video.h header
This header is used by display. For more information, see:
video.h contains the following programming interfaces:
VideoPortAcquireDeviceLock The VideoPortAcquireDeviceLock function acquires the device lock maintained by the video port driver. |
VideoPortAcquireSpinLock The VideoPortAcquireSpinLock function obtains the specified spin lock. |
VideoPortAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel The VideoPortAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel function acquires a spin lock when the caller is already running at IRQL = DISPATCH_LEVEL. |
VideoPortAllocateBuffer The VideoPortAllocateBuffer function is obsolete in Windows 2000 and later. In its place, video miniport drivers should instead use VideoPortAllocatePool. VideoPortAllocateBuffer allocates a buffer of paged pool memory. |
VideoPortAllocateCommonBuffer The VideoPortAllocateCommonBuffer function allocates and maps system memory so that it is simultaneously accessible from both the processor and a device for common-buffer DMA operations. |
VideoPortAllocateContiguousMemory The VideoPortAllocateContiguousMemory function is obsolete in Windows 2000 and later. |
VideoPortAllocatePool The VideoPortAllocatePool function allocates a block of pool memory, inserting a caller-supplied tag at the beginning of the memory. |
VideoPortAssociateEventsWithDmaHandle The VideoPortAssociateEventsWithDmaHandle function is obsolete in Windows 2000 and later.VideoPortAssociateEventsWithDmaHandle associates an event, which is shared by the video display driver and the video miniport driver, with a DMA handle. |
VideoPortCheckForDeviceExistence The VideoPortCheckForDeviceExistence function determines whether the specified PCI device exists in the system. |
VideoPortClearEvent The VideoPortClearEvent function sets a given event object to the nonsignaled state. |
VideoPortCompareMemory The VideoPortCompareMemory function compares two blocks of system memory, byte-by-byte, and returns the number of compared bytes that are equivalent. |
VideoPortCompleteDma The VideoPortCompleteDma function flushes any data remaining in a bus-master adapter's internal cache at the end of a DMA transfer operation, and then frees the previously allocated map registers and scatter/gather list used in scatter/gather DMA operations. |
VideoPortCreateEvent The VideoPortCreateEvent function creates an event object. |
VideoPortCreateSecondaryDisplay The VideoPortCreateSecondaryDisplay function enables dual-view support by creating a secondary device object for the given device. |
VideoPortCreateSpinLock The VideoPortCreateSpinLock function creates a spin lock. |
VideoPortDDCMonitorHelper Queries a monitor for EDID information using the DDC protocol. |
VideoPortDebugPrint Video miniport drivers should not call the VideoPortDebugPrint function. Instead, they should call the VideoDebugPrint macro. |
VideoPortDeleteEvent The VideoPortDeleteEvent function deletes the specified event object. |
VideoPortDeleteSpinLock The VideoPortDeleteSpinLock function deletes a given spin lock. |
VideoPortDisableInterrupt The VideoPortDisableInterrupt function is obsolete and should not be called.The VideoPortDisableInterrupt function disables interrupts from a video adapter. |
VideoPortDoDma The VideoPortDoDma function is obsolete in Windows 2000 and later. VideoPortDoDma causes the miniport driver's HwVidStartDma function to be called. |
VideoPortEnableInterrupt The VideoPortEnableInterrupt function is obsolete and should not be called.The VideoPortEnableInterrupt function reenables interrupts from a video adapter after a call to VideoPortDisableInterrupt. |
VideoPortEnumerateChildren The VideoPortEnumerateChildren function allows a video miniport driver to force a reenumeration of its child devices. |
VideoPortFlushRegistry The VideoPortFlushRegistry function flushes registry keys and values associated with the video miniport driver. |
VideoPortFreeCommonBuffer The VideoPortFreeCommonBuffer function is obsolete and is supported only for backward compatibility with existing drivers. |
VideoPortFreeDeviceBase The VideoPortFreeDeviceBase function frees a range of bus-relative device I/O ports or memory addresses previously mapped into the system address space. It does this by calling VideoPortGetDeviceBase. |
VideoPortFreePool The VideoPortFreePool function deallocates a block of pool memory previously allocated by VideoPortAllocatePool. |
VideoPortGetAccessRanges The VideoPortGetAccessRanges function retrieves bus-relative configuration information and, if possible, claims these hardware resources in the registry for the caller. |
VideoPortGetAssociatedDeviceExtension The VideoPortGetAssociatedDeviceExtension function returns the device extension for the parent of the specified device object. |
VideoPortGetAssociatedDeviceID The VideoPortGetAssociatedDeviceID function obtains the child ID for a specified device object. |
VideoPortGetBusData The VideoPortGetBusData function returns bus-type-specific configuration information. |
VideoPortGetBytesUsed The VideoPortGetBytesUsed function is obsolete in Windows 2000 and later.VideoPortGetBytesUsed determines the size, in bytes, of the buffer associated with a DMA handle. |
VideoPortGetCommonBuffer The VideoPortGetCommonBuffer function is obsolete in Windows XP and later, and is supported only for backward compatibility with existing drivers. |
VideoPortGetCurrentIrql The VideoPortGetCurrentIrql function gets the current IRQL. |
VideoPortGetDeviceBase The VideoPortGetDeviceBase function maps a range of bus-relative device memory or I/O addresses into system space. |
VideoPortGetDeviceData The VideoPortGetDeviceData function retrieves system-detected configuration information from the ..\Machine\Hardware\Description tree in the registry. |
VideoPortGetDmaAdapter The VideoPortGetDmaAdapter function returns a pointer to a VP_DMA_ADAPTER structure, which is used in subsequent calls to other DMA-related functions. |
VideoPortGetDmaContext The VideoPortGetDmaContext function is obsolete in Windows 2000 and later.VideoPortGetDmaContext gets the context previously associated with the specified DMA handle. |
VideoPortGetMdl The VideoPortGetMdl function is obsolete in Windows 2000 and later.VideoPortGetMdl retrieves the memory descriptor list (MDL) that represents the page table of the locked buffer. |
VideoPortGetRegistryParameters The VideoPortGetRegistryParameters function retrieves device-specific configuration information under the adapter key in the registry at startup. |
VideoPortGetRomImage The VideoPortGetRomImage function (video.h) reads the device's read-only memory (ROM) and returns a pointer to a buffer containing the device's ROM (BIOS) data. |
VideoPortGetVersion The VideoPortGetVersion function gets version information about the currently running operating system. |
VideoPortGetVgaStatus The VideoPortGetVgaStatus function detects whether the calling device is decoding a VGA I/O address. |
VideoPortInitialize The VideoPortInitialize function performs part of the miniport driver initialization, allocating system resources for the miniport driver. |
VideoPortInt10 The VideoPortInt10 function performs the equivalent of an MS-DOS INT10 operation, such as setting the video mode. VideoPortInt10 runs the BIOS ROM code on the device. |
VideoPortInterlockedDecrement The VideoPortInterlockedDecrement function decrements a caller-supplied variable as an atomic operation. |
VideoPortInterlockedExchange The VideoPortInterlockedExchange function locks or unlocks a block of memory by setting a user-defined lock variable to TRUE or FALSE, respectively. It returns the previously-held value of the lock variable. |
VideoPortInterlockedIncrement The VideoPortInterlockedIncrement function increments a caller-supplied variable as an atomic operation. |
VideoPortIsNoVesa The VideoPortIsNoVesa function determines whether a video miniport driver that does not support Plug and Play (PnP) is restricted to legacy VGA resources. |
VideoPortLockBuffer The VideoPortLockBuffer function probes the specified buffer, makes the buffer's memory pages resident in memory, and locks the physical pages mapped by the virtual address range. |
VideoPortLockPages The VideoPortLockPages function is obsolete in Windows 2000 and later. Use VideoPortLockBuffer in place of this function.VideoPortLockPages locks the specified virtual memory and possibly performs part or all of a DMA transfer. |
VideoPortLogError The VideoPortLogError function logs errors to the system event log when a miniport driver detects a hardware error condition during I/O operations. |
VideoPortMapBankedMemory The VideoPortMapBankedMemory function is obsolete, and is supported only for Windows NT 4.0 and previous drivers. |
VideoPortMapDmaMemory The VideoPortMapDmaMemory function is obsolete in Windows 2000 and later.VideoPortMapDmaMemory maps a range of memory for use in DMA transfers. |
VideoPortMapMemory The VideoPortMapMemory function maps a range of bus-relative physical addresses of video memory into system space or into the virtual address space of a user-mode process. |
VideoPortMoveMemory The VideoPortMoveMemory function copies data from the source location to the destination location in system memory. |
VideoPortPutDmaAdapter The VideoPortPutDmaAdapter function frees a VP_DMA_ADAPTER structure that was previously allocated by a call to VideoPortGetDmaAdapter. |
VideoPortQueryPerformanceCounter The VideoPortQueryPerformanceCounter function provides the finest-grained running count available in the system. |
VideoPortQueryServices The VideoPortQueryServices function exposes a specified interface that is implemented by the video port driver. |
VideoPortQuerySystemTime The VideoPortQuerySystemTime function obtains the current system time. |
VideoPortQueueDpc The VideoPortQueueDpc function allows a miniport driver to queue a DPC. |
VideoPortReadPortBufferUchar The VideoPortReadPortBufferUchar function reads a number of bytes from a mapped I/O port and writes them into a buffer. |
VideoPortReadPortBufferUlong The VideoPortReadPortBufferUlong function reads a number of ULONG values from a mapped I/O port and writes them into a buffer. |
VideoPortReadPortBufferUshort The VideoPortReadPortBufferUshort function reads a number of USHORT values from a mapped I/O port and writes them into a buffer. |
VideoPortReadPortUchar The VideoPortReadPortUchar function reads a byte from a mapped I/O port. |
VideoPortReadPortUlong The VideoPortReadPortUlong function reads a ULONG value from a mapped I/O port. |
VideoPortReadPortUshort The VideoPortReadPortUshort function reads a USHORT value from a mapped I/O port. |
VideoPortReadRegisterBufferUchar The VideoPortReadRegisterBufferUchar function reads a number of bytes from a mapped device memory range and writes them into a buffer. |
VideoPortReadRegisterBufferUlong The VideoPortReadRegisterBufferUlong function reads a number of ULONG values from a mapped device memory range and writes them into a buffer. |
VideoPortReadRegisterBufferUshort The VideoPortReadRegisterBufferUshort function reads a number of USHORT values from a mapped device memory range and writes them into a buffer. |
VideoPortReadRegisterUchar The VideoPortReadRegisterUchar function reads a byte from a mapped register. |
VideoPortReadRegisterUlong The VideoPortReadRegisterUlong function reads a ULONG value from a mapped register range. |
VideoPortReadRegisterUshort The VideoPortReadRegisterUshort function reads a USHORT value from a mapped register range. |
VideoPortReadStateEvent The VideoPortReadStateEvent function returns the current state of a given event object:_signaled or nonsignaled. |
VideoPortRegisterBugcheckCallback The VideoPortRegisterBugcheckCallback function allows a video miniport driver to register for, or hook, a callback that is invoked when a specified bug check occurs. |
VideoPortReleaseBuffer The VideoPortReleaseBuffer function is obsolete in Windows 2000 and later. In its place, video miniport drivers should instead use VideoPortFreePool. VideoPortReleaseBuffer deallocates a block of paged pool memory. |
VideoPortReleaseCommonBuffer The VideoPortReleaseCommonBuffer function frees a common buffer that was previously allocated by VideoPortAllocateCommonBuffer. |
VideoPortReleaseDeviceLock The VideoPortReleaseDeviceLock function releases the device lock acquired in a prior call to VideoPortAcquireDeviceLock. |
VideoPortReleaseSpinLock The VideoPortReleaseSpinLock function releases ownership of a given spin lock and restores the original IRQL at which the caller was running. |
VideoPortReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel The VideoPortReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel function releases the spin lock obtained by a previous call to VideoPortAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel. |
VideoPortScanRom The VideoPortScanRom function is obsolete in Windows XP and later versions. It is supported only for backward compatibility. VideoPortScanRom performs a case-sensitive search for a specified string in ROM. |
VideoPortSetBusData The VideoPortSetBusData function sets bus-configuration data for an adapter on a dynamically configurable I/O bus with a published, standard interface. |
VideoPortSetBytesUsed The VideoPortSetBytesUsed function is obsolete in Windows 2000 and later. |
VideoPortSetDmaContext The VideoPortSetDmaContext function is obsolete in Windows 2000 and later. |
VideoPortSetEvent The VideoPortSetEvent function sets an event object to the signaled state if it was not already in that state, and returns the event object's previous state. |
VideoPortSetRegistryParameters The VideoPortSetRegistryParameters function writes information under the adapter key in the registry. |
VideoPortSetTrappedEmulatorPorts VGA-compatible (SVGA) miniport drivers call the VideoPortSetTrappedEmulatorPorts function to dynamically change the list of I/O ports that are trapped when a VDM runs in full-screen mode on an x86-based machine. |
VideoPortSignalDmaComplete The VideoPortSignalDmaComplete function is obsolete in Windows 2000 and later.VideoPortSignalDmaComplete indicates to the video miniport driver whether the current DMA transfer is complete. |
VideoPortStallExecution The VideoPortStallExecution function retains control of the processor for the specified number of microseconds and returns to the caller. |
VideoPortStartDma The VideoPortStartDma function prepares the system for a DMA operation. |
VideoPortStartTimer The VideoPortStartTimer function enables calls to a miniport driver's HwVidTimer function. |
VideoPortStopTimer The VideoPortStopTimer function disables calls to a miniport driver's HwVidTimer function. |
VideoPortSynchronizeExecution The VideoPortSynchronizeExecution function synchronizes the execution of a miniport driver-supplied HwVidSynchronizeExecutionCallback function with the miniport driver's HwVidInterrupt function, if any. |
VideoPortUnlockBuffer The VideoPortUnLockBuffer function unlocks physical pages described by the specified memory descriptor list (MDL). |
VideoPortUnlockPages The VideoPortUnlockPages function is obsolete in Windows 2000 and later. Use VideoPortUnlockBuffer in place of this function.VideoPortUnlockPages releases memory used for packet-based DMA. |
VideoPortUnmapDmaMemory The VideoPortUnmapDmaMemory function is obsolete in Windows 2000 and later.VideoPortUnmapDmaMemory unmaps a range of memory previously mapped by VideoPortMapDmaMemory. |
VideoPortUnmapMemory The VideoPortUnmapMemory function releases a mapping between a logical address range for the adapter and a virtual address range in the user-mode address space of a particular thread. This function is the complement of VideoPortMapMemory. |
VideoPortVerifyAccessRanges The VideoPortVerifyAccessRanges function checks the registry for whether another driver has already claimed ownership of the specified bus-relative access ranges and any other hardware resources specified in the VIDEO_PORT_CONFIG_INFO structure. |
VideoPortWaitForSingleObject The VideoPortWaitForSingleObject function puts the current thread into a wait state until the given dispatch object is set to the signaled state, or (optionally) until the wait times out. |
VideoPortWritePortBufferUchar The VideoPortWritePortBufferUchar function writes a number of bytes to a mapped I/O port. |
VideoPortWritePortBufferUlong The VideoPortWritePortBufferUlong function writes a number of ULONG values to a mapped I/O port. |
VideoPortWritePortBufferUshort The VideoPortWritePortBufferUshort function writes a number of USHORT values to a mapped I/O port. |
VideoPortWritePortUchar The VideoPortWritePortUchar function writes a byte to a mapped I/O port. |
VideoPortWritePortUlong The VideoPortWritePortUlong function writes a ULONG value to a mapped I/O port. |
VideoPortWritePortUshort The VideoPortWritePortUshort function writes a USHORT value to a mapped I/O port. |
VideoPortWriteRegisterBufferUchar The VideoPortWriteRegisterBufferUchar function writes a number of unsigned bytes to a mapped register. |
VideoPortWriteRegisterBufferUlong The VideoPortWriteRegisterBufferUlong function writes a number of ULONG values to a mapped register. |
VideoPortWriteRegisterBufferUshort The VideoPortWriteRegisterBufferUshort function writes a number of USHORT values to a mapped register. |
VideoPortWriteRegisterUchar The VideoPortWriteRegisterUchar function writes a byte to a mapped register. |
VideoPortWriteRegisterUlong The VideoPortWriteRegisterUlong function writes a ULONG value to a mapped register. |
VideoPortWriteRegisterUshort The VideoPortWriteRegisterUshort function writes a USHORT value to a mapped register. |
VideoPortZeroDeviceMemory The VideoPortZeroDeviceMemory function fills an adapter frame buffer or other device memory with zeros. |
VideoPortZeroMemory The VideoPortZeroMemory function fills a block of system memory with zeros. |
Callback functions
PDRIVER_IO_PORT_UCHAR SvgaHwIoPortUchar traps an I/O port to which a full-screen MS-DOS application in an x86-based machine is sending UCHAR-sized data. |
PDRIVER_IO_PORT_UCHAR_STRING SvgaHwIoPortUcharString traps an I/O port to which a full-screen MS-DOS application in an x86-based machine is sending a sequence of UCHAR-sized data. |
PDRIVER_IO_PORT_ULONG SvgaHwIoPortUlong traps an I/O port range to which a full-screen MS-DOS application in an x86-based machine is sending a sequence of ULONG-sized data. |
PDRIVER_IO_PORT_ULONG_STRING SvgaHwIoPortUlongString traps an I/O port range to which a full-screen MS-DOS application in an x86-based machine is sending a sequence of ULONG-sized data. |
PDRIVER_IO_PORT_USHORT SvgaHwIoPortUshort traps an I/O port range to which a full-screen MS-DOS application in an x86-based machine is sending a sequence of USHORT-sized data. |
PDRIVER_IO_PORT_USHORT_STRING SvgaHwIoPortUshortString traps an I/O port range to which a full-screen MS-DOS application in an x86-based machine is sending a sequence of USHORT-sized data. |
PEXECUTE_DMA HwVidExecuteDma is a miniport driver-implemented callback routine that is responsible for retrieving physical address/length pairs from a scatter/gather list, and for programming the hardware to start the actual DMA transfer. |
PI2C_READ The I2CRead function reads data over the I2C channel. |
PI2C_START The I2CStart function starts I2C communication. |
PI2C_STOP The I2CStop function ends I2C communication. |
PI2C_WRITE The I2CWrite function writes data over the I2C channel. |
PINT10_ALLOCATE_BUFFER The Int10AllocateBuffer function can be used to allocate a single 4 KB block of memory in the context of another thread. After the block of memory has been allocated, it must be freed before another block of memory can be allocated. |
PINT10_CALL_BIOS The Int10CallBios function allows a miniport driver to call the kernel to perform an INT 10h operation, causing the BIOS ROM code on the device to execute natively. |
PINT10_FREE_BUFFER The Int10FreeBuffer function frees a buffer previously allocated by Int10AllocateBuffer. |
PINT10_READ_MEMORY The Int10ReadMemory function reads a block of memory in the context of another thread and stores it in an output buffer. |
PINT10_WRITE_MEMORY The Int10WriteMemory function writes the contents of an input buffer to memory in the context of another thread. |
PMINIPORT_DPC_ROUTINE The HwVidDpcRoutine function is a miniport driver-implemented callback that is called when a queued DPC gets scheduled. |
PMINIPORT_GET_REGISTRY_ROUTINE HwVidQueryNamedValueCallback processes the specified data retrieved from the registry. |
PMINIPORT_QUERY_DEVICE_ROUTINE HwVidQueryDeviceCallback uses the specified configuration data to configure its adapter, and, possibly, to fill in missing configuration information in the VIDEO_PORT_CONFIG_INFO structure. |
PMINIPORT_SYNCHRONIZE_ROUTINE HwVidSynchronizeExecutionCallback is an optional miniport driver function, passed in calls to VideoPortSynchronizeExecution. |
PROTECT_WC_MEMORY The VideoPortProtectWCMemory callback routine protects Write Combined (WC) video memory from being accessed by the CPU. |
PVIDEO_BUGCHECK_CALLBACK The HwVidBugcheckCallback function enables the miniport driver to append data to a dump file when a bug check occurs. |
PVIDEO_HW_FIND_ADAPTER HwVidFindAdapter performs initialization of data specific to the miniport driver and devices supported by the miniport driver. |
PVIDEO_HW_GET_CHILD_DESCRIPTOR HwVidGetVideoChildDescriptor returns a descriptor, a type, and an identification number for a particular child device of the display adapter. |
PVIDEO_HW_INITIALIZE HwVidInitialize performs the first initialization of the adapter, after the HAL has given up control of the video hardware to the video port driver. |
PVIDEO_HW_INTERRUPT HwVidInterrupt detects and dismisses interrupts generated by the associated video adapter. |
PVIDEO_HW_LEGACYRESOURCES HwVidLegacyResources returns a list of resources that are not listed in a device's PCI configuration space but that are decoded by the device. |
PVIDEO_HW_POWER_GET HwVidGetPowerState queries whether the device can support the requested power state. |
PVIDEO_HW_POWER_SET HwVidSetPowerState sets the power state of the specified device. |
PVIDEO_HW_QUERY_INTERFACE HwVidQueryInterface returns a miniport driver-implemented functional interface that a child device can call. |
PVIDEO_HW_RESET_HW HwVidResetHw resets the adapter to character mode. |
PVIDEO_HW_START_DMA Learn more about the PVIDEO_HW_START_DMA function. |
PVIDEO_HW_START_IO HwVidStartIO processes the specified VRP. |
PVIDEO_HW_TIMER HwVidTimer is a video miniport driver routine called at timed intervals by the video port driver. |
PVIDEO_PORT_GET_PROC_ADDRESS The VideoPortGetProcAddress callback routine retrieves the address of a Windows 2000 or later video port driver function. |
PVIDEO_READ_CLOCK_LINE ReadClockLine reads a single data bit from the I2C serial clock line. |
PVIDEO_READ_DATA_LINE ReadDataLine reads a single data bit from the I2C serial data line. |
PVIDEO_WRITE_CLOCK_LINE WriteClockLine sets the I2C serial clock line to high or low. |
PVIDEO_WRITE_DATA_LINE WriteDataLine sets the I2C serial data line to high or low. |
RESTORE_WC_MEMORY The VideoPortRestoreWCMemory callback routine restores Write Combined video memory from a protected state after the VideoPortProtectWCMemory callback routine was called. |
DDC_CONTROL The DDC_CONTROL structure holds function pointers and EDID segment information needed by the VideoPortDDCMonitorHelper function, which is exported by the video port driver. |
I2C_CALLBACKS The I2C_CALLBACKS structure contains pointers to functions, implemented by the video miniport driver, that read from and write to the serial data and serial clock lines of the I2C bus. |
INT10_BIOS_ARGUMENTS The INT10_BIOS_ARGUMENTS structure is used to support full-screen MS-DOS application INT10 calls. It contains nine of the high-end x86 microprocessor registers. |
QUERY_INTERFACE Learn more about the QUERY_INTERFACE structure. |
STATUS_BLOCK The STATUS_BLOCK structure is a substructure within the VIDEO_REQUEST_PACKET structure. A miniport driver's HwVidStartIO function must set the status block of each VRP that it gets. |
VIDEO_ACCESS_RANGE The VIDEO_ACCESS_RANGE structure defines a device I/O port or memory range for the video adapter. |
VIDEO_CHILD_ENUM_INFO Describes the child device to be enumerated by the miniport driver. All members are set by the video port driver. |
VIDEO_CHILD_STATE The VIDEO_CHILD_STATE structure contains information about a child device and the state into which it should be placed. |
VIDEO_CHILD_STATE_CONFIGURATION The VIDEO_CHILD_STATE_CONFIGURATION structure contains an array of VIDEO_CHILD_STATE structures, each holding the state of a particular child device. |
VIDEO_HW_INITIALIZATION_DATA The VIDEO_HW_INITIALIZATION_DATA structure specifies the entry points and storage requirements for the miniport driver. This structure is created on the stack and initialized by the miniport driver's DriverEntry function. |
VIDEO_PORT_AGP_INTERFACE The VIDEO_PORT_AGP_INTERFACE structure describes the AGP service routines provided by the video port driver. |
VIDEO_PORT_AGP_INTERFACE_2 The VIDEO_PORT_AGP_INTERFACE_2 structure describes the AGP service routines provided by the video port driver. |
VIDEO_PORT_CONFIG_INFO The VIDEO_PORT_CONFIG_INFO structure contains bus-specific adapter configuration information. |
VIDEO_PORT_DEBUG_REPORT_INTERFACE The VIDEO_PORT_DEBUG_REPORT_INTERFACE structure holds pointers to the Debug Report functions, which are implemented by the video port driver. |
VIDEO_PORT_I2C_INTERFACE The VIDEO_PORT_I2C_INTERFACE structure describes the I2C service routines provided by the video port driver. |
VIDEO_PORT_INT10_INTERFACE The VIDEO_PORT_INT10_INTERFACE structure provides a way to allocate and deallocate memory in another thread's context, read from and write to that memory, and make INT10 BIOS calls. |
VIDEO_PORT_WCMEMORYPROTECTION_INTERFACE The VIDEO_PORT_WCMEMORYPROTECTION_INTERFACE structure describes the Write Combined video memory protection service routines implemented by the video port driver. The protected video memory cannot be accessed by the CPU. |
VIDEO_REQUEST_PACKET A pointer to a VIDEO_REQUEST_PACKET structure is passed to the miniport driver's HwVidStartIO function by the video port driver. |
VIDEO_X86_BIOS_ARGUMENTS The VIDEO_x86_BIOS_ARGUMENTS structure is used to support full-screen MS-DOS application INT10 calls. It contains seven of the high-end x86 microprocessor registers. |
VP_DEVICE_DESCRIPTION The VP_DEVICE_DESCRIPTION structure describes the attributes of the physical device for which a driver is requesting a DMA object. |
VP_SCATTER_GATHER_ELEMENT The VP_SCATTER_GATHER_ELEMENT structure is used to store information about a single scatter/gather element. |
VP_SCATTER_GATHER_LIST The VP_SCATTER_GATHER_LIST structure is a collection of one or more scatter/gather elements. |
VPOSVERSIONINFO The VPOSVERSIONINFO structure contains version information about the currently running operating system. |
DMA_FLAGS Learn more about DMA_FLAGS enumeration. |
VIDEO_CHILD_TYPE Learn more about VIDEO_CHILD_TYPE enumeration. |
VIDEO_PORT_SERVICES The VIDEO_PORT_SERVICES enumerated type lists the interfaces that the video miniport driver can request from the video port driver by calling VideoPortQueryServices. |