TTCharToUnicode function (t2embapi.h)

Converts an array of 8-bit character code values to 16-bit Unicode values.


LONG TTCharToUnicode(
  [in]  HDC    hDC,
  [in]  UCHAR  *pucCharCodes,
  [in]  ULONG  ulCharCodeSize,
  [out] USHORT *pusShortCodes,
  [in]  ULONG  ulShortCodeSize,
  [in]  ULONG  ulFlags


[in] hDC

A device context handle.

[in] pucCharCodes

A pointer to an array of 8-bit character codes to convert to 16-bit Unicode values. Must be set to a non-null value.

[in] ulCharCodeSize

The size of an 8-bit character code array.

[out] pusShortCodes

A pointer to an array that will be filled by this function with the Unicode equivalents of the 8-bit values in the pucCharCodesarray. This parameter must be set to a non-null value.

[in] ulShortCodeSize

The size, in wide characters, of the character code array.

[in] ulFlags

This parameter is currently unused.

Return value

If successful, returns E_NONE.

Array *pusShortCodes is filled with 16-bit Unicode values that correspond to the 8-bit character codes in *pusCharCodes.ulShortCodeSize contains the size, in wide characters, of *pusShortCodes.

Otherwise, returns an error code described in Embedding Function Error Messages.


This function may be useful to clients when creating a list of symbol characters to be subsetted.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 2000 Professional [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows 2000 Server [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header t2embapi.h
Library T2embed.lib
DLL T2embed.dll

See also

