Campaign Management Value Sets
The Campaign Management service defines the following value sets.
Value Set | Description |
AccountPropertyName | Defines the name of account level properties. |
ActionAdExtensionActionType | Defines the possible options for action text that can be displayed in an action ad extension. |
AdAdditionalField | Defines a list of optional ad properties that you can request when calling GetAdsByAdGroupId, GetAdsByEditorialStatus, and GetAdsByIds. |
AdEditorialStatus | Defines the editorial review status values of an ad. |
AdExtensionAdditionalField | Defines a list of optional ad extension properties that you can request when calling GetAdExtensionsAssociations and GetAdExtensionsByIds. |
AdExtensionEditorialStatus | Defines the editorial review status values of an ad extension. |
AdExtensionHeaderType | Defines the possible types of ad extension headers. |
AdExtensionStatus | Defines the possible status values of an ad extension. |
AdExtensionsTypeFilter | Defines the possible ad extension types. |
AdGroupAdditionalField | Defines a list of optional ad group properties that you can request when calling GetAdGroupsByCampaignId and GetAdGroupsByIds. |
AdGroupCriterionEditorialStatus | Defines the editorial review status values of an ad group criterion. |
AdGroupCriterionStatus | Defines the possible ad group criterion status values. |
AdGroupCriterionType | Defines the possible types of ad group criterions. |
AdGroupPrivacyStatus | Defines possible values for ad group privacy status in Audience campaigns. |
AdGroupStatus | Defines the possible status values of an ad group. |
AdRecommendationTextField | Reserved. |
AdRecommendationTextTone | Reserved. |
AdRotationType | Defines the possible ad rotation types that you can apply to an ad group. |
AdStatus | Defines the possible status values of an ad. |
AdSubType | Defines the possible ad sub types. |
AdType | Defines the type of ad. |
AgeRange | Defines the possible age range values that you can use to target ads to people. |
AppealStatus | Defines the values that you use to determine whether an editorial issue is appealable. |
AppStore | The app store the mobile app is distributed in. |
AssetGroupAdditionalField | Defines the possible additional fields for an asset group. |
AssetGroupEditorialStatus | The editorial review status of the asset group, which indicates whether the asset group is pending review, has been approved, or has been disapproved. |
AssetGroupListingType | The type of listing group, for example Subdivision or Unit. |
AssetGroupStatus | The status of the AssetGroup. |
AssetLinkEditorialStatus | Defines the editorial review status values of a linked asset. |
AssociationType | Defines the entity types that can be associated with an ad extension. |
AttributionModelType | Determines which attribution model is used with a conversion goal. |
AudienceAdditionalField | Defines a list of optional audience properties that you can request when calling GetAudiencesByIds. |
AudienceGroupDimensionType | Defines an AudienceGroupDimensionType value set. |
AudienceType | Defines the possible audience types. |
BidOption | Determines whether or not to amplify your partner's bid. |
BMCStoreAdditionalField | Defines a list of optional store properties that you can request when calling GetBMCStoresByCustomerId. |
BMCStoreSubType | Defines the possible values for Microsoft Merchant Center store sub types. |
BudgetLimitType | Defines the possible budget limit types that you can specify for a campaign. |
BusinessGeoCodeStatus | Defines the possible status values that indicate the progress of determining the latitude and longitude values of a business. |
CallToAction | Defines the possible values for a brief, punchy reason for customers to click your ad right now. |
CampaignAdditionalField | Defines a list of optional campaign properties that you can request when calling GetCampaignsByAccountId and GetCampaignsByIds. |
CampaignCriterionStatus | Defines the possible campaign criterion status values. |
CampaignCriterionType | Defines the possible types of campaign criterions. |
CampaignStatus | Defines the possible status values of a campaign. |
CampaignType | Defines the possible campaign types. |
CompressionType | Defines the possible compression types for the file to download with the Campaign Management service. |
ConversionGoalAdditionalField | Defines a list of optional conversion goal properties that you can request when calling GetConversionGoalsByIds and GetConversionGoalsByTagIds. |
ConversionGoalCategory | Defines categories used to segment conversion goals. |
ConversionGoalCountType | Defines how your conversions are recorded within your chosen conversion window. |
ConversionGoalRevenueType | Defines conversion goal revenue models that you can use to track how much each conversion is worth to your business. |
ConversionGoalStatus | Defines the possible user-determined status values of a conversion goal. |
ConversionGoalTrackingStatus | Defines the possible system-determined status values of a conversion goal. |
ConversionGoalType | Defines the current possible types of conversion goals. |
ConversionValueRuleOperator | Defines the conversion value rule operator value set. |
ConversionValueRuleStatus | Defines the conversion value rule status value set. |
CriterionAdditionalField | Defines a list of optional criterion properties that you can request when calling GetAdGroupCriterionsByIds and GetCampaignCriterionsByIds. |
CriterionTypeGroup | The type used to group criterions. |
CustomerListActionType | Defines a CustomerListActionType value set. |
CustomerListItemSubType | Defines a CustomerListItemSubType value set. |
Day | Defines the day values that you can specify for day and time criterion. |
DeviceType | Defines the device type value set. |
DistanceUnit | Defines the possible distance units of a geographical location. |
DynamicSearchAdsSource | Defines the possible targeting source values for dynamic search ads campaigns. |
EntityScope | Defines values that you can use to determine whether the remarketing list can only be associated with ad groups within one specified account, or can be associated with any ad groups across all of the customer's accounts. |
EntityType | Defines entity types for association and editorial service operations. |
ExpressionOperator | Defines the operators that can be applied to expressions within a conversion goal. |
FrequencyCapTimeGranularity | Defines the possible values for FrequencyCapTimeGranularity. |
GenderType | Defines the genders that are available for gender criterion. |
HotelAdGroupType | The ad group type for Lodging campaigns. |
HotelDateSelectionType | Possible hotel date selection types. |
HotelListingType | Defines the type of hotel listing. |
ImportAdditionalField | Defines a list of optional import properties that you can request when calling GetImportJobsByIds and GetImportResults. |
ImportEntityType | Defines the supported import entity types. |
ImpressionBasedEntityType | Defines a value set for ImpressionBasedEntityType. |
IntentOption | Defines the possible intent options for location criterion, for example to target people in, searching for, or viewing pages about your targeted location. |
ItemAction | Defines the possible types of item actions, for example to add, delete, or update the product partition criterion. |
KeywordEditorialStatus | Defines the editorial review status values of a keyword. |
KeywordStatus | Defines the possible status values of a keyword. |
LanguageName | Defines the set of supported ad languages. |
LocationType | Defines the location type value set. |
LogicalOperator | Defines the supported set of logical operators for combined list audiences. |
MatchType | Defines the possible match types for a keyword or negative keyword. |
MediaAdditionalField | Defines a value set for MediaAdditionalField. |
MediaEnabledEntityFilter | Defines the possible values representing entities that are enabled for media such as images. |
MigrationStatus | Defines the possible migration status values. |
Minute | Defines the possible minute values for ad extension scheduling or day and time criterion. |
Network | Defines the possible search networks on which an ad can display. |
NormalForm | Defines the possible normal form types. |
NumberOperator | Defines the operators that can be applied to remarketing list rule item number values. |
PriceExtensionType | Defines the possible types of price ad extensions. |
PriceQualifier | Defines price qualifiers for price ad extensions. |
PriceUnit | Defines price units for price ad extensions. |
ProductAudienceType | Defines the possible types of product audiences. |
ProductPartitionType | Defines the possible types of product partitions. |
ProfileType | Defines the possible types of profile criterions. |
PromotionDiscountModifier | Defines the possible types of promotion discount modifiers. |
PromotionOccasion | Defines the possible types of promotion occasions. |
StringOperator | Defines the operators that can be applied to remarketing list rule item string values. |
UetTagTrackingStatus | Defines the possible system-determined status values of a UET tag. |
ValueOperator | Defines the operators that can be applied to values within a conversion event goal. |
VanityPharmaDisplayUrlMode | Defines a value set for VanityPharmaDisplayUrlMode. |
VanityPharmaWebsiteDescription | Defines a value set for VanityPharmaWebsiteDescription. |
WebpageConditionOperand | Defines the possible operand values that can be applied to the argument of a webpage condition for dynamic search ads. |
WebpageConditionOperator | Defines the possible operator values that can be applied to the argument of a webpage condition for dynamic search ads. |