
Delen via

connectorGroup resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph


APIs under the /beta version in Microsoft Graph are subject to change. Use of these APIs in production applications is not supported. To determine whether an API is available in v1.0, use the Version selector.

Each Microsoft Entra application proxy connector is always part of a connector group. All the connectors that belong to the same connector group act as a separate unit for high-availability and load balancing. If you don't create connector groups, all your connectors will be part of the default group. When configuring an application with Application Proxy, you must also specify which connector group to assign the application to.

After a connector group is created, you can add or move connectors to the connector group by using Add connector. You can also use Add application to assign an application to a connector group.


Method Return Type Description
List connectorGroup collection Retrieve a list of connectorGroup objects.
Create connectorGroup collection Create a connectorGroup object.
Get connectorGroup Read properties and relationships of a connectorGroup object.
Update connectorGroup Update a connectorGroup object.
Delete None Delete a connectorGroup object. All connectors must be removed from the connectorGroup before a connectorGroup can be deleted.
List members connector collection Get a connector object collection.
List applications application collection Get the application object collection associated with the connectorGroup.
Add application application Associate an application with the connectorGroup by posting to the applications collection.
Add connector connector Add a connector to the connectorGroup by posting to the connectorGroup collection.


Property Type Description
connectorGroupType connectorGroupType Indicates the type of hybrid agent. This pre-set by the system. Possible values are: applicationProxy, syncFabric. Read-only.
id string Unique identifier for this connectorGroup. Read-only.
isDefault Boolean Indicates if the connectorGroup is the default connectorGroup. Only a single connector group can be the default connectorGroup and this is pre-set by the system. Read-only.
name string The name associated with the connectorGroup.
region connectorGroupRegion The region the connectorGroup is assigned to and will optimize traffic for. This region can only be set if no connectors or applications are assigned to the connectorGroup. The possible values are: nam (for North America), eur (for Europe), aus (for Australia), asia (for Asia), ind (for India), and unknownFutureValue.


Relationship Type Description
applications application collection Read-only. Nullable.
members connector collection Read-only. Nullable.

JSON representation

The following JSON representation shows the resource type.

  "id": "String (identifier)",
  "isDefault": true,
  "name": "String",
  "region": "string"