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Font Embedding Functions

The following functions are used with embedded Microsoft OpenType fonts.

Function Description
CFP_ALLOCPROC Application-provided memory allocation function for CreateFontPackage and MergeFontPackage.
CFP_FREEPROC Application-provided memory deallocation function for CreateFontPackage and MergeFontPackage.
CFP_REALLOCPROC Application-provided memory reallocation function for CreateFontPackage and MergeFontPackage.
CreateFontPackage Creates a more compact version of a specified TrueType font, in order to pass it to a printer. The resulting font may be subsetted, compressed, or both.
MergeFontPackage Merges subset fonts created by CreateFontPackage.
READEMBEDPROC Client-provided callback function to read stream contents from a buffer.
TTCharToUnicode Converts an array of 8-bit character code values to 16-bit Unicode values.
TTDeleteEmbeddedFont Releases memory used by an embedded font.
TTEmbedFont Creates a font structure containing a subsetted wide character (16-bit) font, using a device context as the font-embedding information source.
TTEmbedFontEx Creates a font structure containing the subsetted UCS-4 character (32-bit) font, using a device context as the font-embedding information source.
TTEmbedFontFromFileA Creates a font structure containing a subsetted wide-character (16-bit) font, using a file as the font-embedding information source.
TTEnableEmbeddingForFacename Adds or removes facenames from the typeface exclusion list.
TTGetEmbeddedFontInfo Retrieves information about an embedded font.
TTGetEmbeddingType Returns embedding privileges of a font.
TTGetNewFontName Creates a new name for an installed embedded font.
TTIsEmbeddingEnabled Determines if the typeface exclusion list contains a specified font.
TTIsEmbeddingEnabledForFacename Determines whether embedding is enabled for a specified font.
TTLoadEmbeddedFont Reads the embedded font from the document stream and installs it. Also allows a client to further restrict embedding privileges of the font.
TTRunValidationTests Validates part or all glyph data of a wide-character (16-bit) font, in the size range specified.
TTRunValidationTestsEx UCS-4 version of TTRunValidationTests.
WRITEEMBEDPROC Client-provided callback function to write stream contents to a buffer.