Delen via

CFrameWndEx Class


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Implements the functionality of a Windows single document interface (SDI) overlapped or popup frame window, and provides members for managing the window. It extends the CFrameWnd class.


class CFrameWndEx : public CFrameWnd  


Public Methods

Name Description
CFrameWndEx::ActiveItemRecalcLayout Adjusts the layout of the OLE client item and the frame's client area.
CFrameWndEx::AddDockSite This method is not used.
CFrameWndEx::AddPane Registers a control bar with the docking manager.
CFrameWndEx::AdjustDockingLayout Recalculates the layout of all panes that are docked to the frame window.
CFrameWndEx::DelayUpdateFrameMenu Sets the frame menu and then updates it when command processing is idle.
CFrameWndEx::DockPane Docks the specified pane to the frame window.
CFrameWndEx::DockPaneLeftOf Docks one pane to the left of another pane.
CFrameWndEx::EnableAutoHidePanes Enables the auto-hide mode for the panes when they are docked to the specified sides of the main frame window.
CFrameWndEx::EnableDocking Enables the docking of the panes that belong to the frame window.
CFrameWndEx::EnableFullScreenMainMenu Shows or hides the main menu in a full screen mode.
CFrameWndEx::EnableFullScreenMode Enables the full screen mode for the frame window.
CFrameWndEx::EnableLoadDockState Enables or disables the loading of the docking state.
CFrameWndEx::EnablePaneMenu Enables or disables the automatic handling of the pane menu.
CFrameWndEx::GetActivePopup Returns a pointer to the currently displayed pop-up menu.
CFrameWndEx::GetDefaultResId Returns the resource ID that you specified when the framework loaded the frame window.
CFrameWndEx::GetDockingManager Retrieves the CDockingManager Class object for the frame window.
CFrameWndEx::GetMenuBar Returns a pointer to the menu bar object attached to the frame window.
CFrameWndEx::GetPane Returns a pointer to the pane that has the specified ID.
CFrameWndEx::GetRibbonBar Retrieves the ribbon bar control for the frame.
CFrameWndEx::GetTearOffBars Returns a list of pane objects that are in a tear-off state.
CFrameWndEx::GetToolbarButtonToolTipText Called by the framework when the application displays the tooltip for a toolbar button.
CFrameWndEx::InsertPane Registers a pane with the docking manager.
CFrameWndEx::IsFullScreen Determines whether the frame window is in full screen mode.
CFrameWndEx::IsMenuBarAvailable Determines whether the pointer to the menu bar object is valid.
CFrameWndEx::IsPointNearDockSite Indicates whether the point is located in an alignment zone.
CFrameWndEx::IsPrintPreview Indicates whether the frame window is in print preview mode.
CFrameWndEx::LoadFrame This method is called after construction to create the frame window and load its resources.
CFrameWndEx::NegotiateBorderSpace Implements OLE client border negotiation.
CFrameWndEx::OnActivate The framework calls this method when user input is switched to or away from the frame.
CFrameWndEx::OnActivateApp Called by the framework when the application is either selected or deselected.
CFrameWndEx::OnChangeVisualManager Called by the framework when a change to the frame requires a change to the visual manager.
CFrameWndEx::OnClose The framework calls this method to close the frame.
CFrameWndEx::OnCloseDockingPane Called by the framework when the user clicks the Close button on a docking pane.
CFrameWndEx::OnCloseMiniFrame Called by the framework when the user clicks the Close button on a floating mini frame window.
CFrameWndEx::OnClosePopupMenu Called by the framework when an active pop-up menu processes a WM_DESTROY message.
CFrameWndEx::OnCmdMsg Dispatches command messages.
CFrameWndEx::OnContextHelp Called by the framework to display context related help.
CFrameWndEx::OnCreate Called by the framework after the frame is created.
CFrameWndEx::OnDestroy Called by the framework when the frame is destroyed.
CFrameWndEx::OnDrawMenuImage Called by the framework when the application draws the image associated with a menu item.
CFrameWndEx::OnDrawMenuLogo Called by the framework when a CMFCPopupMenu object processes a WM_PAINT message.
CFrameWndEx::OnDWMCompositionChanged Called by the framework when Desktop Window Manager (DWM) composition has been enabled or disabled.
CFrameWndEx::OnExitSizeMove Called by the framework when the frame stops moving or resizing.
CFrameWndEx::OnGetMinMaxInfo Called by the framework when the frame is resized to set window dimension limits.
CFrameWndEx::OnIdleUpdateCmdUI Called by the framework to update the frame display when command processing is idle.
CFrameWndEx::OnLButtonDown The framework calls this method when the user presses the left mouse button.
CFrameWndEx::OnLButtonUp The framework calls this method when the user releases the left mouse button.
CFrameWndEx::OnMenuButtonToolHitTest Called by the framework when a CMFCToolBarButton object processes a WM_NCHITTEST message.
CFrameWndEx::OnMenuChar Called by the framework when a menu is displayed and the user presses a key that does not correspond to a command.
CFrameWndEx::OnMouseMove The framework calls this method when the pointer moves.
CFrameWndEx::OnMoveMiniFrame Called by the framework when a pane window moves.
CFrameWndEx::OnNcActivate Called by the framework when the non-client area of the frame must be redrawn to indicate a change in the active state.
CFrameWndEx::OnNcCalcSize Called by the framework when the size and position of the client area must be calculated.
CFrameWndEx::OnNcHitTest Called by the framework when the pointer moves or when a mouse button is pressed or released.
CFrameWndEx::OnNcMouseMove Called by the framework when the pointer moves in a non-client area.
CFrameWndEx::OnNcPaint Called by the framework when the non-client area must be painted.
CFrameWndEx::OnPaneCheck Called by the framework to control the visibility of a pane.
CFrameWndEx::OnPostPreviewFrame Called by the framework when the user has changed the print preview mode.
CFrameWndEx::OnPowerBroadcast Called by the framework when a power management event occurs.
CFrameWndEx::OnSetMenu Called by the framework to replace the frame window menu.
CFrameWndEx::OnSetPreviewMode Called by the framework to set the print preview mode for the frame.
CFrameWndEx::OnSetText Called by the framework to set the text of a window.
CFrameWndEx::OnShowCustomizePane Called by the framework when a quick customize pane is enabled.
CFrameWndEx::OnShowPanes Called by the framework to show or hide panes.
CFrameWndEx::OnShowPopupMenu Called by the framework when a pop-up menu is enabled.
CFrameWndEx::OnSize The framework calls this method after the frame's size changes.
CFrameWndEx::OnSizing The framework calls this method when the user resizes the frame.
CFrameWndEx::OnSysColorChange Called by the framework when the system colors change.
CFrameWndEx::OnTearOffMenu Called by the framework when a menu that has a tear-off bar is enabled.
CFrameWndEx::OnToolbarContextMenu Called by the framework to build a toolbar context menu.
CFrameWndEx::OnToolbarCreateNew The framework calls this method to create a new toolbar.
CFrameWndEx::OnToolbarDelete Called by the framework when a toolbar is deleted.
CFrameWndEx::OnUpdateFrameMenu Called by the framework to set the frame menu.
CFrameWndEx::OnUpdateFrameTitle The framework calls this method to update the title bar of the frame window.
CFrameWndEx::OnUpdatePaneMenu Called by the framework to update the pane menu.
CFrameWndEx::OnWindowPosChanged Called by the framework when the frame size, position, or z-order has changed because of a call to a window management method.
CFrameWndEx::PaneFromPoint Returns the docking pane that contains the specified point.
CFrameWndEx::PreTranslateMessage Handles specific window messages before they are dispatched.
CFrameWndEx::RecalcLayout Adjusts the layout of the frame and its child windows.
CFrameWndEx::RemovePaneFromDockManager Unregisters a pane and removes it from the internal list in the docking manager.
CFrameWndEx::SetDockState Restores the docking layout to the docking state stored in the registry.
CFrameWndEx::SetPrintPreviewFrame Sets the print preview frame window.
CFrameWndEx::SetupToolbarMenu Inserts user-defined commands into a toolbar menu.
CFrameWndEx::ShowFullScreen Switches the main frame between the full screen and the regular modes.
CFrameWndEx::ShowPane Shows or hides the specified pane.
CFrameWndEx::UpdateCaption Called by the framework to update the window frame caption.
CFrameWndEx::WinHelp Invokes either the WinHelp application or context related help.


The following example demonstrates how to inherit a class from the CFrameWndEx class. The example illustrates the method signatures in the subclass, and how to override the OnShowPopupMenu method. This code snippet is part of the Word Pad sample.

class CMainFrame : public CFrameWndEx
protected: // create from serialization only

// Attributes
    HICON m_hIconDoc;
    HICON m_hIconText;
    HICON m_hIconWrite;
    HICON GetIcon(int nDocType);

// Operations
    void UpdateMRUFilesList ()
        m_wndTaskPane.UpdateMRUFilesList ();

    void OnChangeLook ();

// Overrides
    // ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
    virtual void ActivateFrame(int nCmdShow = -1);
    virtual BOOL LoadFrame(UINT nIDResource, DWORD dwDefaultStyle = WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW | FWS_ADDTOTITLE, CWnd* pParentWnd = NULL, CCreateContext* pContext = NULL);
    virtual BOOL PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs);
    virtual BOOL OnCommand(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);

    virtual BOOL OnShowPopupMenu (CMFCPopupMenu* pMenuPopup);
    virtual BOOL OnTearOffMenu (CMFCPopupMenu* pMenuPopup, CPane* pBar);

    void AdjustObjectSubmenu (CMFCPopupMenu* pMenuPopup);
    void AdjustColorsMenu (CMFCPopupMenu* pMenuPopup, UINT uiId);

// Implementation
    virtual ~CMainFrame();
#ifdef _DEBUG
    virtual void AssertValid() const;
    virtual void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const;

    CMFCMenuBar m_wndMenuBar;
    CMFCToolBar m_wndToolBar;
    CMFCStatusBar   m_wndStatusBar;
    CFormatBar      m_wndFormatBar;
    CRulerBar       m_wndRulerBar;
    CTaskPane       m_wndTaskPane;

protected:  // control bar embedded members
    BOOL CreateMenuBar();
    BOOL CreateToolBar();
    BOOL CreateFormatBar();
    BOOL CreateStatusBar();
    BOOL CreateRulerBar();
    BOOL CreateTaskPane ();

// Generated message map functions
    afx_msg int OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct);
    afx_msg void OnSysColorChange();
    afx_msg void OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy);
    afx_msg void OnMove(int x, int y);
    afx_msg void OnHelpFinder();
    afx_msg void OnDropFiles(HDROP hDropInfo);
    afx_msg void OnFontChange();
    afx_msg BOOL OnQueryNewPalette();
    afx_msg void OnPaletteChanged(CWnd* pFocusWnd);
    afx_msg void OnDevModeChange(LPTSTR lpDeviceName);
    afx_msg void OnViewCustomize();
    afx_msg void OnViewFullScreen();
    afx_msg LRESULT OnBarState(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
    afx_msg LRESULT OnOpenMsg(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
    afx_msg LRESULT OnHelpCustomizeToolbars(WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp);
    afx_msg LRESULT OnStartCustomize(WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp);
    afx_msg LRESULT OnToolbarCreateNew(WPARAM,LPARAM);
    afx_msg LRESULT OnGetDocumentColors(WPARAM,LPARAM);
    afx_msg void OnDummy();
    afx_msg void OnAskQuestion();
BOOL CMainFrame::OnShowPopupMenu (CMFCPopupMenu* pMenuPopup)
    BOOL bRes = CFrameWndEx::OnShowPopupMenu (pMenuPopup);

    if (pMenuPopup != NULL && !pMenuPopup->IsCustomizePane())
        AdjustObjectSubmenu (pMenuPopup);
        AdjustColorsMenu (pMenuPopup, ID_CHAR_COLOR);

    return bRes;

Inheritance Hierarchy







Header: afxframewndex.h


Adjusts the layout of the OLE client item and the frame's client area.

void ActiveItemRecalcLayout();



Registers a control bar with the docking manager.

BOOL AddPane(
    CBasePane* pControlBar,  
    BOOL bTail=TRUE);


[in] pControlBar
A control bar pane to register.

[in] bTail
TRUE if you want to add the control bar pane to the end of the list; FALSE otherwise.

Return Value

TRUE if the control bar was successfully registered; FALSE otherwise.


Recalculates the layout of all panes that are docked to the frame window.

virtual void AdjustDockingLayout(HDWP hdwp=NULL);


A handle to a structure that contains the positions of multiple windows. .


The hdwp structure is initialized by the BeginDeferWindowPos method.


Sets the frame menu and then updates it when command processing is idle.

virtual void DelayUpdateFrameMenu(HMENU hMenuAlt);


[in] hMenuAlt
Handle to an alternative menu.



Docks the specified pane to the frame window.

void DockPane(
    CBasePane* pBar,  
    UINT nDockBarID = 0,  
    LPCRECT lpRect = NULL);


[in] pBar
A pointer to the control bar to be docked.

[in] nDockBarID
The ID of the side of the frame window to dock to.

[in] lpRect
A pointer to a constant Rect structure that specifies the window's screen position and size.


The nDockBarID parameter can have one of the following values:






Docks the specified pane to the left of another pane.

BOOL DockPaneLeftOf(
    CPane* pBar,  
    CPane* pLeftOf);


[in] pBar
A pointer to the pane object to be docked.

[in] pLeftOf
A pointer to the pane to the left of which to dock the pane specified by pBar.

Return Value

TRUE if pBar is docked successfully. FALSE otherwise.


The method takes the toolbar specified by the pBar parameter and docks it at the left side of the toolbar specified by pLeftOf parameter.


Enables auto-hide mode for the pane when it is docked to the specified side of the main frame window.

BOOL EnableAutoHidePanes(DWORD dwDockStyle);


[in] dwDockStyle
Specifies the side of the main frame window to which to dock the pane.

Return Value

TRUE if a bar pane is successfully docked to the frame window side that is specified by dwDockStyle, FALSE otherwise.


dwDockStyle can have one of the following values:

  • CBRS_ALIGN_TOP: allows the control bar to be docked to the top of the client area of a frame window.

  • CBRS_ALIGN_BOTTOM: allows the control bar to be docked to the bottom of the client area of a frame window.

  • CBRS_ALIGN_LEFT: allows the control bar to be docked to the left side of the client area of a frame window.

  • CBRS_ALIGN_RIGHT: allows the control bar to be docked to the right side of the client area of a frame window.


Enables the docking of the panes of the frame window.

BOOL EnableDocking(DWORD dwDockStyle);


[in] dwDockStyle
Specifies the side of the main frame window where the pane bar docks.

Return Value

TRUE if a bar pane can be successfully docked at the specified side. FALSE otherwise.


The dwDockStyle parameter can have one of the following values:






Shows or hides the main menu in a full screen mode.

void EnableFullScreenMainMenu(BOOL bEnableMenu);


[in] bEnableMenu
TRUE to show the main menu in a full screen mode, FALSE otherwise.


Enables the full-screen mode for the frame window.

void EnableFullScreenMode(UINT uiFullScreenCmd);


[in] uiFullScreenCmd
The ID of a command that enables and disables the full screen mode.


In the full-screen mode, all docking control bars, toolbars and menu are hidden and the active view is resized to occupy the full-screen.

When you enable the full-screen mode, you must specify an ID of the command that enables or disables the full-screen mode. You can call EnableFullScreenMode from the main frame's OnCreate function. When a frame window is being switched to a full-screen mode, the framework creates a floating toolbar with one button that has the specified command ID.

If you want to keep the main menu on the screen, call CFrameWndEx::EnableFullScreenMainMenu.


Enables or disables the loading of the docking state.

void EnableLoadDockState(BOOL bEnable=TRUE);


[in] bEnable
TRUE to enable the loading of the docking state, FALSE to disable the loading of the docking state.


Enables or disables the automatic handling of the pane menu.

void EnablePaneMenu(
    BOOL bEnable,  
    UINT uiCustomizeCmd,  
    const CString& strCustomizeLabel,  
    UINT uiViewToolbarsMenuEntryID,  
    BOOL bContextMenuShowsToolbarsOnly=FALSE,  
    BOOL bViewMenuShowsToolbarsOnly=FALSE);


[in] bEnable
TRUE to enable the automatic handling of the control bar pop-up menus; FALSE to disable the automatic handling of the control bar pop-up menus.

[in] uiCustomizeCmd
The command ID of the Customize menu item.

[in] strCustomizeLabel
The label to be displayed for the Customize menu item

[in] uiViewToolbarsMenuEntryID
The ID of a toolbar menu item that opens the pop-up menu in the control bar.

[in] bContextMenuShowsToolbarsOnly
If TRUE, the control bar context menu displays the list of toolbars only. If FALSE, the menu displays the list of the toolbars and the docking bars.

[in] bViewMenuShowsToolbarsOnly
If TRUE, the control bar menu displays the list of the toolbars only. If FALSE, the menu displays the list of the toolbars and the docking bars.


Returns a pointer to the currently displayed pop-up menu.

CMFCPopupMenu* GetActivePopup() const;  

Return Value

A pointer to the currently displayed pop-up menu; otherwise NULL.


Returns the resource ID that you specified when the framework loaded the frame window.

UINT GetDefaultResId() const;  

Return Value

The resource ID value that the user specified when the framework loaded the frame window. Zero if the frame window does not have a menu bar.


Retrieves the CDockingManager Class object for the frame window.

CDockingManager* GetDockingManager();

Return Value

A pointer to the CDockingManager Class.


The frame window creates and uses a CDockingManager Class object to manage child window docking.


Returns a pointer to the menu bar object attached to the frame window.

const CMFCMenuBar* GetMenuBar() const;  

Return Value

A pointer to the menu bar object attached to the frame window.


Returns a pointer to the pane that has the specified ID.

CBasePane* GetPane(UINT nID);


[in] nID
The control ID.

Return Value

A pointer to the pane that has the specified ID. NULL if no such pane exists.


Retrieves the ribbon bar control for the frame.

CMFCRibbonBar* GetRibbonBar();

Return Value

Pointer to the CMFCRibbonBar Class for the frame.



Returns a list of pane objects that are in a tear-off state.

const CObList& GetTearOffBars() const;  

Return Value

A reference to CObList object that contains a collection of pointers to the pane objects that are in a tear-off state.


Called by the framework when the application displays the tooltip for a toolbar button.

virtual BOOL GetToolbarButtonToolTipText(
    CMFCToolBarButton* pButton,  
    CString& strTTText);


[in] pButton
A pointer to a toolbar button.

[in] strTTText
The tooltip text to display for the button.

Return Value

TRUE if the tooltip has been displayed. FALSE otherwise.


By default, this method does nothing. Override this method if you want to display the tooltip for the toolbar button.


Inserts a pane into a list of control bars and registers it with the docking manager.

BOOL InsertPane(
    CBasePane* pControlBar,  
    CBasePane* pTarget,  
    BOOL bAfter = TRUE);


A pointer to a control bar to be inserted into the list of control bars and registered with the docking manager.

A pointer to a control bar before or after which to insert the pane.

TRUE if you want to insert pControlBar after pTarget, FALSE otherwise.

Return Value

TRUE if the control bar was successfully inserted and registered, FALSE otherwise.


You must register each control bar by using the CDockingManager Class to take a part in the docking layout.


Determines whether the frame window is in full screen mode.

BOOL IsFullScreen() const;  

Return Value

TRUE if the frame window is in full screen mode; otherwise FALSE.


You can set the full screen mode by calling the CFrameWndEx::EnableFullScreenMode method.


Determines whether the pointer to the menu bar object is valid.

BOOL IsMenuBarAvailable() const;  

Return Value

TRUE if the frame window has a menu bar; otherwise FALSE.


Determines whether the point is located in an alignment zone.

BOOL IsPointNearDockSite(
    CPoint point,  
    DWORD& dwBarAlignment,  
    BOOL& bOuterEdge) const;  


[in] point
The position of the point.

[out] dwBarAlignment
Where the point is aligned. See the table in the Remarks section for possible values.

[out] bOuterEdge
TRUE if the point is located close to the frame border; FALSE if the point is located in a client area.

Return Value

TRUE if the point is located in an alignment zone; otherwise, FALSE.


The following table lists the possible values for the dwBarAlignment parameter.

Aligned to the top.

Aligned to the right.

Aligned to the bottom.

Aligned to the left.


Determines whether the frame window is in print preview mode.

BOOL IsPrintPreview();

Return Value

TRUE if the frame window is in print preview mode; otherwise, FALSE.



This method is called after construction to create the frame window and load its resources.

virtual BOOL LoadFrame(
    UINT nIDResource,  
    CWnd* pParentWnd = NULL,  
    CCreateContext* pContext = NULL);


[in] nIDResource
The resource ID that is used to load all frame resources.

[in] dwDefaultStyle
The default frame window style.

[in] pParentWnd
Pointer to the parent window of the frame.

[in] pContext
Pointer to a CCreateContext Structure class that is used by the framework during application creation.

Return Value

TRUE if the method was successful; otherwise, FALSE.



Implements OLE client border negotiation.

virtual BOOL NegotiateBorderSpace(
    UINT nBorderCmd,  
    LPRECT lpRectBorder);


[in] nBorderCmd
The border negotiation command. See the Remarks section for possible values.

[in, out] lpRectBorder
Dimensions of the border.

Return Value

TRUE if the layout must be recalculated; otherwise, FALSE.


The following table lists the possible values for the nBorderCmd parameter.

Get available OLE client space.

Request OLE client space.

Set OLE client space.


The framework calls this method when user input is switched to or away from the frame.

afx_msg void OnActivate(
    UINT nState,  
    CWnd* pWndOther,  
    BOOL bMinimized);


[in] nState
Whether the frame is active or inactive. See the table in the Remarks section for possible values.

[in] pWndOther
Pointer to another window that is switching user input with the current one.

[in] bMinimized
The minimized state of the frame. TRUE if the frame is minimized; otherwise, FALSE.


The following table lists the possible values for the nState parameter.

The frame is selected by a method other than a mouse click.

The frame is selected by a mouse click.

The frame is not selected.


Called by the framework when the application is either selected or deselected.

afx_msg void OnActivateApp(
    BOOL bActive,  
    DWORD dwThreadID);


[in] bActive
TRUE if the application is selected; FALSE if the application is not selected.

[in] dwThreadID
This parameter is not used.



Called by the framework when a change to the frame requires a change to the visual manager.

afx_msg LRESULT OnChangeVisualManager(
    WPARAM wParam,  
    LPARAM lParam);


[in] wParam
This parameter is not used.

[in] lParam
This parameter is not used.

Return Value

Always returns 0.



The framework calls this method to close the frame.

afx_msg void OnClose();


If the frame is in print preview mode, it sends a Windows message to close the print preview; otherwise, if the frame hosts an OLE client, the client is deactivated.


Called by the framework when the user clicks the Close button on a docking pane.

virtual BOOL OnCloseDockingPane(CDockablePane* pPane);

Return Value

TRUE if the docking bar can be closed. FALSE otherwise


The default implement does nothing. Override this method if you want to handle the hiding of the docking bar.


Called by the framework when the user clicks the Close button on a floating mini frame window.

virtual BOOL OnCloseMiniFrame(CPaneFrameWnd* pWnd);

Return Value

TRUE if a floating mini frame window can be closed. FALSE otherwise.


The default implementation does nothing. Override this method if you want to process the hiding of a floating mini frame window.


Called by the framework when an active pop-up menu processes a WM_DESTROY message.

virtual void OnClosePopupMenu(CMFCPopupMenu* pMenuPopup);


A pointer to a pop-up menu.


The framework sends a WM_DESTROY message when it is about to close the window. Override this method if you want to handle notifications from CMFCPopupMenu objects that belong to the frame window when a CMFCPopupMenu object is processing a WM_DESTROY message sent by the framework when the window is being closed.


Dispatches command messages.

virtual BOOL OnCmdMsg(
    UINT nID,  
    int nCode,  
    void* pExtra,  
    AFX_CMDHANDLERINFO* pHandlerInfo);


[in] nID
The command ID.

[in] nCode
Command message category.

[in, out] pExtra
Pointer to a command object.

[in, out] pHandlerInfo
Pointer to a command handler structure.

Return Value

TRUE if the command message was handled; otherwise, FALSE.



Called by the framework to display context-related help.

afx_msg void OnContextHelp();



Called by the framework after the frame is created.

afx_msg int OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct);


[in] lpCreateStruct
A pointer to the CREATESTRUCT Structure for the new frame.

Return Value

0 to continue with the frame creation; -1 to destroy the frame.



Called by the framework when the frame is destroyed.

afx_msg void OnDestroy();


The accelerator table and all windows are destroyed.


Called by the framework when the application draws the image associated with a menu item.

virtual BOOL OnDrawMenuImage(
    CDC* pDC,  
    const CMFCToolBarMenuButton* pMenuButton,  
    const CRect& rectImage);


[in] pDC
A pointer to a device context.

[in] pMenuButton
A pointer to a menu button whose image is being rendered.

[in] rectImage
A pointer to a Rect structure that specifies the screen position and size of the image.

Return Value

TRUE if the framework successfully renders the image; FALSE otherwise.


Override this method if you want to customize the image rendering for the menu items that belong to the menu bar owned by the CFrameWndEx derived object.

Called by the framework when a CMFCPopupMenu object processes a WM_PAINT message.

virtual void OnDrawMenuLogo(
    CDC* pDC,  
    CMFCPopupMenu* pMenu,  
    const CRect& rectLogo);


[in] pDC
A pointer to a device context.

[in] pMenu
A pointer to the menu item.

[in] rectLogo
A reference to a constant CRect structure that specifies the screen position and size of the menu logo.


Override this function if you want to display a logo on the pop-up menu that belongs to the menu bar owned by the CFrameWndEx derived object.


Called by the framework when Desktop Window Manager (DWM) composition has been enabled or disabled.

afx_msg LRESULT OnDWMCompositionChanged(
    WPARAM wp,  
    LPARAM lp);


[in] wp
This parameter is not used.

[in] lp
This parameter is not used.

Return Value

Always returns 0.



Called by the framework when the frame stops moving or resizing.

LRESULT OnExitSizeMove(
    WPARAM wp,  
    LPARAM lp);


[in] wp
This parameter is not used.

[in] lp
This parameter is not used.

Return Value

Always returns 0.



Called by the framework when the frame is resized to set window dimension limits.

afx_msg void OnGetMinMaxInfo(MINMAXINFO FAR* lpMMI);


[in] lpMMI
Pointer to a MINMAXINFO structure.



Called by the framework to update the frame display when command processing is idle.

afx_msg LRESULT OnIdleUpdateCmdUI(
    WPARAM wParam = 0,  
    LPARAM lParam = 0);


[in] wParam
This parameter is not used.

[in] lParam
This parameter is not used.

Return Value

Always returns 0.



The framework calls this method when the user presses the left mouse button.

afx_msg void OnLButtonDown(
    UINT nFlags,  
    CPoint point);


[in] nFlags
Indicates whether the user pressed modifier keys. For possible values see the parameter wParam in WM_LBUTTONDOWN Notification.

[in] point
Specifies the x and y coordinates of the pointer, relative to the upper-left corner of the window.



The framework calls this method when the user releases the left mouse button.

afx_msg void OnLButtonUp(
    UINT nFlags,  
    CPoint point);


[in] nFlags
Indicates whether the user pressed modifier keys. For possible values see the parameter wParam in WM_LBUTTONUP Notification.

[in] point
Specifies the x and y coordinates of the pointer, relative to the upper-left corner of the window.



Called by the framework when a CMFCToolBarButton object processes a WM_NCHITTEST message.

virtual BOOL OnMenuButtonToolHitTest(
    CMFCToolBarButton* pButton,  


[in] pButton
A pointer to the tool bar button.

[out] pTI
A pointer to a tool information structure.

Return Value

TRUE if the application fills the pTI parameter. FALSE otherwise.


Override this method if you want to provide a tooltip information about a specific menu item.


Called by the framework when a menu is displayed and the user presses a key that does not correspond to a command.

afx_msg LRESULT OnMenuChar(
    UINT nChar,  
    UINT nFlags,  
    CMenu* pMenu);


[in] nChar
Character code of the pressed key.

[in] nFlags
Contains the MF_POPUP flag if the menu displayed is a submenu; contains the MF_SYSMENU flag if the menu displayed is a control menu.

[in] pMenu
Pointer to a menu.

Return Value

The high-order word must be one of the following values.

The framework should ignore the keystroke.

The framework should close the menu.

The framework should select one of the items displayed in the menu. The low-order word contains the ID of the command to select.



The framework calls this method when the pointer moves.

afx_msg void OnMouseMove(
    UINT nFlags,  
    CPoint point);


[in] nFlags
Indicates whether a user pressed modifier keys. For possible values see the parameter wParam in WM_MOUSEMOVE Notification.

[in] point
Specifies the x and y coordinates of the pointer relative to the upper-left corner of the window.



Called by the framework when a pane window moves.

virtual BOOL OnMoveMiniFrame(CWnd* pFrame);


[in] pFrame
Pointer to the CPaneFrameWnd Class pane window.

Return Value

TRUE if the pane window was not docked; FALSE if the pane window was docked.



Called by the framework when the non-client area of the frame must be redrawn to indicate a change in the active state.

afx_msg BOOL OnNcActivate(BOOL bActive);


[in] bActive
TRUE to draw the frame active; FALSE to draw the frame inactive.

Return Value

Nonzero to continue with default processing; 0 to prevent the non-client area from being deactivated.



Called by the framework when the size and position of the client area must be calculated.

afx_msg void OnNcCalcSize(
    BOOL bCalcValidRects,  


[in] bCalcValidRects
TRUE when the application must specify a valid client area; otherwise, FALSE.

[in] lpncsp
Pointer to a NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS structure that contains frame dimension changes.



Called by the framework when the pointer moves or when a mouse button is pressed or released.

afx_msg LRESULT OnNcHitTest(CPoint point);


[in] point
The location of the pointer in screen coordinates.

Return Value

A pointer hit enumerated value. For a list of possible values see WM_NCHITTEST Notification.



Called by the framework when the pointer moves in a non-client area.

afx_msg void OnNcMouseMove(
    UINT nHitTest,  
    CPoint point);


[in] nHitTest
A pointer hit enumerated value. For a list of possible values see WM_NCHITTEST Notification.

[in] point
The location of the pointer in screen coordinates.



Called by the framework when the non-client area must be painted.

afx_msg void OnNcPaint();



Called by the framework to control the visibility of a pane.

afx_msg BOOL OnPaneCheck(UINT nID);


[in] nID
Control ID of a pane.

Return Value

TRUE if the command was handled; FALSE to continue with command processing.



Called by the framework when the user changes the print preview mode.

afx_msg LRESULT OnPostPreviewFrame(
    WPARAM wParam,  
    LPARAM lParam);


[in] wParam
This parameter is not used.

[in] lParam
TRUE when the frame is in print preview mode; FALSE when print preview mode is off.

Return Value

Always returns 0.



Called by the framework when a power management event occurs.

afx_msg LRESULT OnPowerBroadcast(
    WPARAM wp,  
    LPARAM lp);


[in] wp
The power management event. For a list of possible values see WM_POWERBROADCAST Message.

[in] lp
This parameter is not used.

Return Value

Result from calling the default window procedure.



Called by the framework to replace the frame window menu.

afx_msg LRESULT OnSetMenu(
    WPARAM wp,  
    LPARAM lp);  
BOOL OnSetMenu(HMENU hmenu);


[in] wp
Handle to the new frame window menu.

[in] lp
Handle to the new window menu.

[in] hmenu
Handle to the new frame window menu.

Return Value

LRESULT is the result from calling the default window procedure.

BOOL is TRUE if the event was handled; otherwise, FALSE.



Called by the framework to set the print preview mode for the frame.

virtual void OnSetPreviewMode(
    BOOL bPreview,  
    CPrintPreviewState* pState);


[in] bPreview
TRUE to enable print preview; FALSE to disable print preview.

[in] pState
Pointer to a CPrintPreviewState frame state structure.



Called by the framework to set the text of a window.

afx_msg LRESULT OnSetText(
    WPARAM wParam,  
    LPARAM lParam);


[in] wParam
This parameter is not used.

[in] lParam
Pointer to the text for the window.

Return Value

Return value from a call to DefWindowProc.



Called by the framework when it displays a QuickCustomizePane.

virtual BOOL OnShowCustomizePane(
    CMFCPopupMenu* pMenuPane,  
    UINT uiToolbarID);


[in] pMenuPane
A pointer to the quick customize pane.

[in] uiToolbarID
The control ID of the toolbar to customize.

Return Value

This method always return TRUE.


The quick customize menu is a pop-up menu that appears when you click the toolbar’s customize button


Called by the framework to show or hide panes.

virtual BOOL OnShowPanes(BOOL bShow);


[in] bShow
TRUE if the application shows the panes; FALSE otherwise.

Return Value

This method always return FALSE.


The default implementation shows the panes if bShow is TRUE and the panes are hidden or when bShow is FALSE and the panes are visible.

The default implementation hides the panes if bShow is TRUE and the panes are visible or when bShow is FALSE and the panes are hidden.

Override this method in a derived class to execute custom code when the framework shows or hides panes.


Called by the framework when it displays a pop-up menu.

virtual BOOL OnShowPopupMenu(CMFCPopupMenu* pMenu);


[in] pMenu
A pointer to a pop-up menu.

Return Value

TRUE if the pop-up menu is visible; otherwise FALSE.


Override this method in a derived class to execute custom code when the framework displays a pop-up menu. For example, override this method to change the background color of the commands in a pop-up menu.


Called by the framework after the frame's size changes.

afx_msg void OnSize(
    UINT nType,  
    int cx,  
    int cy);


[in] nType
The type of resizing. For possible values see the parameter wParam in WM_SIZE Notification.

[in] cx
New width of the frame in pixels.

[in] cy
New height of the frame in pixels.



Called by the framework when the user resizes the frame.

afx_msg void OnSizing(
    UINT fwSide,  
    LPRECT pRect);


[in] fwSide
The edge of the frame that is moved. See the parameter wParam in WM_SIZING Notification.

[in, out] pRect
Pointer to a CRect or RECT structure that contains the frame's coordinates.



Called by the framework when the system colors change.

void OnSysColorChange();



Called by the framework when the application displays a menu that has a tear-off bar.

virtual BOOL OnTearOffMenu(
    CMFCPopupMenu* pMenuPopup,  
    CPane* pBar);


[in] pMenuPopup
A pointer to a pop-up menu.

[in] pBar
A pointer to a tear-off bar.

Return Value

TRUE if the pop-up menu with the tear-off bar is enabled; otherwise FALSE.


Override this method in a derived class to execute custom code when the framework displays a control bar.

The default implementation does nothing and returns TRUE.


Called by the framework to build a toolbar pop-up menu.

afx_msg LRESULT OnToolbarContextMenu(
    WPARAM wp,  
    LPARAM lp);


[in] wp
This parameter is not used.

[in] lp
This parameter is not used.

Return Value

Always returns 1.



The framework calls this method to create a new toolbar.

afx_msg LRESULT OnToolbarCreateNew(
    WPARAM wp,  
    LPARAM lp);


[in] wp
This parameter is not used.

[in] lp
Pointer to the text for the title bar of the toolbar.

Return Value

Pointer to the new toolbar; or NULL if a toolbar was not created.



Called by the framework when a toolbar is deleted.

afx_msg LRESULT OnToolbarDelete(
    LPARAM lp);


This parameter is not used.

[in] lp
Pointer to a toolbar.

Return Value

TRUE if the toolbar was deleted; otherwise, FALSE.



Called by the framework to set the frame menu.

virtual void OnUpdateFrameMenu(HMENU hMenuAlt);


[in] hMenuAlt
Handle to the alternative menu.



The framework calls this method to update the title bar of the frame window.

virtual void OnUpdateFrameTitle(BOOL bAddToTitle);


[in] bAddToTitle
TRUE to add the active document title to the frame window title bar; otherwise FALSE.



Called by the framework to update the pane menu.

afx_msg void OnUpdatePaneMenu(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);


[in] pCmdUI
Pointer to the pane user interface object.



Called by the framework when the frame size, position, or z-order has changed because of a call to a window management method.

afx_msg void OnWindowPosChanged(WINDOWPOS FAR* lpwndpos);


[in] lpwndpos
Pointer to a WINDOWPOS structure that contains the new size and position.



Searches each pane for the given point.

CBasePane* PaneFromPoint(
    CPoint point,  
    int nSensitivity,  
    bool bExactBar,  
    CRuntimeClass* pRTCBarType) const;  
CBasePane* PaneFromPoint(
    CPoint point,  
    int nSensitivity,  
    DWORD& dwAlignment,  
    CRuntimeClass* pRTCBarType) const;  


[in] point
The screen coordinates of the point to check.

[in] nSensitivity
Expand the bounding rectangle of each control bar by this amount when searching for point.

[in] bExactBar
TRUE to ignore the nSensitivity parameter; otherwise, FALSE.

[in] pRTCBarType
If not NULL, the method searches only the control bars of the specified type.

[out] dwAlignment
If successful, this parameter contains the side of the control bar that is closest to the specified point. Otherwise, this parameter is not initialized.

Return Value

A pointer to a control bar that contains the point; NULL if no control is found.


This method searches all the control bars in your application for a point.

Use nSensitivity to increase the size of the search area. Use pRTCBarType to restrict the types of control bars that the method searches.


Handles specific window messages before they are dispatched.

virtual BOOL PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg);


[in] pMsg
A pointer to a MSG structure that contains the message to process.

Return Value

Non-zero if the message was handled and should not be dispatched; 0 if the message was not handled and should be dispatched.



Adjusts the layout of the frame and its child windows.

virtual void RecalcLayout(BOOL bNotify = TRUE);


[in] bNotify
Specifies whether to notify the OLE client item about the layout change.


This method is called when the size of the frame window has changed or when control bars are displayed or hidden.


Unregisters a pane and removes it from the docking manager.

void RemovePaneFromDockManager(
    CBasePane* pControlBar,  
    BOOL bDestroy,  
    BOOL bAdjustLayout,  
    BOOL bAutoHide,  
    CBasePane* pBarReplacement);


[in] pControlBar
A pointer to the control bar pane to remove.

[in] bDestroy
TRUE to destroy the control bar after removing it; FALSE otherwise.

[in] bAdjustLayout
TRUE to adjust the docking layout; FALSE otherwise.

[in] bAutoHide
TRUE if the control bar is in auto-hide mode; FALSE otherwise.

[in] pBarReplacement
A pointer to a pane that replaces the removed pane.


Use this method to remove a control bar from the docking layout of the frame window.

The CDockingManager Class handles the layout of control bars. You must register each control bar with the docking manager by using the CFrameWndEx::AddPane method or the CFrameWndEx::InsertPane method.


Restores the docking layout to the docking state stored in the registry.

void SetDockState(const CDockState& state);


The docking state. This parameter is ignored.


Sets the print preview frame window.

void SetPrintPreviewFrame(CFrameWnd* pWnd);


[in] pWnd
Pointer to a print preview frame window.



Inserts user-defined commands into a toolbar menu.

void SetupToolbarMenu(
    CMenu& menu,  
    const UINT uiViewUserToolbarCmdFirst,  
    const UINT uiViewUserToolbarCmdLast);


[in] menu
A CMenu object to be modified.

[in] uiViewUserToolbarCmdFirst
The first user-defined command.

[in] uiViewUserToolbarCmdLast
The last user-defined command.


The framework stores user-defined commands in a list. Use uiViewUserToolbarCmdFirst and uiViewUserToolbarCmdList to specify the indexes of the commands to insert.


Switches the main frame between full-screen mode and regular mode.

void ShowFullScreen();


Shows or hides the specified pane.

void ShowPane(
    CBasePane* pBar,  
    BOOL bShow,  
    BOOL bDelay,  
    BOOL bActivate);


[in] pBar
A pointer to the control bar to show or hide.

[in] bShow
If TRUE, the application shows the control bar. Otherwise, the application hides the control bar.

[in] bDelay
If TRUE, delay the adjustment of the docking layout until the framework calls CFrameWndEx::AdjustDockingLayout. Otherwise, recalculate the docking layout immediately.

[in] bActivate
If TRUE, make the control bar active. Otherwise, display the control bar in an inactive state.


Called by the framework to update the window frame caption.

void UpdateCaption();



Invokes either the WinHelp application or context related help.

virtual void WinHelp(
    DWORD dwData,  


Data that depends on the nCmd parameter. For a list of possible values see WinHelp.

The help command. For a list of possible values see WinHelp.


See Also

Hierarchy Chart