QUERY_INTERFACE structure (video.h)

The QUERY_INTERFACE structure describes the interface being requested.


typedef struct _QUERY_INTERFACE {
  const GUID *InterfaceType;
  USHORT     Size;
  USHORT     Version;
  PINTERFACE Interface;
  PVOID      InterfaceSpecificData;
  ULONG      DeviceUid;



Pointer to a GUID that identifies the interface being requested. If the miniport driver does not support the specified InterfaceType, it should fail the call and return immediately.

The parent generates this GUID with uuidgen.exe. See Defining and Exporting New GUIDs for details.


Specifies the size in bytes of the INTERFACE structure to which Interface points. The miniport driver must not return an INTERFACE structure larger than Size bytes.


Specifies the version of the interface being requested.

If a parent supports more than one version of an interface, its driver should return the specified version or, if possible, the closest supported version without exceeding the requested version. It is the querying driver's responsibility to examine the returned Version and determine what to do based on that value.


Pointer to an INTERFACE structure in which the miniport driver returns the requested interface information. The querying driver is responsible for allocating this structure before calling HwVidQueryInterface.


Specifies additional information about the interface being requested. Typically, this member is NULL, and the InterfaceType and Version members are sufficient for the parent to identify the interface being requested.



The QueryInterface parameter of the video miniport driver's HwVidQueryInterface function is a pointer to a QUERY_INTERFACE structure.


Requirement Value
Header video.h (include Video.h)

See also
