CampaignAdditionalField Value Set - Campaign Management
Defines a list of optional campaign properties that you can request when calling GetCampaignsByAccountId and GetCampaignsByIds. The additional field values enable you to get the latest features using the current version of Campaign Management API, and in the next version the corresponding properties will be included in the campaign by default.
<xs:simpleType name="CampaignAdditionalField" xmlns:xs="">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="AdScheduleUseSearcherTimeZone" />
<xs:enumeration value="MaxConversionValueBiddingScheme" />
<xs:enumeration value="TargetImpressionShareBiddingScheme" />
<xs:enumeration value="TargetSetting" />
<xs:enumeration value="BidStrategyId" />
<xs:enumeration value="CpvCpmBiddingScheme" />
<xs:enumeration value="DynamicFeedSetting" />
<xs:enumeration value="MultimediaAdsBidAdjustment" />
<xs:enumeration value="VerifiedTrackingSetting" />
<xs:enumeration value="DynamicDescriptionSetting" />
<xs:enumeration value="DisclaimerSetting" />
<xs:enumeration value="CampaignConversionGoal" />
<xs:enumeration value="TargetCpaInMaxConversion" />
<xs:enumeration value="ResponsiveSearchAdsSetting" />
<xs:enumeration value="CostPerSaleBiddingScheme" />
<xs:enumeration value="ShoppingSettingShoppableAdsEnabled" />
<xs:enumeration value="ShoppingSettingFeedLabel" />
<xs:enumeration value="CallToActionSetting" />
<xs:enumeration value="PageFeedInPerformanceMaxSettings" />
<xs:enumeration value="DealIds" />
<xs:enumeration value="AutoGeneratedTextAndImageOptOutInPerformanceMaxSettings" />
<xs:enumeration value="CostPerSaleOptOutInPerformanceMaxSettings" />
<xs:enumeration value="VanityPharmaSetting" />
<xs:enumeration value="ManualCpi" />
<xs:enumeration value="IsDealCampaign" />
<xs:enumeration value="AppSetting" />
<xs:enumeration value="CallToActionOptOut" />
<xs:enumeration value="ThirdPartyMeasurementSetting" />
<xs:enumeration value="ManualCpc" />
<xs:enumeration value="NewCustomerAcquisitionGoalSetting" />
The CampaignAdditionalField value set has the following values: AdScheduleUseSearcherTimeZone, AppSetting, AutoGeneratedTextAndImageOptOutInPerformanceMaxSettings, BidStrategyId, CallToActionOptOut, CallToActionSetting, CampaignConversionGoal, CostPerSaleBiddingScheme, CostPerSaleOptOutInPerformanceMaxSettings, CpvCpmBiddingScheme, DealIds, DisclaimerSetting, DynamicDescriptionSetting, DynamicFeedSetting, IsDealCampaign, ManualCpc, ManualCpi, MaxConversionValueBiddingScheme, MultimediaAdsBidAdjustment, NewCustomerAcquisitionGoalSetting, PageFeedInPerformanceMaxSettings, ResponsiveSearchAdsSetting, ShoppingSettingFeedLabel, ShoppingSettingShoppableAdsEnabled, TargetCpaInMaxConversion, TargetImpressionShareBiddingScheme, TargetSetting, ThirdPartyMeasurementSetting, VanityPharmaSetting, VerifiedTrackingSetting.
Value | Description |
AdScheduleUseSearcherTimeZone | Request that the AdScheduleUseSearcherTimeZone element be included within each returned Campaign object. |
AppSetting | Request that the AppSetting object be returned within the Settings element of each returned Campaign object. |
AutoGeneratedTextAndImageOptOutInPerformanceMaxSettings | Reserved. |
BidStrategyId | Request that the BidStrategyId element be included within each returned Campaign object. |
CallToActionOptOut | Request that the CallToActionOptOut object be returned within the Settings element of each returned Campaign object. |
CallToActionSetting | Request that the CallToActionSetting object be returned within the Settings element of each returned Campaign object. |
CampaignConversionGoal | The base object of a campaign conversion goal. |
CostPerSaleBiddingScheme | Request that the CostPerSaleBiddingScheme object be returned within the BiddingScheme element of each returned Campaign object. |
CostPerSaleOptOutInPerformanceMaxSettings | Reserved. |
CpvCpmBiddingScheme | Request that the ManualCpmBiddingScheme or ManualCpvBiddingScheme object be returned within the BiddingScheme element of each returned Campaign object. Note: When CpvCpmBiddingScheme is not set, campaigns using ManualCPV or ManualCPM bidding schemes are not returned. |
DealIds | Request that the DealIds element be included within each returned Campaign object. |
DisclaimerSetting | Reserved. |
DynamicDescriptionSetting | Reserved. |
DynamicFeedSetting | Request that the DynamicFeedSetting object be returned within the Settings element of each returned Campaign object. |
IsDealCampaign | Reserved. |
ManualCpc | Reserved. |
ManualCpi | Reserved. |
MaxConversionValueBiddingScheme | Request that the MaxConversionValueBiddingScheme object be returned within the BiddingScheme element of each returned Campaign object. |
MultimediaAdsBidAdjustment | Request that the MultimediaAdsBidAdjustment element be included within each returned Campaign object. |
NewCustomerAcquisitionGoalSetting | Request that the NewCustomerAcquisitionGoalSetting object be returned within the Settings element of each returned Campaign object. |
PageFeedInPerformanceMaxSettings | Reserved. |
ResponsiveSearchAdsSetting | Reserved. |
ShoppingSettingFeedLabel | Request that the FeedLabel element be returned within the ShoppingSetting object of each returned Campaign object. |
ShoppingSettingShoppableAdsEnabled | Request that the ShoppableAdsEnabled element be returned within the ShoppingSetting object of each returned Campaign object. |
TargetCpaInMaxConversion | Reserved. |
TargetImpressionShareBiddingScheme | Request that the TargetImpressionShareBiddingScheme object be returned within the BiddingScheme element of each returned Campaign object. |
TargetSetting | Request that the TargetSetting object be returned within the Settings element of each returned Campaign object. |
ThirdPartyMeasurementSetting | Reserved. |
VanityPharmaSetting | Reserved. |
VerifiedTrackingSetting | Request that the VerifiedTrackingSetting object be returned within the Settings element of each returned Campaign object. |
Service: CampaignManagementService.svc v13