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CMap Class


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A dictionary collection class that maps unique keys to values.


template<class KEY, class ARG_KEY, class VALUE, class ARG_VALUE>class CMap : public CObject  


Class of the object used as the key to the map.

Data type used for KEY arguments; usually a reference to KEY.

Class of the object stored in the map.

Data type used for VALUE arguments; usually a reference to VALUE.


Public Structures

Name Description
CMap::CPair A nested structure containing a key value and the value of the associated object.

Public Constructors

Name Description
CMap::CMap Constructs a collection that maps keys to values.

Public Methods

Name Description
CMap::GetCount Returns the number of elements in this map.
CMap::GetHashTableSize Returns the number of elements in the hash table.
CMap::GetNextAssoc Gets the next element for iterating.
CMap::GetSize Returns the number of elements in this map.
CMap::GetStartPosition Returns the position of the first element.
CMap::InitHashTable Initializes the hash table and specifies its size.
CMap::IsEmpty Tests for the empty-map condition (no elements).
CMap::Lookup Looks up the value mapped to a given key.
CMap::PGetFirstAssoc Returns a pointer to the first element.
CMap::PGetNextAssoc Gets a pointer to the next element for iterating.
CMap::PLookup Returns a pointer to a key whose value matches the specified value.
CMap::RemoveAll Removes all the elements from this map.
CMap::RemoveKey Removes an element specified by a key.
CMap::SetAt Inserts an element into the map; replaces an existing element if a matching key is found.

Public Operators

Name Description
CMap::operator [ ] Inserts an element into the map — operator substitution for SetAt.


Once you have inserted a key-value pair (element) into the map, you can efficiently retrieve or delete the pair using the key to access it. You can also iterate over all the elements in the map.

A variable of type POSITION is used for alternate access to entries. You can use a POSITION to "remember" an entry and to iterate through the map. You might think that this iteration is sequential by key value; it is not. The sequence of retrieved elements is indeterminate.

Certain member functions of this class call global helper functions that must be customized for most uses of the CMap class. See Collection Class Helpers in the Macros and Globals section of the MFC``Reference.

CMap overrides CObject::Serialize to support serialization and dumping of its elements. If a map is stored to an archive using Serialize, each map element is serialized in turn. The default implementation of the SerializeElements helper function does a bitwise write. For information about serialization of pointer collection items derived from CObject or other user defined types, see How to: Make a Type-Safe Collection.

If you need a diagnostic dump of the individual elements in the map (the keys and values), you must set the depth of the dump context to 1 or greater.

When a CMap object is deleted, or when its elements are removed, the keys and values both are removed.

Map class derivation is similar to list derivation. See the article Collections for an illustration of the derivation of a special-purpose list class.

Inheritance Hierarchy




Header: afxtempl.h


Constructs an empty map.

CMap(INT_PTR nBlockSize = 10);


Specifies the memory-allocation granularity for extending the map.


As the map grows, memory is allocated in units of nBlockSize entries.


         // declares a map of ints to points
         CMap<int,int,CPoint,CPoint> myMap(16);      


Contains a key value and the value of the associated object.


This is a nested structure within class CMap.

The structure is composed of two fields:

  • key   The actual value of the key type.

  • value   The value of the associated object.

It is used to store the return values from CMap::PLookup, CMap::PGetFirstAssoc, and CMap::PGetNextAssoc.


For an example of usage, see the example for CMap::PLookup.


Retrieves the number of elements in the map.

INT_PTR GetCount() const;  

Return Value

The number of elements.


See the example for CMap::Lookup.


Determines the number of elements in the hash table for the map.

UINT GetHashTableSize() const;  

Return Value

The number of elements in the hash table.


         CMap<int,int,CPoint,CPoint> myMap;

         UINT uTableSize = myMap.GetHashTableSize();      


Retrieves the map element at rNextPosition, then updates rNextPosition to refer to the next element in the map.

void GetNextAssoc(
    POSITION& rNextPosition,
    KEY& rKey,
    VALUE& rValue) const;  


Specifies a reference to a POSITION value returned by a previous GetNextAssoc or GetStartPosition call.

Template parameter specifying the type of the map's key.

Specifies the returned key of the retrieved element.

Template parameter specifying the type of the map's value.

Specifies the returned value of the retrieved element.


This function is most useful for iterating through all the elements in the map. Note that the position sequence is not necessarily the same as the key value sequence.

If the retrieved element is the last in the map, then the new value of rNextPosition is set to NULL.


See the example for CMap::SetAt.


Returns the number of map elements.

INT_PTR GetSize() const;  

Return Value

The number of items in the map.


Call this method to retrieve the number of elements in the map.


         CMap<int,int,CPoint,CPoint> myMap;


         // Add 200 elements to the map.
         for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++)
            myMap[i] = CPoint(i, i);

         // Remove the elements with even key values.
         CPoint pt;
         for (int i = 0; myMap.Lookup(i, pt); i += 2)

         ASSERT(myMap.GetSize() == 100);
         TRACE(_T("myMap with %d elements:\n"), myMap.GetCount());
           POSITION pos = myMap.GetStartPosition();
         int iKey;
         CPoint ptVal;
           while (pos != NULL)
               myMap.GetNextAssoc(pos, iKey, ptVal);
               TRACE(_T("\t[%d] = (%d,%d)\n"), iKey, ptVal.x, ptVal.y);


Starts a map iteration by returning a POSITION value that can be passed to a GetNextAssoc call.

POSITION GetStartPosition() const;  

Return Value

A POSITION value that indicates a starting position for iterating the map; or NULL if the map is empty.


The iteration sequence is not predictable; therefore, the "first element in the map" has no special significance.


See the example for CMap::SetAt.


Initializes the hash table.

void InitHashTable(UINT hashSize, BOOL  bAllocNow = TRUEÂ);  


Number of entries in the hash table.

If TRUE, allocates the hash table upon initialization; otherwise the table is allocated when needed.


For best performance, the hash table size should be a prime number. To minimize collisions, the size should be roughly 20 percent larger than the largest anticipated data set.


See the example for CMap::Lookup.


Determines whether the map is empty.

BOOL IsEmpty() const;  

Return Value

Nonzero if this map contains no elements; otherwise 0.


See the example for CMap::RemoveAll.


Looks up the value mapped to a given key.

BOOL Lookup(ARG_KEY key, VALUE& rValue) const;  


Template parameter specifying the type of the key value.

Specifies the key that identifies the element to be looked up.

Specifies the type of the value to be looked up.

Receives the looked-up value.

Return Value

Nonzero if the element was found; otherwise 0.


Lookup uses a hashing algorithm to quickly find the map element with a key that exactly matches the given key.


         CMap<int,int,CPoint,CPoint> myMap;


         // Add 200 elements to the map.
         for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++)
            myMap[i] = CPoint(i, i);

         // Remove the elements with even key values.
         CPoint pt;
         for (int i = 0; myMap.Lookup(i, pt); i += 2)

         ASSERT(myMap.GetSize() == 100);
         TRACE(_T("myMap with %d elements:\n"), myMap.GetCount());
           POSITION pos = myMap.GetStartPosition();
         int iKey;
         CPoint ptVal;
           while (pos != NULL)
               myMap.GetNextAssoc(pos, iKey, ptVal);
               TRACE(_T("\t[%d] = (%d,%d)\n"), iKey, ptVal.x, ptVal.y);

CMap::operator [ ]

A convenient substitute for the SetAt member function.

VALUE& operator[](ARG_KEY key);


Template parameter specifying the type of the map value.

Template parameter specifying the type of the key value.

The key used to retrieve the value from the map.


Thus it can be used only on the left side of an assignment statement (an l-value). If there is no map element with the specified key, then a new element is created.

There is no "right side" (r-value) equivalent to this operator because there is a possibility that a key may not be found in the map. Use the Lookup member function for element retrieval.


See the example for CMap::Lookup.


Returns the first entry of the map object.

const CPair* PGetFirstAssoc() const;Â CPair* PGetFirstAssoc();  

Return Value

A pointer to the first entry in the map; see CMap::CPair. If the map contains no entries, the value is NULL.


Call this function to return a pointer the first element in the map object.


         typedef CMap<int, int, CPoint, CPoint> CMyMap;
         CMyMap myMap;


         // Add 10 elements to the map.
         for (int i = 0; i <= 10; i++)
            myMap.SetAt(i, CPoint(i, i));

         // Print the element value with even key values.
         int nKey = 0;
         CPoint pt;
         CMyMap::CPair* pCurVal;

         pCurVal = myMap.PGetFirstAssoc();
         while (pCurVal != NULL)
            if ((nKey%2) == 0)
               _tprintf_s(_T("Current key value at %d: %d,%d\n"),
                  pCurVal->key, pCurVal->value.x, pCurVal->value.y);
            pCurVal = myMap.PGetNextAssoc(pCurVal);


Retrieves the map element pointed to by pAssocRec.

const CPair *PGetNextAssoc(const CPair* pAssocRet) const;  
CPair *PGetNextAssoc(const CPair* pAssocRet);


Points to a map entry returned by a previous PGetNextAssoc or CMap::PGetFirstAssoc call.

Return Value

A pointer to the next entry in the map; see CMap::CPair. If the element is the last in the map, the value is NULL.


Call this method to iterate through all the elements in the map. Retrieve the first element with a call to PGetFirstAssoc and then iterate through the map with successive calls to PGetNextAssoc.


See the example for CMap::PGetFirstAssoc.


Finds the value mapped to a given key.

const CPair* PLookup(ARG_KEY  key) const;
CPair* PLookup(Â    ARG_KEY  keyÂ);  ```  
### Parameters  
 Key for the element to be searched for.  
### Return Value  
 A pointer to a key structure; see [CMap::CPair](#cmap__cpair). If no match is found, `CMap::PLookup` returns `NULL`.  
### Remarks  
 Call this method to search for a map element with a key that exactly matches the given key.  
### Example  
 [!CODE [NVC_MFCCollections#60](../CodeSnippet/VS_Snippets_Cpp/NVC_MFCCollections#60)]  
##  <a name="cmap__removeall"></a>  CMap::RemoveAll  
 Removes all the values from this map by calling the global helper function **DestructElements**.  

void RemoveAll();

### Remarks  
 The function works correctly if the map is already empty.  
### Example  
 [!CODE [NVC_MFCCollections#61](../CodeSnippet/VS_Snippets_Cpp/NVC_MFCCollections#61)]  
##  <a name="cmap__removekey"></a>  CMap::RemoveKey  
 Looks up the map entry corresponding to the supplied key; then, if the key is found, removes the entry.  

BOOL RemoveKey(ARG_KEY key);

### Parameters  
 Template parameter specifying the type of the key.  
 Key for the element to be removed.  
### Return Value  
 Nonzero if the entry was found and successfully removed; otherwise 0.  
### Remarks  
 The **DestructElements** helper function is used to remove the entry.  
### Example  
 See the example for [CMap::SetAt](#cmap__setat).  
##  <a name="cmap__setat"></a>  CMap::SetAt  
 The primary means to insert an element in a map.  

void SetAt(ARG_KEY key, ARG_VALUE newValue);

### Parameters  
 Template parameter specifying the type of the `key` parameter.  
 Specifies the key of the new element.  
 Template parameter specifying the type of the `newValue` parameter.  
 Specifies the value of the new element.  
### Remarks  
 First, the key is looked up. If the key is found, then the corresponding value is changed; otherwise a new key-value pair is created.  
### Example  
 [!CODE [NVC_MFCCollections#62](../CodeSnippet/VS_Snippets_Cpp/NVC_MFCCollections#62)]  
## See Also  
 [MFC Sample COLLECT](../Topic/   
 [CObject Class](../Topic/   
 [Hierarchy Chart](../Topic/