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The following represents the element hierarchy.

This following section describes the elements that you can use to author recording profiles for Windows Performance Recorder (WPR).

In This Section

Element Description
Buffers Describes either the number of buffers to be allocated when starting a session or the percentage of total memory that should be allocated for the session, depending on the value of the PercentageOfTotalMemory attribute.
BufferSize Describes the size of each buffer, in KB.
BuffersPerCPU Describes the number of buffers to be allocated per CPU when starting a session.
CaptureStateOnSave (in EventProvider) Represents a collection of keywords that describe the events to be captured when a trace is saved.
CaptureStateOnSave (in SystemProvider) Represents a collection of system keywords that triggers the kernel rundown of those keywords (kernel flags) when a trace is saved.
CaptureStateOnStart (in EventProvider) Represents a collection of keywords that describe the events to be captured at the start of a recording.
CaptureStateOnStart (in SystemProvider) Represents a collection of system keywords that triggers the kernel rundown of those keywords (kernel flags) when at the start of a recording
CaptureStateOnDemand (in EventProvider) Represents a collection of keywords that describe the events to be captured on demand while recording.
CaptureStateOnDemand (in SystemProvider) Represents a collection of keywords that triggers the kernel rundown of those keywords on demand while recording.
Collectors Represents a collection of system collector identifiers, event collector identifiers, and optionally heap event collector identifiers.
CustomEvent Represents a custom event.
CustomEvents Represents a collection of custom events.
CustomKeyword Represents a custom keyword for the profile.
DeletePreMergedTraceFiles Indicates whether to delete premerged event trace log (ETL) files.
EventCollector Represents an event collector for the profile.
EventCollectorId Represents an event collector identifier for the profile.
EventProvider Configures the Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) user-mode provider.
EventProviderId Represents an event provider identifier for the profile.
EventProviders Represents a collection of event provider identifiers and event providers.
FileCompression Indicates whether to compress the ETL file.
FileMax Indicates the maximum number of instances of the log file that ETW creates.
HeapEventCollector Represents a collector for heap events.
HeapEventCollectorId Represents an identifier for a collector of heap events for the profile.
HeapEventProvider Represents a provider of heap events for the profile.
HeapEventProviderId Represents an identifier for a provider of heap events.
HeapEventProviders Represents a collection of heap event provider identifiers and heap event providers.
HeapProcessId Uniquely identifies a heap process.
HeapProcessIds Represents a collection of heap process identifiers.
HypervisorEventCollector Represents a collector for hypervisor events.
HypervisorEventCollectorId Represents an identifier for a collector of heap events for the profile.
Keyword (in EventProvider) Describes the ETW keyword for a user-mode provider.
Keyword (in SystemProvider) Describes the kernel flags that can be enabled for the kernel-mode session.
Keywords (in EventProvider) Represents a collection of event provider keywords.
Keywords (in SystemProvider) Represents a collection of system provider keywords.
MaximumFileSize Describes maximum trace file size.
NumberOfRuns Indicates the number of times that an on/off transition is run.
OnOffTransitionConfiguration Represents an on/off transition configuration.
OnOffTransitionConfigurations Represents a collection of on/off transition configurations.
PoolTag Describes the pool tags to be enabled for analyzing pool pages.
PoolTags Represents a collection of a maximum of four pool tags.
PostBootDelay Indicates the length of the delay, in seconds, after booting for an on/off transition.
PrepareSystem Indicates whether to prepare the system for an on/off transition.
ProblemCategories Represents a collection of problem categories.
ProblemCategory Represents a problem category for the profile.
Profile Represents a collection of problem categories and collectors.
Profiles Represents a collection of collectors, providers, and profiles.
Stack Describes the kernel events on which stacks are to be enabled.
StackCaching Describes stack caching attributes of collectors.
Stacks Represents a collection of stacks.
SystemCollector Describes the configurations to enable the ETW kernel-mode session.
SystemCollectorId Represents the identifier of a system collector.
SystemProvider Describes the configuration to enable the kernel-mode provider.
SystemProviderId Uniquely identifies the system provider.
TraceMergeProperties Represents a collection of trace merge properties.
TraceMergeProperty Contains configurations that are applied when recordings from multiple profiles are merged.
TransitionTag Indicates the transition tag for an OnOffTransitionConfiguration element.
WakeupDelay Indicates the delay, in seconds, when emerging from a sleep state for an OnOffTransitionConfiguration element.
WindowsPerformanceRecorder Represents metadata about the authoring of profiles.

Recording Profile XML Reference