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SAF VAT sales and purchase register - JPK_VAT

This article explains how to set up Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance to configure and generate a SAF VAT sales and purchase register - JPK_VAT for legal entities that have a primary address in Poland.

SAF VAT File (JPK_VAT) is a standardized electronic format that enables businesses to submit detailed records of their VAT sales and purchase transactions directly to Polish tax authorities. The file that is generated in this format, SAF VAT sales and purchase register - JPK_VAT, provides a structured overview of value-added tax (VAT) settlements. Therefore, it enables efficient tax audits and enhances compliance with Polish VAT regulations.

A SAF VAT sales and purchase register - JPK_VAT is required monthly, even if no transactions occurred during the reporting period. It must be submitted electronically through the Polish tax authority's portal.


The Act of July 4, 2019, issued by the Polish Parliament and signed by the President of Poland, replaced the previous JPK_VAT records and VAT-7/VAT-7K declarations with a single electronic document, JPK_V7, submitted as JPK_V7M or JPK_V7K. For more details, see VAT declaration with registers (JPK-V7, VDEK). Due to this regulatory change, the JPK_VAT format was deprecated. For more details, see Removed or deprecated features in Dynamics 365 Finance in the Finance 10.0.43 release.


Before you can generate a SAF VAT sales and purchase register - JPK_VAT, you must complete the following setup.

  1. Import Electronic reporting (ER) configurations.
  2. Set up the ER format in General ledger parameters.
  3. Set up sales tax authorities.
  4. Set up sales tax reporting codes.
  5. Optional: Configure the ER model and format for the report.

Import ER configurations

In Finance, import the following ER configurations from Dataverse. Learn more about how to import ER configurations in Import Electronic reporting (ER) configurations from Dataverse.

ER configuration name Type Description
Standard Audit File (SAF-T) Model The common data model for different audit reports.
Standard Audit File model mapping Model mapping The model mapping that provides general source mapping for several electronic reports for Poland.
SAF Poland Format The XML format that represents a parent format for several JPK formats for Poland.
VAT Register (PL) Format VAT sale and purchase registers (VAT) for Poland, JPK_VAT.

Import the most recent versions of the configurations. The version description usually includes the number of the Knowledge Base (KB) article that explains the changes that were introduced in the configuration version.


After all the ER configurations from the previous table are imported, set the Default for model mapping option to Yes for the Standard Audit File model mapping configuration.

Set up the ER format in General ledger parameters

To set up the ER format in General ledger parameters, follow these steps.

  1. Go to General ledger > Ledger setup > General ledger parameters.
  2. On the Standard Audit File for Tax (SAT-T) tab, in the SAF VAT sale and purchase registers field, select the VAT Register (PL) ER format.

Set up sales tax authorities

You can find general information about how to set up a sales tax authority in Set up sales tax authorities.

To generate a SAF VAT sales and purchase register - JPK_VAT in the required format for the appropriate tax authority, you must set up the report layout for sales tax authorities.

  1. Go to Tax > Indirect taxes > Sales tax > Sales tax authorities.
  2. Set the Report layout field to Default.
  3. Select the same sales tax authority for the sales tax settlement period that will be used for the sales tax codes.

Set up sales tax reporting codes

A reporting code is an integer value. Reporting codes should be numbered according to the company's rules. You can find general information about how to set up sales tax reporting codes in Set up sales tax reporting codes. You can find general information about how to report tax by reporting codes in Tax reporting by reporting codes.

We recommend that you vary the codes by tax direction. For example, use a five-digit code. For all outgoing transactions, which should be reflected in the first part of the VAT scheme, set the codes so that they are less than or equal to 19999. Then, for all incoming transactions, which should be reflected in the second part of the VAT scheme, set the codes so that they are greater than or equal to 20000. In this way, you simplify the setup for reports and for data export that is based on tax transactions that are aggregated by reporting codes.

Here is an example that shows how you can use sales tax reporting codes to generate a SAF VAT sales and purchase register - JPK_VAT. For this example, reporting codes are in the format ABBCC. This format consists of the following parts:

  • A – The transaction direction. The value is 1 for outgoing transactions, 2 for incoming transactions, or 3 for corrections.

  • BB – The tax code. The numbering is sequential among all tax codes.

  • CC – The transaction type number within a tax code, as explained in the following table.

    Transaction type Transaction type number
    Taxable Sales 01
    Tax-free sales 02
    Sales tax payable 03
    Taxable sales credit note 04
    Tax exempt sales credit note 05
    Sales tax on sales credit note 06
    Taxable purchases 07
    Tax-free purchase 08
    Sales tax receivable 09
    Taxable import 10
    Offset taxable import 11
    Use tax 12
    Offset use tax 13
    Taxable purchase credit note 14
    Tax exempt purchase credit note 15
    Sales tax on purchase credit note 16
    Taxable import credit note 17
    Offset taxable import credit note 18

The following table shows the sales tax codes and sales tax reporting codes for this example.

Sales tax code Sales tax reporting code Description Tag name in SAF-T VAT Sign in SAF-T VAT
ExportCust 10101 Taxable sales K_11 -
10102 Tax-free sale K_11 -
10104 Taxable sales credit note K_11 -
10105 Tax exempt sales credit note K_11 -
Art100 10201 Taxable sales K_12 -
10204 Taxable sales credit note K_12 -
VAT22_23 10301 Taxable sales K_19 -
10302 Tax-free sale K_10 -
10303 Sales tax payable K_20 -
10304 Taxable sales credit note K_19 -
10306 Sales tax on sales credit note K_20 -
VAT7_8 10401 Taxable sales K_17 -
10402 Tax-free sale K_10 -
10403 Sales tax payable K_18 -
10404 Taxable sales credit note K_17 -
10406 Sales tax on sales credit note K_18 -
VAT5 10501 Taxable sales K_15 -
10502 Tax-free sale K_10 -
10503 Sales tax payable K_16 -
10504 Taxable sales credit note K_15 -
10506 Sales tax on sales credit note K_16 -
VAT0 10601 Taxable sales K_13 -
10602 Tax-free sale K_10 -
10604 Taxable sales credit note K_13 -
ART129 10701 Taxable sales K_14 -
10702 Tax-free sale K_14 -
10704 Taxable sales credit note K_14 -
10705 Tax exempt sales credit note K_14 -
IntraEUGoods 10801 Tax-free sale K_21 -
10810 Taxable import K_23 +
10811 Taxable sales (Reverse charge) K_23 -
10812 Use tax K_24 +
ExportOfGoods 10901 Tax-free sale K_22 -
10905 Tax exempt sales credit note K_22 -
SpecialProc-XII 11303 Sales tax payable Not applicable, JPK_FA only -
11306 Sales tax on sales credit note Not applicable, JPK_FA only -
ImportOfGoodsART33 20207 Taxable import K_45 +
11010 Offset Taxable import K_25 -
20209 Use tax K_46 +
11012 Offset use tax K_26 -
ImportOfServices 20207 Taxable import K_45 +
11110 Offset Taxable import K_27 -
11117 Taxable sales (Reverse charge) K_27 +
20209 Use tax K_46 +
11112 Offset use tax K_28 -
ImportART28 20207 Taxable import K_45 +
11210 Offset Taxable import K_29 -
11119 Taxable sales (Reverse charge) K_29 +
20209 Use tax K_46 +
11212 Offset use tax K_30 -
ReverseCharge 11301 Taxable sales K_34 -
11302 Sales tax payable K_35 -
11304 Taxable sales credit note K_34 -
11306 Sales tax on sales credit note K_35 -
FixedAssetPurch 20107 Taxable purchases K_43 +
20109 Sales tax receivable K_44 +
20115 Taxable purchase credit note K_43 +
20116 Sales tax on purchase credit note K_47 +
GoodServPurch 20207 Taxable purchases K_45 +
20209 Sales tax receivable K_46 +
20215 Taxable purchase credit note K_45 +
20216 Sales tax on purchase credit note K_48 +
CorrATR89b1 30101 Sales tax payable K_49 +
30109 Sales tax receivable K_49 +
CorrATR89b4 30201 Sales tax payable K_50 +
30209 Sales tax receivable K_50 +

For invoices that aren't paid within 150 days, an Overdue debt VAT periodic task can be applied. In this case, the same reporting codes that are used for K_44 and/or K_46 can be used. The system automatically interprets transactions for reporting in K_49 (Overdue invoice) and K_50 (Paid overdue invoice).

Configure the ER model and format for the report (optional)

Initially, the configuration is an example of a SAF VAT invoices file - JPK_FA that is based on the reporting codes from the table earlier in this article. If you must adapt the configuration to another set of reporting codes, use the configuration to derive the format.

To configure the ER model and format for the report, follow these steps.

  1. In the configuration tree, select the format. Then select Create configuration.

  2. Select the Derive from name option, enter the name and description of the new format, and then select Create configuration. The format that is created is a copy of the parent format.

  3. Select the new format, and then select Designer to open the format designer.

  4. Update the format with your reporting codes.

    The Format designer page is divided into two parts. The left side shows a format structure. (In the case of the VAT register, this structure is an XML scheme.) The right side shows a data model (data).

  5. On the right side of the page, select Mapping to view the data model. The data model includes all the fields for all the SAF-T reports. The VAT invoices format includes several parts that have different data sources.

  6. Data under the Faktura tag is mostly mapped to the Model > SourceDocuments > $Invoices node. Scroll down the tree to find and select the node.

  7. Under the Invoices node, find the list_P_ calculated fields, and use the formula designer to update their formulas with your reporting codes.

    The Formula designer page shows the data model, where you can select fields or record lists. The right side of the page shows all the functions that you can implement. Learn more about the formula designer in Formula designer in Electronic reporting.

  8. The values for tags under the StawkiPodatku tag are constants. For each tag under the StawkiPodatku tag, select the value node (string). Then, on the Format tab on the right side of the page, set up the value in the Value field. No other modifications to the format are needed.

  9. Save and close the format.

  10. On the Configurations page, on the Versions FastTab, complete the format by selecting Change status > Complete.

Generate a SAF VAT sales and purchase register - JPK_VAT

To generate a SAF VAT sales and purchase register - JPK_VAT, go to General ledger > Inquiries and reports > Standard Audit File for Tax (SAF-T) > SAF VAT sales and purchase register, set the following parameters, and then select OK.

Parameter Description
From date Specify the first date to export reporting data for.
To date Specify the last date to export reporting data for.
Authority identification In the list, select the identifier of the tax authority to use in the export file.

You can specify additional selection parameters by selecting Filter on the Records to include tab.

Using a batch job to generate a SAF VAT sales and purchase register - JPK_VAT

A SAF VAT sales and purchase register - JPK_VAT for a long period, such as a month or a quarter, can include a large amount of data and take a long time to be generated. Therefore, we recommend that you use batch jobs. The dialog box for every SAF report includes a Run in the background tab where you can set up report generation in batch mode. Set the Batch processing option to Yes. Learn more about batch processing in Batch processing overview.

To review batch jobs or find a generated file, follow these steps.

  1. Go to Organization administration > Electronic reporting > Electronic reporting jobs.
  2. Find a line that is related to your job, and then select Show log. If nothing is shown, no messages were produced when the file was generated.
  3. To view a file, select Show files, find the file that you need, and then select Open.