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FontControl is een samengesteld opmaaksegment dat alle eigenschappen bevat die gerelateerd zijn aan lettertypen. Het wordt gebruikt om geheel getal, fontControlen bool objecttypen uit capabilities.json bestand weer te geven.

Schermopname van de FontControl-slice.

Voorbeeld: FontControl-implementatie

In dit voorbeeld laten we zien hoe u een FontControl segment maakt met behulp van opmaakmodelhulpmiddelen.


Voeg het volgende JSON-fragment in het capabilities.json-bestand in.

  // ... same level as dataRoles and dataViewMappings
  "objects": {
    "labels": {
      "properties": {
        "fontFamily": {
          "type": {
            "formatting": {
              "fontFamily": true
        "fontSize": {
          "type": {
            "formatting": {
              "fontSize": true
        "bold": {
          "type": {
            "bool": true
        "italic": {
          "type": {
            "bool": true
        "underline": {
          "type": {
            "bool": true

Modelklasse opmaken

Voeg het volgende codefragment in het instellingenbestand in.

import { formattingSettings } from "powerbi-visuals-utils-formattingmodel";

class LabelsCardSetting extends formattingSettings.SimpleCard {
    name: string = "labels"; // same as capabilities object name
    displayName: string = "Labels";

    public fontFamily: formattingSettings.FontPicker = new formattingSettings.FontPicker({
        name: "fontFamily", // same as capabilities property name
        value: "Arial, sans-serif"

    public fontSize: formattingSettings.NumUpDown = new formattingSettings.NumUpDown({
        name: "fontSize", // same as capabilities property name
        value: 11

    public bold: formattingSettings.ToggleSwitch = new formattingSettings.ToggleSwitch({
        name: "bold", // same as capabilities property name
        value: false

    public italic: formattingSettings.ToggleSwitch = new formattingSettings.ToggleSwitch({
        name: "italic", // same as capabilities property name
        value: false

    public underline: formattingSettings.ToggleSwitch = new formattingSettings.ToggleSwitch({
        name: "underline", // same as capabilities property name
        value: false

    public font: formattingSettings.FontControl = new formattingSettings.FontControl({
        name: "font",   // must be unique within the same object
        displayName: "Font",
        fontFamily: this.fontFamily,
        fontSize: this.fontSize,
        bold: this.bold,           //optional
        italic: this.italic,       //optional
        underline: this.underline  //optional

    public slices: formattingSettings.Slice[] = [ this.font ];

export class VisualSettings extends formattingSettings.Model {
    public labels: LabelsCardSetting = new LabelsCardSetting();
    public cards: formattingSettings.SimpleCard[] = [this.labels];