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Electronic invoicing for Egypt

This article provides information that will help you get started with Electronic invoicing for Egypt. It guides you through the configuration steps that are country/region-dependent in Regulatory Configuration Service (RCS). These steps complement the steps that are described in Set up Electronic invoicing.


Before you begin the procedures in this article, complete the following prerequisites:

Country/region-specific configuration for the Egyptian electronic invoice (EG) feature

Some of the parameters from the Egyptian electronic invoice (EG) electronic invoicing feature are published with default values. Before you deploy the electronic invoicing feature to the service environment, review the default values, and update them as required so that they better reflect your business operation.

  1. Import the latest version of the Egyptian electronic invoice (EG) Globalization feature as described in Import features from the Global repository.
  2. Create a copy of the imported Globalization feature, and select your configuration provider for it, as described in Create a Globalization feature.
  3. On the Versions tab, verify that the Draft version is selected.
  4. On the Setups tab, in the grid, select the Sales invoice derived feature setup.
  5. Select Edit.
  6. On the Processing pipeline tab, in the Processing pipeline section, select Sign json document for Egyptian Tax Authority.
  7. In the Parameters section, select Certificate name, and then select the name of the digital certificate that you created.
  8. In the Processing pipeline section, select Integrate with Egyptian ETA service. Repeat this step for the two occurrences of this action.
  9. In the Parameters section, select Web service URL and Login service URL. Then review the URL parameters. To get the testing and production URL, go to the Egyptian tax authority website by using the link that is provided in Egyptian e-invoicing SDK.
  10. Select Save, and close the page.
  11. Repeat the steps 4 through 10 for the Project invoice derived feature setup.

Country/region-specific configuration for the Egyptian electronic invoice (EG) application setup

There are parameters that must be set up in your Finance or Supply Chain Management environment. You can complete this setup in either of two places:

  • Directly in your Finance or Supply Chain Management environment. For more information, see Setup Electronic Invoicing parameters.
  • In RCS. In the scope of electronic invoicing feature setup, you can define all parameters and then deploy them directly to your Finance or Supply Chain Management environment when you deploy the electronic invoicing feature.

For both options, the parameters are the same. If you're setting up your first feature in the Electronic Invoicing service, we recommend that you follow these steps to set up the parameters in RCS and then deploy them to your connected application.


Some electronic invoicing feature versions might contain a predefined set of application-specific parameters for Finance or Supply Chain Management. In this case, you should verify that the data is correct. Otherwise, manually set the parameters.

  1. Find the copy of the Egyptian electronic invoice (EG) Globalization feature that you created.
  2. On the Versions tab, verify that the Draft version is selected.
  3. On the Setups tab, select Application setup.
  4. In the Connected applications field, select the application where you want to deploy the parameters.
  5. On the Electronic document types page, select Add to create a record.
  6. In the Table name field, add CustInvoiceJour.
  7. In the Context field, add a reference to the Customer invoice context mapping name. The configuration is Customer invoice context model.
  8. In the Electronic document mapping field, add a reference to the Customer invoice mapping name. The configuration is Invoice model mapping.
  9. Select Save.
  10. On Response types page, select Add.
  11. In the Response type field, enter Response.
  12. In the Description field, enter Process response.
  13. In the Submission status field, select Pending.
  14. In the Model mapping field, select Response message import. The configuration is Egypt response message import (EG).
  15. Select Save.
  16. Select Add.
  17. In the Response type field, enter ResponseData.
  18. In the Description field, enter Process response data.
  19. In the Submission status field, select Pending.
  20. In the Data entity name field, select SalesInvoiceHeaderV2Entity.
  21. In the Model mapping field, select Response data import. The configuration is Egypt response data import format (EG).
  22. Select Save, and close the page.
  23. Close the page.

To deploy a feature to the service environment and an application setup to the Finance or Supply Chain Management connected application, see Complete, publish, and deploy a Globalization feature

Privacy notice

Enabling the Egyptian electronic invoice (EG) feature might require that limited data be sent. This data includes the organization's tax registration ID. The data will be transmitted to third-party agencies that have been authorized by the tax authority to send electronic invoices to that tax authority in the predefined format that is required for integration with the government's web service. An administrator can enable and disable the feature by going to Organization administration > Setup > Electronic document parameters. On the Features tab, select the row that contains the Egyptian electronic invoice (EG) feature, and then make the appropriate selection. Data that is imported from external systems into this Dynamics 365 online service are subject to our privacy statement. For more information, see the "Privacy notice" section in country/region-specific feature documentation.

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