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createSession (JavaScript API Reference) for Dynamics 365 Channel Integration Framework 2.0


Session management APIs allow you to integrate multisession experiences in Customer Service workspace app only.

Creates a new session based on the session template name and returns the unique identifier of the session that was created.

If your organization uses single or multiple channel providers, then you can use this method to start a default session. More information: Configure support for single and multiple channel providers

Before you call this method, you must call canCreateSession to verify if a new session can be created.


This method supports session templates of type Generic only and a maximum of 10 sessions simultaneously.


Microsoft.CIFramework.createSession(input, correlationId).then(successCallback, errorCallback);


Name Type Required Description
input JSON object Yes String
correlationId GUID No Used to group all related API calls together for diagnostic telemetry.
successCallback Function No A function to call when the request is successful. The input to this function is the unique identifier of the newly created session.
errorCallback Function No A function to call when the request fails

The structure of the input parameter JSON is as follows:

   "templateName":"<unique name of session template>",
      "globalparam":"number value OR boolean value OR json string value OR parameterized string value",
      "app template 1":{ 
         "param 1":"number value OR boolean value OR json string value OR parameterized string value",
         "param 2":"..."
      "app template 2":"…."

Return value

Promise with a value as String.


var input = {
   // unique name of the configured template  
    templateName: "msdyn_chat_session",
    templateParameters: {
        customer: "Contoso",
    // Global and application tab template parameters, these values will override configured values
Microsoft.CIFramework.canCreateSession().then(function successCallback(result) {
    if (result === true) {
        Microsoft.CIFramework.createSession(input).then(function success(sessionId) {
            // perform operations on session Id retrieved
        }, function(error) {
            // handle error conditions
    } else {
        // cannot create new sessions
}, function errorCallback(error) {
    // handle error conditions