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Microsoft.Data.Schema.Sql.SchemaModel Namespace

This namespace defines classes and interfaces that are used to create the models that represent the SQL Server family of databases.


  Class Description
Public class DacProjectAnnotation Indicates that the model is for a Data-tier Application Component (DAC) project.
Public class InterpretationError Class to represent the errors that are specific to interpretation.
Public class Sql100Interpreter Interprets Transact-SQL fragments to define the schema that would be generated.
Public class Sql100InterpreterConstructor A constructor class that has options that define a Transact-SQL interpreter.
Public class Sql100ModelBuilderConstructor A constructor class that can create a SQL Server 2008 model builder.
Public class Sql100ModelComparer Compares database models for SQL Server 2008.
Public class Sql100ModelComparerConstructor Service constructor for SQL Server 2008 model comparer.
Public class Sql100ReverseEngineer Performs the "reverse engineering" import operation for a SQL Server 2008 database.
Public class Sql100ReverseEngineerConstructor A constructor class that can create a SQL Server 2008 Reverse Engineer
Public class Sql100SchemaModel The schema manager for a SQL Server 2008 database.
Public class Sql100SchemaModelConstructor A constructor class that can create a schema model for SQL Server 2008.
Public class Sql100ScriptDomGenerator Implements a Script Document Object Model (DOM) Generator for SQL Server 2008.
Public class Sql100ScriptDomGeneratorConstructor A constructor class that has options that define a Script Document Object Model (DOM) generator for SQL Server 2008.
Public class Sql80Interpreter Interprets Transact-SQL fragments for SQL Server 2000 to define the schema that would be generated.
Public class Sql80InterpreterConstructor A constructor class that has options that define a Transact-SQL interpreter for SQL Server 2000.
Public class Sql80ModelBuilderConstructor A constructor class that can create a SQL Server 2000 model builder.
Public class Sql80ModelComparer Implements a comparer for SQL Server 2000 models.
Public class Sql80ModelComparerConstructor Service constructor for a model comparer for SQL Server 2000.
Public class Sql80ReverseEngineer Performs the "reverse engineering" import operation for a SQL Server 2000 database.
Public class Sql80ReverseEngineerConstructor A constructor class that can create a reverse engineering class for SQL Server 2000.
Public class Sql80SchemaModel Represents a schema model for SQL Server 2000.
Public class Sql80SchemaModelConstructor A constructor class that can create a schema model for SQL Server 2000.
Public class Sql80ScriptDomGenerator Implements a SQL Server 2000-specific script Document Object Model (DOM) generator.
Public class Sql80ScriptDomGeneratorConstructor A constructor class that has options that define a SQL Server 2000 DOM generator.
Public class Sql90Interpreter Interprets Transact-SQL fragments to define the schema that would be generated.
Public class Sql90InterpreterConstructor A constructor class that has options that define a Transact-SQL interpreter for SQL Server 2005.
Public class Sql90ModelBuilderConstructor A constructor class that can create a model builder for SQL Server 2005.
Public class Sql90ModelComparer Compares models for SQL Server 2005.
Public class Sql90ModelComparerConstructor Service constructor for model comparer for SQL Server 2005.
Public class Sql90ReverseEngineer Implements the "reverse engineering" import operation for SQL Server 2005.
Public class Sql90ReverseEngineerConstructor A constructor class that can create a reverse engineering class for SQL Server 2005.
Public class Sql90SchemaModel Represents a schema manager for SQL Server 2005.
Public class Sql90SchemaModelConstructor A constructor class that can create a schema model for SQL Server 2005.
Public class Sql90ScriptDomGenerator SQL Server 2005-specific script Document Object Model (DOM) generator.
Public class Sql90ScriptDomGeneratorConstructor A constructor class that defines a script Document Object Model (DOM) generator for SQL Server 2005.
Public class SqlAnnotationDescriptor Describes the annotation for a SqlElementDescriptor.
Public class SqlElementDescriptor Describes a SQL Server model element but does not instantiate it in the store.
Public class SqlInlineConstraintAnnotation Models an annotation on an inline constraint.
Public class SqlInterpreter Interprets Transact-SQL fragments to define the schema that would be generated if those fragments were executed.
Public class SqlInterpreterConstructor A constructor class that has options that define a Transact-SQL interpreter.
Public class SqlModelBuilder Class that is responsible for building a model of a SQL Server database.
Public class SqlModelBuilderConstructor A constructor class that defines a model builder for a SQL Server database.
Public class SqlModelBuilderException Represents an exception thrown by SqlModelBuilder.
Public class SqlModelComparer Class that is used to compare a source and target schema model.
Public class SqlModelComparerConfiguration Comparison configuration information for comparison models of two SQL Server databases.
Public class SqlModelComparerConstructor The service constructor for SqlModelComparer.
Public class SqlPotentialElementDescriptor This class represents an ambiguous element descriptor.
Public class SqlReverseEngineer Represents the abstract base class for the reverse engineering (import) process for SQL Server. This class enables the population of a schema manager, given a connection string.
Public class SqlReverseEngineerConstructor A constructor class that defines a reverse engineering class for SQL Server.
Public class SqlReverseEngineerException Exception that can be raised during import.
Public class SqlReverseEngineerProgressEventArgs Contains the data for progress events that are raised during reverse engineering (import).
Public class SqlSchemaAnalyzer The base class that defines the interpretation events.
Public class SqlSchemaModel The base class for schema managers for SQL Server databases.
Protected class SqlSchemaModel.SqlModelElement Represents a schema model element for a SQL Server model.
Public class SqlSchemaModelConstructor A constructor class that defines a schema model class for SQL Server.
Public class SqlSchemaModelException Exception used for Schema Model.
Public class SqlScriptDomGenerator SQL Server-specific script domain object model (DOM) generator.
Public class SqlScriptDomGeneratorConstructor A constructor class that defines a SQL Server script Document Object Model (DOM) generator.
Public class SqlScriptProperty Represents a property of a Transact-SQL script.
Public class SqlSourceInformation Provides information about the source of a model element.
Public class SysCommentsObjectAnnotation Defines an annotation that applies to a syscomments object.


  Structure Description
Public structure SqlClrPart Models an immutable structure that represents a Common Language Run-time (CLR) part.


  Interface Description
Public interface ISql100Aggregate Models an aggregate.
Public interface ISql100AsymmetricKey Models an asymmetric key.
Public interface ISql100AuditAction Models the use of an audit action by an audit specification.
Public interface ISql100AuditActionGroup Models the use of an audit action group by an audit specification.
Public interface ISql100AuditActionSpecification Models the specification of an audit action group by an audit specification.
Public interface ISql100AuditSpecification Models an audit specification.
Public interface ISql100BrokerPriority Models a broker priority.
Public interface ISql100ClrFunctionImplementation Models a SQL Server Common Language Run-time (SQL CLR) function implementation.
Public interface ISql100ClrFunctionOrderedColumnSpecification Models an order specification for a column in the return value of a SQL Server Common Language Run-time (SQL CLR) table-valued function.
Public interface ISql100ColumnSet Models a column set.
Public interface ISql100Credential Models a credential.
Public interface ISql100CryptographicProvider Models a cryptographic provider.
Public interface ISql100DatabaseAuditSpecification Models a database audit specification.
Public interface ISql100DatabaseEncryptionKey Models a database encryption key.
Public interface ISql100DatabaseOptions Models the settings on a database.
Public interface ISql100DataCompressionOption Models the data compression settings for a single partition.
Public interface ISql100EventSession Models an event session.
Public interface ISql100EventSessionAction Models an action for an event in an event session.
Public interface ISql100EventSessionDefinitions Models an event definition for an event session.
Public interface ISql100EventSessionSetting Models a custom attribute setting for an event in an event session.
Public interface ISql100EventSessionTarget Models an event target for an event session.
Public interface ISql100Filegroup Models a filegroup.
Public interface ISql100FullTextIndex Models a full-text index.
Public interface ISql100FullTextStopList Models a full-text stop list.
Public interface ISql100Function Models a function.
Public interface ISql100Index Models an index.
Public interface ISql100InlineTableValuedFunction Models an inline table-valued function.
Public interface ISql100LinkedServer Models a linked server.
Public interface ISql100MultiStatementTableValuedFunction Models a multi-statement table-valued function.
Public interface ISql100PartitionScheme Models a partition scheme.
Public interface ISql100PrimaryKeyConstraint Models a primary key.
Public interface ISql100Procedure Models a stored procedure.
Public interface ISql100Queue Models a queue.
Public interface ISql100QueueEventNotification Models a queue event notification.
Public interface ISql100RemoteServiceBinding Models a remote service binding.
Public interface ISql100ResourceGovernor Models the resource governor.
Public interface ISql100ResourcePool Models a resource pool.
Public interface ISql100ScalarFunction Models a scalar-valued function.
Public interface ISql100ServerAudit Models a server audit.
Public interface ISql100ServerAuditSpecification Models a server audit specification.
Public interface ISql100ServerOptions Models the settings on a server instance.
Public interface ISql100Service Models a service.
Public interface ISql100SimpleColumn Models a simple column.
Public interface ISql100SpatialIndex Models a spatial index.
Public interface ISql100SpatialIndexedObject Models an object subject to a spatial index.
Public interface ISql100SpecifiesDataCompressionOptions Models data compression settings.
Public interface ISql100SpecifiesFileStream Models an object that specifies logical storage.
Public interface ISql100SpecifiesIndex Models the settings on an index.
Public interface ISql100Statistic Models a statistic.
Public interface ISql100Subroutine Models executable code, for example, a function or procedure.
Public interface ISql100SubroutineParameter Models a parameter to a subroutine, such as a stored procedure or function.
Public interface ISql100SymmetricKey Models the symmetric key.
Public interface ISql100Table Models a table.
Public interface ISql100TableType Models a user-defined table type.
Public interface ISql100TableTypeCheckConstraint Models a check constraint on a table type.
Public interface ISql100TableTypeColumn Models a column in a table type.
Public interface ISql100TableTypeComputedColumn Models a computed column in a table type.
Public interface ISql100TableTypeConstraint Models a constraint on a table type.
Public interface ISql100TableTypeDefaultConstraint Models a default constraint on a table type.
Public interface ISql100TableTypeIndexedColumnSpecification Models an indexed column in a table type.
Public interface ISql100TableTypeSimpleColumn Models a simple column in a table type.
Public interface ISql100TableTypeUniqueConstraint Models a unique constraint on a table type.
Public interface ISql100TableValuedFunction Models a table-valued function.
Public interface ISql100UniqueConstraint Models a unique constraint.
Public interface ISql100View Models a view.
Public interface ISql100WorkloadGroup Models a workload group.
Public interface ISql100XmlIndex Models an XML index.
Public interface ISql80ApplicationRole Models an application role.
Public interface ISql80DatabaseSecurityPrincipal Models a database-level security principal, such as a user or role.
Public interface ISql80Role Models a role.
Public interface ISql80User Models a user.
Public interface ISql90Aggregate Models an aggregator function.
Public interface ISql90ApplicationRole Models an application role.
Public interface ISql90Assembly Models a SQL Server Common Language Run-time (SQL CLR) assembly.
Public interface ISql90AssemblyFile Models a file that defines an assembly.
Public interface ISql90AssemblySource Models the binary definition of an assembly.
Public interface ISql90AsymmetricKey Models an asymmetric key.
Public interface ISql90AuthorizedObject Models an owned object (with an AUTHORIZER clause).
Public interface ISql90Certificate Models a certificate.
Public interface ISql90CheckConstraint Models a check constraint.
Public interface ISql90ClrClassDefined Models an object that is defined as a SQL Server Common Language Run-time (SQL CLR) class.
Public interface ISql90ClrFunctionImplementation Models the SQL Server Common Language Run-time (SQL CLR) implementation of a function.
Public interface ISql90ClrMethod Models a method of a SQL Server common language runtime (SQL CLR) type.
Public interface ISql90ClrMethodDefined Models an object that is defined as a SQL Server common language runtime (SQL CLR) method.
Public interface ISql90ClrMethodParameter Models a parameter to a SQL Server Common Language Run-time (SQL CLR) method.
Public interface ISql90ClrProperty Models a property of a SQL Server common language runtime (SQL CLR) type.
Public interface ISql90ComputedColumn Models a column whose values are computed as needed from other sources.
Public interface ISql90Constraint Models a table constraint.
Public interface ISql90Contract Models a contract.
Public interface ISql90ContractMessageSpecifier Models the use of a message type in a contract.
Public interface ISql90Credential Models a credential.
Public interface ISql90DatabaseDdlTrigger Models a database-level Data Definition Language (DDL) trigger.
Public interface ISql90DatabaseEventNotification Models a database event notification.
Public interface ISql90DatabaseMirroringLanguageSpecifier Models the use of database mirroring by an endpoint.
Public interface ISql90DatabaseOptions Models the settings on a database.
Public interface ISql90DatabaseSecurityPrincipal Models a database-level security principal.
Public interface ISql90DdlTrigger Models a Data Definition Language (DDL) trigger.
Public interface ISql90DefaultConstraint Models a default constraint.
Public interface ISql90DmlTrigger Models a Data Manipulation Language (DML) trigger.
Public interface ISql90Endpoint Models an endpoint.
Public interface ISql90EndpointLanguageSpecifier Models the use of a language by an endpoint.
Public interface ISql90EventGroupSpecifier Models a use of an event group.
Public interface ISql90EventNotification Models an event notification.
Public interface ISql90EventTypeSpecifier Models a use of an event type.
Public interface ISql90File Models a file.
Public interface ISql90FilegroupSpecifier Models a use of a filegroup by a partition scheme.
Public interface ISql90ForeignKeyConstraint Models a foreign key constraint.
Public interface ISql90FullTextCatalog Models a full-text catalog.
Public interface ISql90FullTextIndex Models a full-text index.
Public interface ISql90Function Models a function.
Public interface ISql90HttpProtocolSpecifier Models the use of the HTTP protocol by an endpoint.
Public interface ISql90Index Models an index.
Public interface ISql90InlineTableValuedFunction Models an inline table-valued function.
Public interface ISql90Login Models a login.
Public interface ISql90MasterKey Models a database master key.
Public interface ISql90MessageType Models a service broker message type.
Public interface ISql90MultiStatementTableValuedFunction Models a multi-statement table-valued function.
Public interface ISql90ObjectAuthorizer Models an owner for an authorized object.
Public interface ISql90PartitionFunction Models a partition function.
Public interface ISql90PartitionScheme Models a partition scheme.
Public interface ISql90PartitionValue Models a partition value in a partition function.
Public interface ISql90PrimaryKeyConstraint Models a primary key constraint.
Public interface ISql90Procedure Models a stored procedure.
Public interface ISql90ProtocolSpecifier Models the use of a protocol by an endpoint.
Public interface ISql90Queue Models a queue.
Public interface ISql90QueueEventNotification Models a queue event notification.
Public interface ISql90RemoteServiceBinding Models a remote service binding.
Public interface ISql90Role Models a role.
Public interface ISql90Route Models a route.
Public interface ISql90ScalarFunction Models a scalar-valued function.
Public interface ISql90Schema Models a schema.
Public interface ISql90SecurityPrincipal Models a security principal.
Public interface ISql90ServerDdlTrigger Models a server-level Data Definition Language (DDL) trigger.
Public interface ISql90ServerEventNotification Models a server event notification.
Public interface ISql90ServerOptions Models the settings on a server instance.
Public interface ISql90ServerSecurityPrincipal Models a server-level security principal.
Public interface ISql90Service Models a service.
Public interface ISql90ServiceBrokerLanguageSpecifier Models the use of a service broker by an endpoint.
Public interface ISql90Signable Models a signable object, such as a procedure or trigger.
Public interface ISql90Signature Models a signature.
Public interface ISql90SignatureEncryptionMechanism Models a mechanism that is used to create a cryptographic signature.
Public interface ISql90SoapLanguageSpecifier Models the use of SOAP by an endpoint.
Public interface ISql90SoapMethodSpecification Models the use of a SOAP method by a SOAP endpoint.
Public interface ISql90SpecifiesExecutionContext Models the execution context settings for an object.
Public interface ISql90SpecifiesIndex Models index settings.
Public interface ISql90SpecifiesStorage Models logical storage settings for an object.
Public interface ISql90SpecifiesTable Models an object that defines a table. This might be an actual table or it might be a table-valued function.
Public interface ISql90Statistic Models a statistic.
Public interface ISql90Subroutine Models executable code such as a function or stored procedure.
Public interface ISql90SymmetricKey Models a symmetric key.
Public interface ISql90SymmetricKeyEncryptionPassword Models an encryption password.
Public interface ISql90Synonym Models a synonym.
Public interface ISql90SynonymTarget Models the target of a synonym.
Public interface ISql90Table Models a table.
Public interface ISql90TableValuedFunction Models a table-valued function.
Public interface ISql90TcpProtocolSpecifier Models the use of the TCP protocol by an endpoint.
Public interface ISql90Trigger Models a trigger.
Public interface ISql90TriggerEventTypeSpecifier Models a use of an event type.
Public interface ISql90TypeSpecifier Models a type, which includes the base type and any parameters, such as precision.
Public interface ISql90UniqueConstraint Models a unique constraint.
Public interface ISql90User Models a user.
Public interface ISql90UserDefinedDataType Models a user-defined data type.
Public interface ISql90UserDefinedType Models a user-defined type that is implemented as a SQL Server Common Language Run-time (CLR) type.
Public interface ISql90View Models a view.
Public interface ISql90XmlIndex Models an XML index.
Public interface ISql90XmlIndexedObject Models an object that is indexed by an XML index.
Public interface ISql90XmlSchemaCollection Models an XML schema collection.
Public interface ISql90XmlTypeSpecifier Models an XML type.
Public interface ISqlApplicationRole Models an application role.
Public interface ISqlAuthorizedObject Models an object that is granted a security authorization.
Public interface ISqlBuiltInType Models a built-in SQL Server data type.
Public interface ISqlCheckConstraint Models a check constraint.
Public interface ISqlColumn Models a column.
Public interface ISqlColumnSource Models a source of column data.
Public interface ISqlComputedColumn Models a computed column.
Public interface ISqlConstraint Models a constraint.
Public interface ISqlDatabaseOptions Models the settings on a database.
Public interface ISqlDatabaseSecurityPrincipal Models a database-level security principal, such as role memberships.
Public interface ISqlDefault Models a default value.
Public interface ISqlDefaultConstraint Models a default constraint.
Public interface ISqlDmlTrigger Models a Data Manipulation Language (DML) trigger.
Public interface ISqlDynamicColumnSource Used to resolve temporary tables and other locally scoped column sources that are derived from existing tables. This interface enables model resolution and does not represent first-class elements of the model.
Public interface ISqlErrorMessage Models an error message.
Public interface ISqlExtendedProcedure Models an extended stored procedure.
Public interface ISqlExtendedProperty Models an extended property.
Public interface ISqlExtendedPropertyHost Models an object that can have extended properties.
Public interface ISqlFile Models a filegroup file or log file.
Public interface ISqlFilegroup Models a filegroup.
Public interface ISqlForeignKeyConstraint Models a foreign key constraint.
Public interface ISqlFullTextCatalog Models a full-text catalog.
Public interface ISqlFullTextIndex Models a full-text index.
Public interface ISqlFullTextIndexColumnSpecifier Models the use of a column in a full-text index.
Public interface ISqlFulltextIndexedObject Models an object covered by a full-text index.
Public interface ISqlFunction Models a function.
Public interface ISqlFunctionImplementation Models the body implementation of a function. The function might be Transact-SQL script or SQL Server common language runtime (SQL Server CLR) integration code.
Public interface ISqlIndex Models an index.
Public interface ISqlIndexBase Represents the base interface for indexes.
Public interface ISqlIndexedColumnSpecification Models the use of a column by an index.
Public interface ISqlInlineTableValuedFunction Models an inline table-valued function.
Public interface ISqlLegacyDataConstraints Models the binding of a Default or Rule to a column.
Public interface ISqlLegacyDataConstraintTarget Models a target for a Default or Rule.
Public interface ISqlLinkedServer Models a linked server.
Public interface ISqlLinkedServerLogin Models a login for a linked server.
Public interface ISqlLogin Models a login.
Public interface ISqlModelElement The base model element for the SQL Server domain.
Public interface ISqlMultiStatementTableValuedFunction Models a multi-statement table-valued function.
Public interface ISqlObjectAuthorizer Models an authorizer.
Public interface ISqlObjectOwner Models an object that owns other objects.
Public interface ISqlOwnedObject Models an object that is owned by another object.
Public interface ISqlPermissionStatement Models a permission statement.
Public interface ISqlPrimaryKeyConstraint Models a primary key constraint.
Public interface ISqlProcedure Models a stored procedure.
Public interface ISqlRole Models a database role.
Public interface ISqlRoleMembership Models the inclusion of a security principal in a database role.
Public interface ISqlRule Models a rule.
Public interface ISqlScalarFunction Models a scalar-valued function.
Public interface ISqlScriptFunctionImplementation Models the script implementation of a function.
Public interface ISqlSecurable Models an object to which permissions apply.
Public interface ISqlSecurityPrincipal Models a security principal.
Public interface ISqlServerOptions Models the settings for an instance of SQL Server.
Public interface ISqlServerRole Models a server role.
Public interface ISqlServerRoleMembership Models the inclusion of a security principal in a server role.
Public interface ISqlServerSecurityPrincipal Models a server-level security principal.
Public interface ISqlSimpleColumn Models a simple column.
Public interface ISqlSpecifiesAnsiNulls Models an object that has its own ANSI NULLS setting. This typically occurs when the object has a script.
Public interface ISqlSpecifiesIndex Models index settings.
Public interface ISqlSpecifiesQuotedIdentifier Models an object that has its own QUOTED IDENTIFIER setting. This typically occurs because the object has a script.
Public interface ISqlSpecifiesStorage Models the logical storage settings for an object.
Public interface ISqlSpecifiesTable Models an object that defines a table. This might be an actual table or, for example, a table-valued function.
Public interface ISqlStatistic Models a statistic.
Public interface ISqlStatisticBound Models an object that is covered by a statistic.
Public interface ISqlSubroutine Models executable code such as a stored procedure or function.
Public interface ISqlSubroutineParameter Models a parameter, for example, for a stored procedure or function.
Public interface ISqlSupportsReplication Models an object that supports replication.
Public interface ISqlTable Models a table.
Public interface ISqlTableValuedFunction Models a table-valued function.
Public interface ISqlTrigger Models a trigger.
Public interface ISqlType Models a type.
Public interface ISqlTypeSpecifier Models the use of a type. This includes parameters to the type, such as precision.
Public interface ISqlUniqueConstraint Models a unique constraint.
Public interface ISqlUser Models a user.
Public interface ISqlUserDefinedDataType Models a user-defined data type based on a built-in type.
Public interface ISqlView Models a view.


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration Sql100LockEscalationMethod The types of lock escalation methods.
Public enumeration Sql90AuthenticationModes Defines SQL Server 2005 authentication modes for endpoint authentication.
Public enumeration Sql90CharacterSet Specifies possible character sets for SOAP endpoints and defines the behavior when the result of an operation includes characters that are not valid in XML.
Public enumeration Sql90DatabaseMirroringRoleType Database mirroring role types for SQL Server 2005.
Public enumeration Sql90DatabasePageVerifyMode Database page verify mode for SQL Server 2005.
Public enumeration Sql90EncryptionMode Encryption mode for service broker endpoints.
Public enumeration Sql90HttpPorts Listening port types associated with an endpoint.
Public enumeration Sql90LoginType Possible values for the LOGIN_TYPE option in SOAP endpoint.
Public enumeration Sql90ParameterizationOption Parameterization options for database.
Public enumeration Sql90ServiceBrokerEncryptionAlgorithm Possible encryption algorithm options for service broker endpoints.
Public enumeration Sql90ServiceBrokerOption Possible service broker options for the database.
Public enumeration Sql90SoapFormatType Possible Web Service method formats for SOAP endpoints.
Public enumeration Sql90SoapSchemaType Possible schema options for Web methods in SOAP endpoints.
Public enumeration SqlAssemblyPermissionSet Specifies possible permission sets for an assembly.
Public enumeration SqlAsymmetricKeyAlgorithm Algorithm for an asymmetric key.
Public enumeration SqlAuditActionGroup SQL Server audit action groups.
Public enumeration SqlAuditTarget Models SQL Server audit targets.
Public enumeration SqlChangeTrackingOption Specifies whether changes (updates, deletes, or inserts) made to table columns that are covered by the full-text index will be propagated by SQL Server to the full-text index.
Public enumeration SqlCreationDisposition Models the creation disposition for an asymmetric key.
Public enumeration SqlDatabaseAuditAction Database-level auditable action.
Public enumeration SqlDatabaseRecoveryMode Models the database recovery mode for SQL Server.
Public enumeration SqlDatabaseUserAccess Models the user access mode for the SQL Server database.
Public enumeration SqlDataCompressionLevel Models the compression level for data in a SQL Server database.
Public enumeration SqlDdlTriggerScope Models the scope for a Data Definition Language (DDL) trigger that is associated with a data definition change event.
Public enumeration SqlDegree Models the grid density level in a spatial index.
Public enumeration SqlElementDescriptorRelevance Specifies how the fragment that is visited is related to the descriptor.
Public enumeration SqlElementDescriptorVolatility This enumeration describes the volatility of the element descriptor. Each volatility level is distinct. It is not possible to be a variable AND a temporary table and so on. They are mutually exclusive. A clear difference exists between a temporary object and a global temporary object.
Public enumeration SqlEndpointState Models the state of the endpoint.
Public enumeration SqlEventGroup Models event groups for SQL Server.
Public enumeration SqlEventSessionMemoryPartitionMode Memory partition mode for an event session that specifies the location where event buffers are created.
Public enumeration SqlEventSessionRetentionMode Models the event retention mode for the event session to use to handle event loss.
Public enumeration SqlEventType Models event types for SQL Server.
Public enumeration SqlForeignKeyAction Models the actions that are taken when a key to which an existing foreign key points is updated or deleted.
Public enumeration SqlGridTessellation Models the grid tessellation in a spatial index.
Public enumeration SqlLoginEncryptionOption Models the login encryption options for SQL Server.
Public enumeration SqlMemoryUnit Models the memory units for use in SQL Server models.
Public enumeration SqlMessageSentByType Specifies the message sender type.
Public enumeration SqlMessageValidationMethod Specifies a message validation method.
Public enumeration SqlModelCapability Specifies what kinds of objects are allowed in SqlSchemaModel.
Public enumeration SqlPartitionRange Specifies to which side of an interval, the left or the right, the boundary value belongs.
Public enumeration SqlPayloadType Defines payload types for endpoints.
Public enumeration SqlPermission Models permissions for SQL Server. For each value, indicates that the principal has the specified permission. For example, Insert indicates that the principal has INSERT permission.
Public enumeration SqlPermissionAction Models action types for permissions for SQL Server.
Public enumeration SqlPrimaryXmlIndexUsage Represents the types of secondary XML index.
Public enumeration SqlProtocolType Represents the protocol types for endpoints.
Public enumeration SqlRetentionUnit Describes the unit of measure for retention period.
Public enumeration SqlStatisticsSamplingStyle Defines the sampling styles that are used to create statistics.
Public enumeration SqlSymmetricKeyAlgorithm Defines the algorithms that are used for symmetric keys.
Public enumeration SqlTriggerOrderRestriction Defines the supported types of trigger order restriction.
Public enumeration SqlTriggerType Defines the supported trigger types.
Public enumeration SqlType Defines the SQL Server built-in data types.
Public enumeration SqlUserOptions An instance of this class represents a configurable server option that relates specifically to users.
Public enumeration SqlXmlDataTypeStyle Defines the supported XML data type styles.
Public enumeration SupportingStatementOption Models values of the option that indicates how to process supporting statements.