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Maintain Mac clients

Applies to: Configuration Manager (current branch)


Starting in January 2022, this feature of Configuration Manager is deprecated. For more information, see Mac computers.

Here are procedures for uninstalling Mac clients and for renewing their certificates.

Uninstalling the Mac client

  1. On a Mac computer, open a terminal window and navigate to the folder containing macclient.dmg.

  2. Navigate to the Tools folder and enter the following command-line:

    ./CMUninstall -c


    The -c property instructs the client uninstall to also remove client crash logs and log files. We recommend this to avoid confusion if you later reinstall the client.

  3. If required, manually remove the client authentication certificate that Configuration Manager was using, or revoke it. CMUnistall doesn't remove or revoke this certificate.

Renewing the Mac client certificate

Use one of the following methods to renew the Mac client certificate:

Renew certificate wizard

  1. Configure the following values as strings in the ccmclient.plist file that controls when the Renew Certificate Wizard opens:

    • RenewalPeriod1 - Specifies, in seconds, the first renewal period in which users can renew the certificate. The default value is 3,888,000 seconds (45 days). Don't configure a value less than 300, as the period will revert to the default.

    • RenewalPeriod2 - Specifies, in seconds, the second renewal period in which users can renew the certificate. The default value is 259,200 seconds (3 days). If this value is configured and is greater than or equal to 300 seconds and is less than or equal to RenewalPeriod1, the value will be used. If RenewalPeriod1 is greater than 3 days, a value of 3 days will be used for RenewalPeriod2. If RenewalPeriod1 is less than 3 days, then RenewalPeriod2 is set to the same value as RenewalPeriod1.

    • RenewalReminderInterval1 - Specifies, in seconds, the frequency at which the Renew Certificate Wizard will be displayed to users during the first renewal period. The default value is 86,400 seconds (1 day). If RenewalReminderInterval1 is greater than 300 seconds and less than the value configured for RenewalPeriod1, then the configured value will be used. Otherwise, the default value of 1 day will be used.

    • RenewalReminderInterval2 - Specifies, in seconds the frequency at which the Renew Certificate Wizard will be displayed to users during the second renewal period. The default value is 28,800 seconds (8 hours). If RenewalReminderInterval2 is greater than 300 seconds, less than or equal to RenewalReminderInterval1 and less than or equal to RenewalPeriod2, then the configured value will be used. Otherwise, a value of 8 hours will be used.

      Example: If the values are left as their defaults, 45 days before the certificate expires, the wizard will open every 24 hours. Within 3 days of the certificate expiring, the wizard will open every 8 hours.

      Example: Use the following command line, or a script, to set the first renewal period to 20 days.

      sudo defaults write RenewalPeriod1 1728000

  2. When the Renew Certificate Wizard opens, the User name and Server name fields will typically be pre-populated and the user can just enter a password to renew the certificate.


    If the wizard does not open, or if you accidentally close the wizard, click Renew from the Configuration Manager preference page to open the wizard.

Renew certificate manually

A typical validity period for the Mac client certificate is 1 year. Configuration Manager doesn't automatically renew the user certificate that it requests during enrollment, so you must use the following procedure to renew the certificate manually.


If the certificate expires, you must uninstall, reinstall and then re-enroll the Mac client.

This procedure removes the SMSID, which is required to request a new certificate for the same Mac computer. When you remove and replace the client SMSID, any stored client history such as inventory is deleted after you delete the client from the Configuration Manager console.

  1. Create and populate a device collection for the Mac computers that must renew the user certificates.


    Configuration Manager does not monitor the validity period of the certificate that it enrolls for Mac computers. You must monitor this independently from Configuration Manager to identify the Mac computers to add to this collection.

  2. In the Assets and Compliance workspace, start the Create Configuration Item Wizard.

  3. On the General page, specify the following information:

    • Name:Remove SMSID for Mac

    • Type:Mac OS X

  4. On the Supported Platforms page, ensure that all macOS X versions are selected.

  5. On the Settings page, choose New and then, in the Create Setting dialog box, specify the following information:

    • Name:Remove SMSID for Mac

    • Setting type:Script

    • Data type:String

  6. In the Create Setting dialog box, for Discovery script, choose Add script to specify a script that discovers Mac computers with an SMSID configured.

  7. In the Edit Discovery Script dialog box, enter the following Shell Script:

    defaults read SMSID  
  8. Choose OK to close the Edit Discovery Script dialog box.

  9. In the Create Setting dialog box, for Remediation script (optional), choose Add script to specify a script that removes the SMSID when it's found on Mac computers.

  10. In the Create Remediation Script dialog box, enter the following Shell Script:

    defaults delete SMSID  
  11. Choose OK to close the Create Remediation Script dialog box.

  12. On the Compliance Rules page of the wizard, click New, and then in the Create Rule dialog box, specify the following information:

    • Name:Remove SMSID for Mac

    • Selected setting: Choose Browse and then select the discovery script that you specified previously.

    • In the following values field, enter The domain/default pair of (, SMSID) does not exist.

    • Enable the option Run the specified remediation script when this setting is noncompliant.

  13. Complete the Create Configuration Item Wizard.

  14. Create a configuration baseline that contains the configuration item that you have just created and deploy it to the device collection that you created in step 1.

    For more information about how to create and deploy configuration baselines, see How to create configuration baselines and How to deploy configuration baselines.

  15. On Mac computers that have the SMSID removed, run the following command to install a new certificate:

    sudo ./CMEnroll -s <enrollment_proxy_server_name> -ignorecertchainvalidation -u <'user name'>  

    When prompted, provide the password for the super user account to run the command and then the password for the Active Directory user account.

  16. To limit the enrolled certificate to Configuration Manager, on the Mac computer, open a terminal window and make the following changes:

    a. Enter the command sudo /Applications/Utilities/Keychain\\ Access

    b. In the Keychain Access dialog, in the Keychains section, choose System, and then, in the Category section, choose Keys.

    c. Expand the keys to view the client certificates. When you have identified the certificate with a private key that you have just installed, double-click the key.

    d. On the Access Control tab, choose Confirm before allowing access.

    e. Browse to /Library/Application Support/Microsoft/CCM, select CCMClient, and then choose Add.

    f. Choose Save Changes and close the Keychain Access dialog box.

  17. Restart the Mac computer.