under Office Communications Server 2007 R2 with Windows PowerShell .
This is all well and good, but I don’t know anything about Windows PowerShell. I guess that means that I’m out of luck when it comes to Lync Server 2010.
Far from it, and here’s why. First, you don’t have to use Windows PowerShell to manage Lync Server 2010. If you prefer, most of your day-to-day management tasks can be carried out using the new Lync Server Control Panel, a Web-based administration tool. ( Check it out ; it’s kinda cool.)
Second, we realize that many of you have yet to master Windows PowerShell. That’s why an entire section of this site is devoted to helping you learn about “plain old” Windows PowerShell. And once you’ve mastered PowerShell itself, you’ll discover that mastering the Lync Server implementation of PowerShell will be a snap.
OK, I’m sold. How do I actually get a copy of Lync Server 2010 and start playing with this new implementation of Windows PowerShell?
You can start by downloading the 180-Day Trial . Once you’ve tried it out and decided you want to buy it (which of course you will), get all the information you need on the Lync Server site .
I have a lot more questions about Windows PowerShell and Lync Server 2010. How can I get those questions answered?
There’s only way (well, only one way that we’re going to mention): send an email to . We’ll see what we can do to help. And don’t worry: if we get questions of general interest we’ll be sure to publish those questions – and the answers – online. It’s always nice to share, right?