Del via


Represents a collection of problem categories and collectors elements.

Element Hierarchy


<Profile Id          = IdType
         Name        = string
         Description = string
         Base        = string
         LoggingMode = "File" | "Memory"
         DetailLevel = "Verbose" | "Light"
         Strict      = boolean
         Internal    = boolean
         Default     = boolean>

  <!-- Child elements -->


Attributes and Elements


Attribute Description Data type Required Default
Id Uniquely identifies the profile. String that must have at least one character and cannot contain colons or spaces. Yes
Name Indicates the name of the profile. string Yes
Description Indicates the description of the profile. string Yes
Base Indicates the base of the profile. string No
LoggingMode Indicates whether WPR writes to memory or to a sequential file. This attribute can have one of the following values:
  • File
  • Memory
Yes File
DetailLevel Specifies whether a profile definition is used for timing tracing (Light) or analysis tracing (Verbose). This attribute can have one of the following values:
  • Verbose
  • Light
Yes Verbose
Strict Indicates whether the failure of a provider or collector causes the start operation fail. If this attribute is set to false, the start operation succeeds even if some collectors or providers fail. At least one collector and one provider must succeed for the operation to continue. If this attribute is set to true, information about providers or collectors that failed to start is provided as warnings, instead of errors. boolean No false
Internal Indicates whether the profile is internal. boolean No false
Default Indicates whether the profile is a default profile. boolean No false

Child Elements

Element Description Requirement
ProblemCategories Represents a collection of problem categories. Required, exactly 1.
Collectors Represents a collection of collectors for the profile. Required, exactly 1.
TraceMergeProperties Represents a collection of trace merge properites. Optional, exactly 1.

Parent Elements

Element Description
Profiles Represents a collection of collectors, providers and profiles.


Each .wprp file typically contains at least two profile definitions: one for each logging mode. The exception is that on/off transition profiles can be logged only to file, so the .wprp file for those profiles can contain only one profile definition. Each .wprp file can contain at most four profiles: one for each combination of logging mode and detail level. All profiles in a single .wprp file must have the same value for the Name attribute.

Construct the Id attribute value by combining the values of the Name, DetailLevel, and LoggingMode attributes, separated by periods, as shown in the following example.

Derived profiles have all the attributes of the base profile by default. These can be overridden by explicitly specifying them in the derived profile. For more information, see Inheritance.


The following code example shows a profile definition.

  Description="Example profile">
      Value="First Level Triage"/>

Collectors and providers can also be defined in place, inside the profile definition.
