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Manual Test - Remote User mode Debugging - Native

This is a manual test & it should be run outside HLK by following the manual instructions provided below. If this test is run as an automated test from HLK studio/controller, the test will pass by default without testing any functionality.

Manual instructions to run this test:

  1. Hardware Prerequisites
    1. Device under test
    2. USB-Ethernet (2.0) adapter
    3. IP Network connectivity via Ethernet
  2. Software Prerequisites
    1. Windows Desktop (x86/amd64) - with windbg installed
    2. Firmware & full OS
    3. mwdbgsrv.exe - location of binary <Kits_Root>\EnterpriseWDK_Dev14\Program Files\WindowsKits\10\MSPackages\Merged\arm64\fre\
    4. Extract and copy the standalone binary onto the desktop device into some temp directory
  3. Setting up the Test
    1. On device under test, flash firmware & install full OS
    2. Open Admin command prompt
    3. Run ipconfig.and note the ip - address of the Ethernet network card
    4. In Admin command prompt
      1. Go to directory where mwdbgsrv.exe was installed
      2. Run mwdbgsrv -t tcp:port=8888
  4. Running the Test
    1. On the Windows Desktop x86/amd64 machine run
    2. windbg -premote tcp:server=<ip-address-of-DUT-ethernet-adapter>, port=8888
    3. windbg -premote tcp:server==<ip-address-of-DUT-ethernet-adapter>, port=8888 c:\windows\system32\xcopy.exe(or any test executable)
  5. Verification
    1. Windbg should come up
      1. Navigate to File Menu
      2. Select "Attach to Process"
      3. You should see list of user-mode processes to attach to
      4. Attach to some process
    2. Windbg should come up and begin running user mode test-app and breaks on load

Test details

  • System.Client.ARM64DesktopHardware.BasicFunctionality
    Supported Releases
    • Windows 10, version 1703
    • Windows 10, version 1709
    • Windows 10, version 1803
    • Windows 10, version 1809
    • Windows 10, version 1903
    • Next update to Windows 10
    Expected run time (in minutes) 10
    Category Development
    Timeout (in minutes) 15
    Requires reboot false
    Requires special configuration false
    Type manual

    Additional Documentation

    Tests in this feature area might have additional documentation, including prerequisites, setup, and troubleshooting information, that can be found in the following topic(s):


    For generic troubleshooting of HLK test failures, see Troubleshooting Windows HLK Test Failures.