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How to: Subclass a TreeView by Using Native Callbacks

This example shows how to subclass a TreeView control to create a NodeMouseClick event, which is not available in the .NET Compact Framework.

The form displays the subclassed TreeView control and information about a clicked node. It shows the a node's text and the x and y coordinates of where the TreeView control was clicked, which changes as you click in different places on a node.

This example program is described in detail in Subclassing Controls with a Managed Window Procedure.

To subclass a TreeView control to create a NodeMouseClick event

  1. In Microsoft Visual Studio 2005, create a Smart Device Pocket PC project.

  2. Add the Win32 helper class to your project. This code is available in How to: Use a Helper Class for Platform Invokes.

  3. Add the WinProcHooker class to your project. This code is available in How to: Use a Class for Hooking Windows Procedures.

  4. Add the TreeViewBonus class to your project.

    // Extends the standard TreeView control to add an implementation 
    // of the NodeMouseClick event. 
    public class TreeViewBonus : TreeView
        // The original parent of this control.
        Control prevParent = null;
        // Creates a new instance of the derived TreeView control 
        public TreeViewBonus()
        // Called when the control's parent is changed. Here we hook into that 
        // parent's WndProc and spy on the WM_NOTIFY message. When the parent 
        // changes, we unhook the old parent's WndProc and hook into the new one. 
        protected override void OnParentChanged(EventArgs e)
            // unhook the old parent 
            if (this.prevParent != null)
                WndProcHooker.UnhookWndProc(prevParent, Win32.WM_NOTIFY);
            // update the previous parent
            prevParent = this.Parent;
            // hook up the new parent 
            if (this.Parent != null)
                new WndProcHooker.WndProcCallback(this.WM_Notify_Handler),
        // Occurs when the user clicks a TreeNode with the mouse. 
        public event TreeNodeMouseClickEventHandler NodeMouseClick;
        // Occurs when the mouse pointer is over the control and a mouse button is clicked. 
        protected void OnNodeMouseClick(TreeNodeMouseClickEventArgs e)
            if (NodeMouseClick != null)
                NodeMouseClick(this, e);
        // The method that gets called when a WM_NOTIFY message is received by the 
        // TreeView's parent. 
        // hwnd - The handle of the window that received the message 
        // msg - The message received 
        // wParam - The wParam arguments for the message 
        // lParam - The lParam arguments for the message 
        // handled - Set to true to indicate that this message was handled 
        // Returns an appropriate return code for the message handled 
        int WM_Notify_Handler(
            IntPtr hwnd, uint msg, uint wParam, int lParam,
            ref bool handled)
            Win32.NMHDR nmHdr = new Win32.NMHDR();
            System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.PtrToStructure((IntPtr)lParam, nmHdr);
            switch (nmHdr.code)
                case Win32.NM_RCLICK:
                case Win32.NM_CLICK:
                    // get the cursor coordinates on the client
                    Point msgPos = Win32.LParamToPoint((int)Win32.GetMessagePos());
                    msgPos = this.PointToClient(msgPos);
                    // check to see if the click was on an item
                    Win32.TVHITTESTINFO hti = new Win32.TVHITTESTINFO();
           = msgPos.X;
           = msgPos.Y;
                    int hitem = Win32.SendMessage(this.Handle, Win32.TVM_HITTEST, 0, ref hti);
                    uint htMask = (
                        Win32.TVHT_ONITEMICON |
                        Win32.TVHT_ONITEMLABEL |
                        Win32.TVHT_ONITEMINDENT |
                        Win32.TVHT_ONITEMBUTTON |
                        Win32.TVHT_ONITEMRIGHT |
                    if ((hti.flags & htMask) != 0)
                        bool leftButton = (nmHdr.code == Win32.NM_CLICK);
                            leftButton ? MouseButtons.Left : MouseButtons.Right,
                        return 0;
            return 0;
        // Raises the TreeNodeMouseClick event for the TreeNode with the specified handle. 
        // hNode - The handle of the node for which the event is raised 
        // button - The [mouse] buttons that were pressed to raise the event 
        // coords - The [client] cursor coordinates at the time of the event 
        void RaiseNodeMouseClickEvent(IntPtr hNode, MouseButtons button, Point coords)
            TreeNode tn = FindTreeNodeFromHandle(this.Nodes, hNode);
            TreeNodeMouseClickEventArgs e = new TreeNodeMouseClickEventArgs(
                1, coords.X, coords.Y);
        // Finds a TreeNode in the provided TreeNodeCollection that has the handle specified. 
        // Warning: recursion! 
        // tnc - The TreeNodeCollection to search 
        // handle - The handle of the TreeNode to find in the collection 
        // Returns tThe TreeNode if found; null otherwise
        TreeNode FindTreeNodeFromHandle(TreeNodeCollection tnc, IntPtr handle)
            foreach (TreeNode tn in tnc)
            if (tn.Handle == handle) return tn;
                // we couldn't have clicked on a child of this node if this node 
                // is not expanded! 
                if (tn.IsExpanded)
                    TreeNode tn2 = FindTreeNodeFromHandle(tn.Nodes, handle);
                    if (tn2 != null) return tn2;
            return null;
  5. Add the TreeNodeMouseClickEventArgs class to your project.

    // Provides data for the System.Windows.Forms.TreeView.NodeMouseClick event 
    public class TreeNodeMouseClickEventArgs : MouseEventArgs
        // Initializes a new instance of the TreeNodeMouseClickEventArgs class. 
        // node - The node that was clicked 
        // button - One of the System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons members 
        // clicks - The number of clicks that occurred 
        // x - The x-coordinate where the click occurred 
        // y - The y-coordinate where the click occurred 
        public TreeNodeMouseClickEventArgs(TreeNode node, MouseButtons button, int clicks, int x, int y)
            base(button, clicks, x, y, 0)
            nodeValue = node;
        // Gets the node that was clicked. 
        public TreeNode Node
            get { return nodeValue; }
            set { nodeValue = value; }
        TreeNode nodeValue;
        public override string ToString()
            return string.Format(
                "TreeNodeMouseClickEventArgs\r\n\tNode: {0}\r\n\tButton: {1}\r\n\tX: {2}\r\n\tY: {3}",
                nodeValue.Text, Button.ToString(), X, Y);
  6. Declare a form variable named treeViewB of type TreeViewBonus.

    private TreeViewBonus treeViewB;
  7. Add the following code to the constructor of the Form1 class, which should follow the call to InitializeComponent. This code also adds a range of tree nodes and arranges their hierarchy.

    this.treeViewB = new TreeViewBonus();
    this.treeViewB.NodeMouseClick += new TreeNodeMouseClickEventHandler(this.tv_NodeMouseClicked);
    this.treeViewB.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(18, 16);
    this.treeViewB.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(205, 144);
    this.treeViewB.Name = "treeViewB";
    // Set up the tree nodes.
    System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode treeNode1 = new System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode("Node0");
    System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode treeNode2 = new System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode("Node2");
    System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode treeNode3 = new System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode("Node3");
    System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode treeNode4 = new System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode("Node6");
    System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode treeNode5 = new System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode("Node7");
    System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode treeNode6 = new System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode("Node8");
    System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode treeNode7 = new System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode("Node4");
    System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode treeNode8 = new System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode("Node1");
    System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode treeNode9 = new System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode("Node5");
    System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode treeNode10 = new System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode("Node9");
    System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode treeNode11 = new System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode("Node10");
    System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode treeNode12 = new System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode("Node11");
    treeNode2.Text = "Node2";
    treeNode4.Text = "Node6";
    treeNode5.Text = "Node7";
    treeNode6.Text = "Node8";
    treeNode3.Nodes.AddRange(new System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode[] {
    treeNode3.Text = "Node3";
    treeNode7.Text = "Node4";
    treeNode1.Nodes.AddRange(new System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode[] {
    treeNode1.Text = "Node0";
    treeNode12.Text = "Node11";
    treeNode11.Nodes.AddRange(new System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode[] {
    treeNode11.Text = "Node10";
    treeNode10.Nodes.AddRange(new System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode[] {
    treeNode10.Text = "Node9";
    treeNode9.Nodes.AddRange(new System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode[] {
    treeNode9.Text = "Node5";
    treeNode8.Nodes.AddRange(new System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode[] {
    treeNode8.Text = "Node1";
    this.treeViewB.Nodes.AddRange(new System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode[] {
  8. Add the delegate and the event-handling method for the derived NodeMouseClick event to the Form1 class.

    // Delegate represents the method that will handle 
        // the NodeMouseClick event of a TreeView. 
        // Parameters: 
        // sender - The source of the event. 
        // e - A TreeNodeMouseClickEventArgs that contains the event data. 
        public delegate void TreeNodeMouseClickEventHandler(object sender, TreeNodeMouseClickEventArgs e);
    private void tv_NodeMouseClicked(object sender, TreeNodeMouseClickEventArgs e)
        // Show the current node and the coordinates 
        // in TreeView control where it was clicked. 
        // This is just some of the information you 
        // can obtain from TreeNodeMouseClickEventArgs. 
        // Use a StringBuilder for efficient 
        // use of device resources.
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        sb.Append(e.Node.Text + " ");
        sb.Append("X: " + e.X.ToString() + ", ");
        sb.Append("Y: " + e.Y.ToString());
        label1.Text = sb.ToString();
  9. Compile and run the application.

See Also


How to: Use a Class for Hooking Windows Procedures

How to: Use a Helper Class for Platform Invokes

How to: Subclass a TreeView by Using Native Callbacks

How to: Display a Gradient Fill


.NET Compact Framework How-to Topics

Other Resources

Interoperability in the .NET Compact Framework