ISql90ServerOptions Interface
Models the settings on a server instance.
Namespace: Microsoft.Data.Schema.Sql.SchemaModel
Assembly: Microsoft.Data.Schema.Sql (in Microsoft.Data.Schema.Sql.dll)
Public Interface ISql90ServerOptions _
Inherits ISqlServerOptions, ISqlSecurable, ISqlModelElement, IScriptSourcedModelElement, _
IModelElement, IModelPropertyContainer, IModelEntity, IModelAnnotationHolder
public interface ISql90ServerOptions : ISqlServerOptions,
ISqlSecurable, ISqlModelElement, IScriptSourcedModelElement, IModelElement, IModelPropertyContainer,
IModelEntity, IModelAnnotationHolder
public interface class ISql90ServerOptions : ISqlServerOptions,
ISqlSecurable, ISqlModelElement, IScriptSourcedModelElement, IModelElement, IModelPropertyContainer,
IModelEntity, IModelAnnotationHolder
type ISql90ServerOptions =
interface ISqlServerOptions
interface ISqlSecurable
interface ISqlModelElement
interface IScriptSourcedModelElement
interface IModelElement
interface IModelPropertyContainer
interface IModelEntity
interface IModelAnnotationHolder
public interface ISql90ServerOptions extends ISqlServerOptions, ISqlSecurable, ISqlModelElement, IScriptSourcedModelElement, IModelElement, IModelPropertyContainer, IModelEntity, IModelAnnotationHolder
The ISql90ServerOptions type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
Affinity64IOMask | Gets or sets a value that models the affinity 64 I/O mask setting. | |
Affinity64Mask | Gets or sets a value that models the "affinity64 mask" sp_configure option. (Inherited from ISqlServerOptions.) | |
AffinityIOMask | Gets or sets a value that models the affinity I/O mask setting. | |
AffinityMask | Gets or sets a value that models the "affinity mask" sp_configure option. (Inherited from ISqlServerOptions.) | |
BlockProcessThreshold | Gets or sets a value that models the block process threshold setting. | |
Collation | Gets or sets the server collation. (Inherited from ISqlServerOptions.) | |
CostThresholdForParallelism | Gets or sets a value that models the "cost threshold for parallelism" sp_configure option. (Inherited from ISqlServerOptions.) | |
CursorThreshold | Gets or sets a value that models the "cursor threshold" sp_configure option. (Inherited from ISqlServerOptions.) | |
DefaultFillFactor | Gets or sets a value that models the "fill factor" sp_configure option. (Inherited from ISqlServerOptions.) | |
DefaultFulltextLanguage | Gets or sets a value that models the "default full-text language" sp_configure option. (Inherited from ISqlServerOptions.) | |
DefaultLanguage | Gets or sets a value that models the "default language" sp_configure option. (Inherited from ISqlServerOptions.) | |
DisableDefaultConstraintChecking | Gets or sets a value that models the DISABLE_DEF_CNST_CHK setting. (Inherited from ISqlServerOptions.) | |
DisallowResultsFromTriggers | Gets or sets a value that models the disallow results from triggers setting. | |
DoAllowRemoteAccess | Gets or sets a value that models the "allow remote access" sp_configure option. (Inherited from ISqlServerOptions.) | |
DoAllowRemoteAdminConnections | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether remote administrator connections are enabled. | |
DoAllowServerTriggerRecursion | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether server trigger recursion is enabled. | |
DoAllowUpdates | Gets or sets a value that models the "allow updates" sp_configure option. (Inherited from ISqlServerOptions.) | |
ElementClass | Gets the metadata class for an element. (Inherited from IModelElement.) | |
FtCrawlMaxBandwidth | Gets or sets a value that models the ft crawl max bandwidth setting. | |
FtCrawlMinBandwidth | Gets or sets a value that models the ft crawl min bandwidth setting. | |
FtNotifyMaxBandwidth | Gets or sets a value that models the ft notify max bandwidth setting. | |
FtNotifyMinBandwidth | Gets or sets a value that models the ft notify min bandwidth setting. | |
ImplicitTransactions | Gets or sets a value that models the default IMPLICIT_TRANSACTIONS setting. (Inherited from ISqlServerOptions.) | |
IndexCreateMemory | Gets or sets a value that models the "index create memory" sp_configure option. (Inherited from ISqlServerOptions.) | |
InDoubtXactResolution | Gets or sets a value that models the in doubt xact resolution setting. | |
IsAdHocDistributedQueriesEnabled | Gets or sets a value that models the ad hoc distributed queries setting. | |
IsAgentXPsStarted | Gets or sets a value that models the agent XPs setting. | |
IsAnsiNullDefaultOff | Gets or sets a value that models the ANSI_NULL_DFLT_OFF setting. (Inherited from ISqlServerOptions.) | |
IsAnsiNullDefaultOn | Gets or sets a value that models the ANSI_NULL_DFLT_ON setting. (Inherited from ISqlServerOptions.) | |
IsAnsiNullsOn | Gets or sets a value that models the default ANSI_NULLS setting. (Inherited from ISqlServerOptions.) | |
IsAnsiPaddingOn | Gets or sets a value that models the default ANSI_PADDING setting. (Inherited from ISqlServerOptions.) | |
IsAnsiWarningsOn | Gets or sets a value that models the default ANSI_WARNINGS setting. (Inherited from ISqlServerOptions.) | |
IsArithAbortOn | Gets or sets a value that models the default ARITHABORT setting. (Inherited from ISqlServerOptions.) | |
IsArithIgnoreOn | Gets or sets a value that models the default ARITHIGNORE setting. (Inherited from ISqlServerOptions.) | |
IsAweEnabled | Gets or sets a value that models the "awe enabled" sp_configure option. (Inherited from ISqlServerOptions.) | |
IsC2AuditModeOn | Gets or sets a value that models the "C2 audit mode" sp_configure option. (Inherited from ISqlServerOptions.) | |
IsClrEnabled | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether SQL CLR support is enabled. | |
IsCommonCriteriaComplianceEnabled | Gets or sets a value that models the common criteria compliance setting. | |
IsConcatNullYieldsNullOn | Gets or sets a value that models the default CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL setting. (Inherited from ISqlServerOptions.) | |
IsCrossDbOwnershipChainingOn | Gets or sets a value that models the "cross db ownership chaining" sp_configure option. (Inherited from ISqlServerOptions.) | |
IsCursorCloseOnCommitOn | Gets or sets a value that models the default CURSOR_CLOSE_ON_COMMIT setting. (Inherited from ISqlServerOptions.) | |
IsDatabaseMailXPsEnabled | Gets or sets a value that models the database mail XPs setting. | |
IsDefaultTraceEnabled | Gets or sets a value that models the default trace setting. | |
IsLightweightPoolingOn | Gets or sets a value that models the "lightweight pooling" sp_configure option. (Inherited from ISqlServerOptions.) | |
IsNestedTriggersEnabled | Gets or sets a value that models the "nested triggers" sp_configure option. (Inherited from ISqlServerOptions.) | |
IsNocountOn | Gets or sets a value that models the default NOCOUNT setting. (Inherited from ISqlServerOptions.) | |
IsNumericRoundAbortOn | Gets or sets a value that models the default NUMERIC_ROUND_ABORT setting. (Inherited from ISqlServerOptions.) | |
IsOleAutomationProceduresEnabled | Gets or sets a value that models the OLE Automation procedures setting. | |
IsPrecomputeRankEnabled | Gets or sets a value that models the precompute rank setting. | |
IsPriorityBoostEnabled | Gets or sets a value that models the "priority boost" sp_configure option. (Inherited from ISqlServerOptions.) | |
IsQuotedIdentifierOn | Gets or sets a value that models the default QUOTED_IDENTIFIER setting. (Inherited from ISqlServerOptions.) | |
IsRemoteProcTransactionEnabled | Gets or sets a value that models the "remote proc trans" sp_configure option. (Inherited from ISqlServerOptions.) | |
IsReplicationXPsEnabled | Gets or sets a value that models the replication XPs setting. | |
IsScanForStartupProcsEnabled | Gets or sets a value that models the "scan for startup procs" sp_configure option. (Inherited from ISqlServerOptions.) | |
IsSetWorkingSetSizeEnabled | Gets or sets a value that models the "set working set size" sp_configure option. (Inherited from ISqlServerOptions.) | |
IsShowAdvancedOptionEnabled | Gets or sets a value that models the "show advanced options" sp_configure option. (Inherited from ISqlServerOptions.) | |
IsSmoAndDmoXPsEnabled | Gets or sets a value that models the Server Management Objects (SMO) and Distributed Management Objects (DMO) XPs setting. | |
IsSqlMailXPsEnabled | Gets or sets a value that models the SQL mail XPs setting. | |
IsTransformNoiseWordsEnabled | Gets or sets a value that models the transform noise words setting. | |
IsUserInstancesEnabled | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether user instances are enabled. | |
IsWebAssistantProceduresEnabled | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether Web assistant procedures are enabled. | |
IsXPCmdsShellEnabled | Gets or sets a value that models the XP cmdshell setting. | |
Locks | Gets or sets a value that models the "locks" sp_configure option. (Inherited from ISqlServerOptions.) | |
MaxDegreeOfParallelism | Gets or sets a value that models the "max degree of parallelism" sp_configure option. (Inherited from ISqlServerOptions.) | |
MaxFulltextCrawlRange | Gets or sets a value that models the max fulltext crawl range setting. | |
MaxServerMemory | Gets or sets a value that models the "max server memory" sp_configure option. (Inherited from ISqlServerOptions.) | |
MaxTextReplSize | Gets or sets a value that models the "max text repl size" sp_configure option. (Inherited from ISqlServerOptions.) | |
MaxWorkerThreads | Gets or sets a value that models the "max worker threads" sp_configure option. (Inherited from ISqlServerOptions.) | |
MediaRetention | Gets or sets a value that models the "media retention" sp_configure option. (Inherited from ISqlServerOptions.) | |
MinMemoryPerQuery | Gets or sets a value that models the "min memory per query" sp_configure option. (Inherited from ISqlServerOptions.) | |
MinServerMemory | Gets or sets a value that models the "min server memory" sp_configure option. (Inherited from ISqlServerOptions.) | |
Model | Gets the model reference. (Inherited from IModelEntity.) | |
Name | Gets or sets the name of the element. (Inherited from IModelElement.) | |
NetworkPacketSize | Gets or sets a value that models the "network packet size" sp_configure option. (Inherited from ISqlServerOptions.) | |
OpenObjects | Gets or sets a value that models the "open objects" sp_configure option. (Inherited from ISqlServerOptions.) | |
Permissions | Gets the list of permissions that apply to this object. (Inherited from ISqlSecurable.) | |
PHTimeout | Gets or sets a value that models the PH time-out setting. | |
PrimarySource | Gets information about the primary source for the element. (Inherited from IScriptSourcedModelElement.) | |
QueryGovernorCostlimit | Gets or sets a value that models the "query governor cost limit" sp_configure option. (Inherited from ISqlServerOptions.) | |
QueryWait | Gets or sets a value that models the "query wait" sp_configure option. (Inherited from ISqlServerOptions.) | |
RecoveryInterval | Gets or sets a value that models the "recovery interval" sp_configure option. (Inherited from ISqlServerOptions.) | |
RemoteLoginTimeout | Gets or sets a value that models the "remote login timeout" sp_configure option. (Inherited from ISqlServerOptions.) | |
RemoteQueryTimeout | Gets or sets a value that models the "remote query timeout" sp_configure option. (Inherited from ISqlServerOptions.) | |
ResolutionStatus | Gets or sets the value of the model element resolution status. (Inherited from IModelElement.) | |
SecondarySources | Gets a list of secondary sources for the element. (Inherited from IScriptSourcedModelElement.) | |
SourceCodePositions | Gets the list of sources that define this element. (Inherited from IModelElement.) | |
TransactionAbort | Gets or sets a value that models the XACT_ABORT setting. (Inherited from ISqlServerOptions.) | |
TwoDigitYearCuttoff | Gets or sets a value that models the "two digit year cutoff" sp_configure option. (Inherited from ISqlServerOptions.) | |
UserConnections | Gets or sets a value that models the "user connections" sp_configure option. (Inherited from ISqlServerOptions.) | |
UserInstanceTimeout | Gets or sets the time-out value for user instances. | |
ValidationStatus | Gets or sets the value of the model element validation status. (Inherited from IModelElement.) |
Name | Description | |
AddAnnotation | Adds the given annotation to this element. (Inherited from IModelAnnotationHolder.) | |
Delete | Deletes this instance from the model. (Inherited from IModelElement.) | |
GetAnnotations() | Returns a list of annotations attached to this element. (Inherited from IModelAnnotationHolder.) | |
GetAnnotations(Type) | Returns a list of attached annotations of the given type. (Inherited from IModelAnnotationHolder.) | |
GetAnnotations(ModelIdentifier) | Returns a list of attached annotations that have the given identifier. (Inherited from IModelAnnotationHolder.) | |
GetAnnotations(ModelIdentifier, Type) | (Inherited from IModelAnnotationHolder.) | |
GetAnnotations<TType>() | Returns all attached model annotations that implement the given annotation type and have the specified model identifier. (Inherited from IModelAnnotationHolder.) | |
GetAnnotations<TType>(ModelIdentifier) | (Inherited from IModelAnnotationHolder.) | |
GetComposingChildren | Returns a list of composing children for this element. (Inherited from IModelElement.) | |
GetHierarchicalChildren | Returns a list of hierarchical children for this element. (Inherited from IModelElement.) | |
GetOwnerInfo | Returns information about the element owner. (Inherited from IModelElement.) | |
GetPermissionsRelationship | Returns an IModelReverseMultiRelationship between this and the associated ISqlPermissionStatement. (Inherited from ISqlSecurable.) | |
GetProperty<TProperty> | Gets the specified property. (Inherited from IModelPropertyContainer.) | |
GetReferencedDanglingRelationshipEntries | Returns a list of the relationship entries, where this element is on the left side and there is either no element on the right side of the relationship, or the element on the right does not exist in the model. (Inherited from IModelElement.) | |
GetReferencedElements | Returns a list of the elements that are in a relationship with this element, where this element is on the left side of the relationship. (Inherited from IModelElement.) | |
GetReferencedRelationshipEntries | Returns a list of the relationship entries, where this element is on the left side. (Inherited from IModelElement.) | |
GetReferencingElements | Returns a list of the elements that are in a relationship with this element, where this element is on the right side. (Inherited from IModelElement.) | |
GetReferencingRelationshipEntries | Returns a list of the relationship entries, where this element is on the right side. (Inherited from IModelElement.) | |
GetRelationship(ModelRelationshipClass) | Returns the requested relationship by using the provided metadata. (Inherited from IModelElement.) | |
GetRelationship<TFrom, TTo>(ModelRelationshipClass) | Returns a relationship where the two related elements are of the specified types. (Inherited from IModelElement.) | |
GetRelationshipEntrySources | Returns a collection of source information about the given relationship. (Inherited from IScriptSourcedModelElement.) | |
GetRelationships | Returns a list of the relationships in this element. (Inherited from IModelElement.) | |
IsDeleted | Specifies whether the object is deleted. (Inherited from IModelElement.) | |
IsExternal | Returns a value that indicates whether the object was loaded from an external source and is not a part of the schema model. (Inherited from IModelElement.) | |
RemoveAnnotation | Removes the specified annotation from this model element. (Inherited from IModelAnnotationHolder.) | |
SetProperty<TProperty> | Sets the specified property. (Inherited from IModelPropertyContainer.) |