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basic_streambuf Class

Describes an abstract base class for deriving a stream buffer, which controls the transmission of elements to and from a specific representation of a stream.


template <class Elem, class Tr = char_traits<Elem>>
class basic_streambuf;


A char_type.

The character traits_type.


The class template describes an abstract base class for deriving a stream buffer, which controls the transmission of elements to and from a specific representation of a stream. An object of class basic_streambuf helps control a stream with elements of type Tr, also known as char_type, whose character traits are determined by the class char_traits, also known as traits_type.

Every stream buffer conceptually controls two independent streams: one for extractions (input) and one for insertions (output). A specific representation may, however, make either or both of these streams inaccessible. It typically maintains some relationship between the two streams. What you insert into the output stream of a basic_stringbuf< Elem, Tr> object, for example, is what you later extract from its input stream. When you position one stream of a basic_filebuf< Elem, Tr> object, you position the other stream in tandem.

The public interface to class template basic_streambuf supplies the operations that are common to all stream buffers, however specialized. The protected interface supplies the operations needed for a specific representation of a stream to do its work. The protected virtual member functions let you tailor the behavior of a derived stream buffer for a specific representation of a stream. Each derived stream buffer in this library describes how it specializes the behavior of its protected virtual member functions. The default behavior for the base class, which is often to do nothing, is described in this article.

The remaining protected member functions control copying to and from any storage supplied to buffer transmissions to and from streams. An input buffer, for example, is characterized by:

  • eback, a pointer to the beginning of the buffer.

  • gptr, a pointer to the next element to read.

  • egptr, a pointer past the end of the buffer.

Similarly, an output buffer is characterized by:

  • pbase, a pointer to the beginning of the buffer.

  • pptr, a pointer to the next element to write.

  • epptr, a pointer past the end of the buffer.

For any buffer, the following protocol is used:

  • If the next pointer is null, no buffer exists. Otherwise, all three pointers point into the same sequence. They can be safely compared for order.

  • For an output buffer, if the next pointer compares less than the end pointer, you can store an element at the write position designated by the next pointer.

  • For an input buffer, if the next pointer compares less than the end pointer, you can read an element at the read position designated by the next pointer.

  • For an input buffer, if the beginning pointer compares less than the next pointer, you can put back an element at the putback position designated by the decremented next pointer.

Any protected virtual member functions you write for a class derived from basic_streambuf< Elem, Tr> must cooperate in maintaining this protocol.

An object of class basic_streambuf< Elem, Tr> stores the six pointers previously described. It also stores a locale object in an object of type locale for potential use by a derived stream buffer.


Constructor Description
basic_streambuf Constructs an object of type basic_streambuf.


Type name Description
char_type Associates a type name with the Elem template parameter.
int_type Associates a type name within basic_streambuf scope with the Elem template parameter.
off_type Associates a type name within basic_streambuf scope with the Elem template parameter.
pos_type Associates a type name within basic_streambuf scope with the Elem template parameter.
traits_type Associates a type name with the Tr template parameter.

Member functions

Member function Description
eback A protected function that returns a pointer to the beginning of the input buffer.
egptr A protected function that returns a pointer past the end of the input buffer.
epptr A protected function that returns a pointer past the end of the output buffer.
gbump A protected function that adds count to the next pointer for the input buffer.
getloc Gets the basic_streambuf object's locale.
gptr A protected function that returns a pointer to the next element of the input buffer.
imbue A protected, virtual function called by pubimbue.
in_avail Returns the number of elements that are ready to be read from the buffer.
overflow A protected virtual function that can be called when a new character is inserted into a full buffer.
pbackfail A protected virtual member function that tries to put back an element into the input stream, then make it the current element (pointed to by the next pointer).
pbase A protected function that returns a pointer to the beginning of the output buffer.
pbump A protected function that adds count to the next pointer for the output buffer.
pptr A protected function that returns a pointer to the next element of the output buffer.
pubimbue Sets the basic_streambuf object's locale.
pubseekoff Calls seekoff, a protected virtual function that is overridden in a derived class.
pubseekpos Calls seekpos, a protected virtual function that is overridden in a derived class and resets the current pointer position.
pubsetbuf Calls setbuf, a protected virtual function that is overridden in a derived class.
pubsync Calls sync, a protected virtual function that is overridden in a derived class and updates the external stream associated with this buffer.
sbumpc Reads and returns the current element, moving the stream pointer.
seekoff The protected virtual member function tries to alter the current positions for the controlled streams.
seekpos The protected virtual member function tries to alter the current positions for the controlled streams.
setbuf The protected virtual member function performs an operation particular to each derived stream buffer.
setg A protected function that stores _Gbeg in the beginning pointer, _Gnext in the next pointer, and _Gend in the end pointer for the input buffer.
setp A protected function that stores _Pbeg in the beginning pointer and _Pend in the end pointer for the output buffer.
sgetc Returns current element without changing position in the stream.
sgetn Returns the number of elements read.
showmanyc Protected virtual member function that returns a count of the number of characters that can be extracted from the input stream. It also ensures that the program won't be subject to an indefinite wait.
snextc Reads the current element and returns the following element.
sputbackc Puts a char_type in the stream.
sputc Puts a character into the stream.
sputn Puts a character string into the stream.
stossc Move past the current element in the stream.
sungetc Gets a character from the stream.
swap Exchanges the values in this object for the values in the provided basic_streambuf object parameter.
sync A protected virtual function that tries to synchronize the controlled streams with any associated external streams.
uflow A protected virtual function that extracts the current element from the input stream.
underflow A protected virtual function that extracts the current element from the input stream.
xsgetn A protected virtual function that extracts elements from the input stream.
xsputn A protected virtual function that inserts elements into the output stream.


Operator Description
operator= Assigns the values of this object from another basic_streambuf object.


Header: <streambuf>

Namespace: std


Constructs an object of type basic_streambuf.


basic_streambuf(const basic_streambuf& right);


An lvalue reference to the basic_streambuf object that is used to set the values for this basic_streambuf object.


The first protected constructor stores a null pointer in all pointers controlling the input buffer and the output buffer. It also stores locale::classic in the locale object. For more information, see locale::classic.

The second protected constructor copies the pointers and locale from right.


Associates a type name with the Elem template parameter.

typedef Elem char_type;


A protected function that returns a pointer to the beginning of the input buffer.

char_type *eback() const;

Return Value

A pointer to the beginning of the input buffer.


A protected function that returns a pointer past the end of the input buffer.

char_type *egptr() const;

Return Value

A pointer past the end of the input buffer.


A protected function that returns a pointer past the end of the output buffer.

char_type *epptr() const;

Return Value

A pointer past the end of the output buffer.


A protected function that adds count to the next pointer for the input buffer.

void gbump(int count);


The amount by which to advance the pointer.


Gets the basic_streambuf object's locale.

locale getloc() const;

Return Value

The stored locale object.


For related information, see ios_base::getloc.


// basic_streambuf_getloc.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <iostream>

int main( )
   using namespace std;
   cout << cout.rdbuf( )->getloc( ).name( ).c_str( ) << endl;


A protected function that returns a pointer to the next element of the input buffer.

char_type *gptr() const;

Return Value

A pointer to the next element of the input buffer.


A protected virtual function called by pubimbue.

virtual void imbue(const locale& _Loc);


A reference to a locale.


The default behavior is to do nothing.


Returns the number of elements that are ready to be read from the buffer.

streamsize in_avail();

Return Value

The number of elements that are ready to be read from the buffer.


If a read position is available, the member function returns egptr - gptr. Otherwise, it returns showmanyc.


// basic_streambuf_in_avail.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <iostream>

int main( )
   using namespace std;
   char c;
   // cin's buffer is empty, in_avail will return 0
   cout << cin.rdbuf( )->in_avail( ) << endl;
   cin >> c;
   cout << cin.rdbuf( )->in_avail( ) << endl;


Associates a type name within basic_streambuf scope with one of the types in a template parameter.

typedef typename traits_type::int_type int_type;


Associates a type name within basic_streambuf scope with one of the types in a template parameter.

typedef typename traits_type::off_type off_type;


Assigns the values of this object from another basic_streambuf object.

basic_streambuf& operator=(const basic_streambuf& right);


An lvalue reference to the basic_streambuf object that is used to assign values to this object.


The protected member operator copies from right the pointers that control the input buffer and the output buffer. It also stores right.getloc() in the locale object. It returns *this.


A protected virtual function that can be called when a new character is inserted into a full buffer.

virtual int_type overflow(int_type _Meta = traits_type::eof());


The character to insert into the buffer, or traits_type::eof.

Return Value

If the function can't succeed, it returns traits_type::eof or throws an exception. Otherwise, it returns traits_type::not_eof(_ Meta). The default behavior is to return traits_type::eof.


If _Meta doesn't compare equal to traits_type::eof, the protected virtual member function endeavors to insert the element traits_type::to_char_type(_Meta) into the output stream. It can do so in various ways:

  • If a write position is available, it can store the element into the write position and increment the next pointer for the output buffer.

  • It can make a write position available by allocating new or additional storage for the output buffer.

  • It can make a write position available by writing out, to some external destination, some or all of the elements between the beginning and next pointers for the output buffer.

The virtual overflow function, together with the sync and underflow functions, defines the characteristics of the streambuf-derived class. Each derived class might implement overflow differently, but the interface with the calling stream class is the same.

The overflow function is most frequently called by public streambuf functions like sputc and sputn when the put area is full, but other classes, including the stream classes, can call overflow anytime.

The function consumes the characters in the put area between the pbase and pptr pointers and then reinitializes the put area. The overflow function must also consume nCh (if nCh isn't EOF), or it might choose to put that character in the new put area so that it will be consumed on the next call.

The definition of consume varies among derived classes. For example, the filebuf class writes its characters to a file, while the strstreambuf class keeps them in its buffer and (if the buffer is designated as dynamic) expands the buffer in response to a call to overflow. This expansion is achieved by freeing the old buffer and replacing it with a new, larger one. The pointers are adjusted as necessary.


A protected virtual member function that tries to put back an element into the input stream, then make it the current element (pointed to by the next pointer).

virtual int_type pbackfail(int_type _Meta = traits_type::eof());


The character to insert into the buffer, or traits_type::eof.

Return Value

If the function can't succeed, it returns traits_type::eof or throws an exception. Otherwise, it returns some other value. The default behavior is to return traits_type::eof.


If _Meta compares equal to traits_type::eof, the element to push back is effectively the one already in the stream before the current element. Otherwise, that element is replaced by traits_type::to_char_type(_Meta). The function can put back an element in various ways:

  • If a putback position is available, it can store the element into the putback position and decrement the next pointer for the input buffer.

  • It can make a putback position available by allocating new or additional storage for the input buffer.

  • For a stream buffer with common input and output streams, it can make a putback position available by writing out, to some external destination, some or all of the elements between the beginning and next pointers for the output buffer.


A protected function that returns a pointer to the beginning of the output buffer.

char_type *pbase() const;

Return Value

A pointer to the beginning of the output buffer.


A protected function that adds count to the next pointer for the output buffer.

void pbump(int count);


The number of characters by which to move the write position forward.


Associates a type name within basic_streambuf scope with one of the types in a template parameter.

typedef typename traits_type::pos_type pos_type;


A protected function that returns a pointer to the next element of the output buffer.

char_type *pptr() const;

Return Value

A pointer to the next element of the output buffer.


Sets the basic_streambuf object's locale.

locale pubimbue(const locale& _Loc);


A reference to a locale.

Return Value

The previous value stored in the locale object.


The member function stores _ Loc in the locale object and calls imbue.


See basic_ios::imbue for an example that uses pubimbue.


Calls seekoff, a protected virtual function that is overridden in a derived class.

pos_type pubseekoff(off_type _Off,
    ios_base::seekdir _Way,
    ios_base::openmode _Which = ios_base::in | ios_base::out);


The position to seek for relative to _Way.

The starting point for offset operations. See seekdir for possible values.

Specifies the mode for the pointer position. The default is to allow you to modify the read and write positions.

Return Value

Returns the new position or an invalid stream position (seekoff(_ Off, _Way, _Which)).


Moves the pointer relative to _Way.


Calls seekpos, a protected virtual function that is overridden in a derived class, and resets the current pointer position.

pos_type pubseekpos(pos_type _Sp, ios_base::openmode _Which = ios_base::in | ios_base::out);


The position to seek for.

Specifies the mode for the pointer position. The default is to allow you to modify the read and write positions.

Return Value

The new position or an invalid stream position. To determine if the stream position is invalid, compare the return value with pos_type(off_type(-1)).


The member function returns seekpos(_ Sp, _Which).


Calls setbuf, a protected virtual function that is overridden in a derived class.

basic_streambuf<Elem, Tr> *pubsetbuf(
    char_type* _Buffer,
    streamsize count);


A pointer to char_type for this instantiation.

The size of the buffer.

Return Value

Returns setbuf( _Buffer, count).


Calls sync, a protected virtual function that is overridden in a derived class, and updates the external stream associated with this buffer.

int pubsync();

Return Value

Returns sync or -1 if failure.


Reads and returns the current element, moving the stream pointer.

int_type sbumpc();

Return Value

The current element.


If a read position is available, the member function returns traits_type::to_int_type(*gptr) and increments the next pointer for the input buffer. Otherwise, it returns uflow.


// basic_streambuf_sbumpc.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <iostream>

int main( )
   using namespace std;
   int i = 0;
   i = cin.rdbuf( )->sbumpc( );
   cout << i << endl;


A protected virtual member function that tries to alter the current positions for the controlled streams.

virtual pos_type seekoff(
    off_type _Off,
    ios_base::seekdir _Way,
    ios_base::openmode _Which = ios_base::in | ios_base::out);


The position to seek for relative to _Way.

The starting point for offset operations. See seekdir for possible values.

Specifies the mode for the pointer position. The default is to allow you to modify the read and write positions.

Return Value

Returns the new position or an invalid stream position (seekoff (_ Off, _Way, _Which)).


The new position is determined as follows:

  • If _Way == ios_base::beg, the new position is the beginning of the stream plus _ Off.

  • If _Way == ios_base::cur, the new position is the current stream position plus _ Off.

  • If _Way == ios_base::end, the new position is the end of the stream plus _ Off.

Typically, if which & ios_base::in is nonzero, the input stream is affected, and if which & ios_base::out is nonzero, the output stream is affected. Actual use of this parameter varies among derived stream buffers, however.

If the function succeeds in altering the stream position or positions, it returns the resulting stream position or one of the resulting stream positions. Otherwise, it returns an invalid stream position. The default behavior is to return an invalid stream position.


A protected virtual member function that tries to alter the current positions for the controlled streams.

virtual pos_type seekpos(pos_type _Sp, ios_base::openmode _Which = ios_base::in | ios_base::out);


The position to seek for.

Specifies the mode for the pointer position. The default is to allow you to modify the read and write positions.

Return Value

The new position, or an invalid stream position. To determine if the stream position is invalid, compare the return value with pos_type(off_type(-1)).


The new position is _ Sp.

Typically, if which & ios_base::in is nonzero, the input stream is affected, and if which & ios_base::out is nonzero, the output stream is affected. Actual use of this parameter varies among derived stream buffers, however.

If the function succeeds in altering the stream position or positions, it returns the resulting stream position or one of the resulting stream positions. Otherwise, it returns an invalid stream position (-1). The default behavior is to return an invalid stream position.


A protected virtual member function that performs an operation particular to each derived stream buffer.

virtual basic_streambuf<Elem, Tr> *setbuf(
    char_type* _Buffer,
    streamsize count);


Pointer to a buffer.

Size of the buffer.

Return Value

The default behavior is to return this.


See basic_filebuf. setbuf provides an area of memory for the streambuf object to use. How the buffer is used in defined in the derived classes.


A protected function that stores _ Gbeg in the beginning pointer, _Gnext in the next pointer, and _Gend in the end pointer for the input buffer.

void setg(char_type* _Gbeg,
    char_type* _Gnext,
    char_type* _Gend);


A pointer to the beginning of the buffer.

A pointer to somewhere in the middle of the buffer.

A pointer to the end of the buffer.


A protected function that stores _Pbeg in the beginning pointer and _Pend in the end pointer for the output buffer.

void setp(char_type* _Pbeg, char_type* _Pend);


A pointer to the beginning of the buffer.

A pointer to the end of the buffer.


Returns current element without changing position in the stream.

int_type sgetc();

Return Value

The current element.


If a read position is available, the member function returns traits_type::to_int_type( *gptr). Otherwise, it returns underflow.


// basic_streambuf_sgetc.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

int main( )
   using namespace std;
   ifstream myfile( "basic_streambuf_sgetc.txt", ios::in );

   char i = myfile.rdbuf( )->sgetc( );
   cout << i << endl;
   i = myfile.rdbuf( )->sgetc( );
   cout << i << endl;


Extracts up to count characters from the input buffer and stores them in the provided buffer ptr.

This method is potentially unsafe, as it relies on the caller to check that the passed values are correct.

streamsize sgetn(
    char_type* ptr,
    streamsize count);


The buffer to contain the extracted characters.

The number of elements to read.

Return Value

The number of elements read. For more information, see streamsize for more information.


The member function returns xsgetn( ptr, count).


// basic_streambuf_sgetn.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc /W3
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

int main()
    using namespace std;

    ifstream myfile("basic_streambuf_sgetn.txt", ios::in);
    char a[10];

    // Extract 3 characters from myfile and store them in a.
    streamsize i = myfile.rdbuf()->sgetn(&a[0], 3);  // C4996
    a[i] = myfile.widen('\0');

    // Display the size and contents of the buffer passed to sgetn.
    cout << i << " " << a << endl;

    // Display the contents of the original input buffer.
    cout << myfile.rdbuf() << endl;


A protected virtual member function that returns a count of the number of characters that can be extracted from the input stream and ensure that the program won't be subject to an indefinite wait.

virtual streamsize showmanyc();

Return Value

The default behavior is to return zero.


Reads the current element and returns the following element.

int_type snextc();

Return Value

The next element in the stream.


The member function calls sbumpc and, if that function returns traits_type::eof, returns traits_type::eof. Otherwise, it returns sgetc.


// basic_streambuf_snextc.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <iostream>
int main( )
   using namespace std;
   int i = 0;
   i = cin.rdbuf( )->snextc( );
   // cout << ( int )char_traits<char>::eof << endl;
   cout << i << endl;


Puts a char_type in the stream.

int_type sputbackc(char_type _Ch);


The character.

Return Value

Returns the character or failure.


If a putback position is available and _Ch compares equal to the character stored in that position, the member function decrements the next pointer for the input buffer and returns traits_type::to_int_type( _Ch). Otherwise, it returns pbackfail( _Ch).


// basic_streambuf_sputbackc.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

int main( )
    using namespace std;

    ifstream myfile("basic_streambuf_sputbackc.txt",

    int i = myfile.rdbuf()->sbumpc();
    cout << (char)i << endl;
    int j = myfile.rdbuf()->sputbackc('z');
    if (j == 'z')
        cout << "it worked" << endl;
    i = myfile.rdbuf()->sgetc();
    cout << (char)i << endl;


Puts a character into the stream.

int_type sputc(char_type _Ch);


The character.

Return Value

Returns the character, if successful.


If a write position is available, the member function stores _Ch in the write position, increments the next pointer for the output buffer, and returns traits_type::to_int_type( _Ch). Otherwise, it returns overflow( _Ch).


// basic_streambuf_sputc.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

int main( )
   using namespace std;

   int i = cout.rdbuf( )->sputc( 'a' );
   cout << endl << ( char )i << endl;


Puts a character string into the stream.

streamsize sputn(const char_type* ptr, streamsize count);


The character string.

The count of characters.

Return Value

The number of characters inserted into the stream.


The member function returns xsputn( ptr, count). For more information, see the Remarks section of this member for more information.


// basic_streambuf_sputn.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

int main()
    using namespace std;

    streamsize i = cout.rdbuf()->sputn("test", 4);
    cout << endl << i << endl;


Move past the current element in the stream.

void stossc();


The member function calls sbumpc. An implementation isn't required to supply this member function.


// basic_streambuf_stossc.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

int main( )
   using namespace std;
   ifstream myfile( "basic_streambuf_stossc.txt", ios::in );

   myfile.rdbuf( )->stossc( );
   char i = myfile.rdbuf( )->sgetc( );
   cout << i << endl;


Gets a character from the stream.

int_type sungetc();

Return Value

Returns either the character or failure.


If a putback position is available, the member function decrements the next pointer for the input buffer and returns traits_type::to_int_type( *gptr). However, it isn't always possible to determine the last character read so that it can be captured in the state of the current buffer. If this is true, then the function returns pbackfail. To avoid this situation, keep track of the character to put back and call sputbackc(ch), which won't fail provided you don't call it at the beginning of the stream and you don't try to put back more than one character.


// basic_streambuf_sungetc.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

int main( )
   using namespace std;

   ifstream myfile( "basic_streambuf_sungetc.txt", ios::in );

   // Read and increment
   int i = myfile.rdbuf( )->sbumpc( );
   cout << ( char )i << endl;

   // Read and increment
   i = myfile.rdbuf( )->sbumpc( );
   cout << ( char )i << endl;

   // Decrement, read, and do not increment
   i = myfile.rdbuf( )->sungetc( );
   cout << ( char )i << endl;

   i = myfile.rdbuf( )->sungetc( );
   cout << ( char )i << endl;

   i = myfile.rdbuf( )->sbumpc( );
   cout << ( char )i << endl;


Exchanges the values in this object for the values in the provided basic_streambuf object.

void swap(basic_streambuf& right);


An lvalue reference to the basic_streambuf object that is used to exchange values.


The protected member function exchanges with right all the pointers controlling the input buffer and the output buffer. It also exchanges right.getloc() with the locale object.


A protected virtual function that tries to synchronize the controlled streams with any associated external streams.

virtual int sync();

Return Value

If the function can't succeed, it returns -1. The default behavior is to return zero.


sync involves writing out any elements between the beginning and next pointers for the output buffer. It doesn't involve putting back any elements between the next and end pointers for the input buffer.


Associates a type name with the Tr template parameter.

typedef Tr traits_type;


A protected virtual function that extracts the current element from the input stream.

virtual int_type uflow();

Return Value

The current element.


The protected virtual member function tries to extract the current element ch from the input stream, then advance the current stream position, and return the element as traits_type::to_int_type( ch). It can do so in various ways:

  • If a read position is available, it takes ch as the element stored in the read position and advances the next pointer for the input buffer.

  • It can read an element directly, from some external source, and deliver it as the value ch.

  • For a stream buffer with common input and output streams, it can make a read position available by writing out, to some external destination, some or all of the elements between the beginning and next pointers for the output buffer. Or it can allocate new or additional storage for the input buffer. The function then reads in, from some external source, one or more elements.

If the function can't succeed, it returns traits_type::eof, or throws an exception. Otherwise, it returns the current element ch in the input stream, converted as described above, and advances the next pointer for the input buffer. The default behavior is to call underflow and, if that function returns traits_type::eof, to return traits_type::eof. Otherwise, the function returns the current element ch in the input stream, converted as previously described, and advances the next pointer for the input buffer.


Protected, virtual function to extract the current element from the input stream.

virtual int_type underflow();

Return Value

The current element.


The protected virtual member function endeavors to extract the current element ch from the input stream, without advancing the current stream position, and return it as traits_type::to_int_type( ch). It can do so in various ways:

  • If a read position is available, ch is the element stored in the read position. For more information, see the Remarks section of the basic_streambuf Class.

  • It can make a read position available by allocating new or additional storage for the input buffer, then reading in, from some external source, one or more elements. For more information, see the Remarks section of the basic_streambuf Class.

If the function can't succeed, it returns traits_type::eof() or throws an exception. Otherwise, it returns the current element in the input stream, converted as previously described. The default behavior is to return traits_type::eof().

The virtual underflow function, with the sync and overflow functions, defines the characteristics of the streambuf-derived class. Each derived class might implement underflow differently, but the interface with the calling stream class is the same.

The underflow function is most frequently called by public streambuf functions like sgetc and sgetn when the get area is empty, but other classes, including the stream classes, can call underflow anytime.

The underflow function supplies the get area with characters from the input source. If the get area contains characters, underflow returns the first character. If the get area is empty, it fills the get area and returns the next character (which it leaves in the get area). If there are no more characters available, then underflow returns EOF and leaves the get area empty.

In the strstreambuf class, underflow adjusts the egptr pointer to access storage that was dynamically allocated by a call to overflow.


Protected, virtual function to extract elements from the input stream.

This method is potentially unsafe, as it relies on the caller to check that the passed values are correct.

virtual streamsize xsgetn(
    char_type* ptr,
    streamsize count);


The buffer to contain the extracted characters.

The number of elements to extract.

Return Value

The number of elements extracted.


The protected virtual member function extracts up to count elements from the input stream, as if by repeated calls to sbumpc, and stores them in the array beginning at ptr. It returns the number of elements extracted.


Protected, virtual function to insert elements into the output stream.

virtual streamsize xsputn(const char_type* ptr, streamsize count);


Pointer to elements to insert.

Number of elements to insert.

Return Value

The number of elements inserted into the stream.


The protected virtual member function inserts up to count elements into the output stream, as if by repeated calls to sputc, from the array beginning at ptr. The insertion of characters into the output stream stops once all count characters have been written, or if calling sputc( count) would return traits::eof(). It returns the number of elements inserted.

See also

Thread Safety in the C++ Standard Library
iostream Programming
iostreams Conventions