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KoreanLunisolarCalendar Class


Represents time in divisions, such as months, days, and years. Years are calculated using the Gregorian calendar, while days and months are calculated using the lunisolar calendar.

public ref class KoreanLunisolarCalendar : System::Globalization::EastAsianLunisolarCalendar
public class KoreanLunisolarCalendar : System.Globalization.EastAsianLunisolarCalendar
public class KoreanLunisolarCalendar : System.Globalization.EastAsianLunisolarCalendar
type KoreanLunisolarCalendar = class
    inherit EastAsianLunisolarCalendar
type KoreanLunisolarCalendar = class
    inherit EastAsianLunisolarCalendar
Public Class KoreanLunisolarCalendar
Inherits EastAsianLunisolarCalendar


The KoreanLunisolarCalendar class is derived from the EastAsianLunisolarCalendar class, which represents the lunisolar calendar. The EastAsianLunisolarCalendar class supports the sexagenary year cycle (which repeats every 60 years) in addition to solar years and lunar months. Each solar year in the calendar is associated with a Sexagenary Year, a Celestial Stem, and a Terrestrial Branch, and these calendars can have leap months after any month of the year.


For information about using the KoreanLunisolarCalendar class and the other calendar classes in the .NET Framework, see Working with Calendars.

The KoreanLunisolarCalendar class calculates years using the Gregorian calendar, and days and months using the EastAsianLunisolarCalendar class.

A leap month can occur after any month in a year. For example, the EastAsianLunisolarCalendar.GetMonth(DateTime) method returns a number between 1 and 13 that indicates the month associated with a specified date. If there is a leap month between the eighth and ninth months of the year, the GetMonth method returns 8 for the eighth month, 9 for the leap eighth month, and 10 for the ninth month.

Currently, the KoreanLunisolarCalendar is not used by any of the cultures supported by the CultureInfo class. Therefore, this class can be used only to calculate dates in the Korean lunisolar calendar.

Each CultureInfo supports a set of calendars. The Calendar property returns the default calendar for the culture, and the OptionalCalendars property returns an array containing all the calendars supported by the culture. To change the calendar used by a CultureInfo, the application should set the Calendar property of CultureInfo.DateTimeFormat to a new Calendar.



Initializes a new instance of the KoreanLunisolarCalendar class.



Represents the current era of the current calendar. The value of this field is 0.

(Inherited from Calendar)

Specifies the Gregorian era that corresponds to the current KoreanLunisolarCalendar object.



Gets a value indicating whether the current calendar is solar-based, lunar-based, or a combination of both.

(Inherited from EastAsianLunisolarCalendar)

Gets the number of days in the year that precedes the year specified by the MinSupportedDateTime property.


Gets the eras that correspond to the range of dates and times supported by the current KoreanLunisolarCalendar object.


Gets a value indicating whether this Calendar object is read-only.

(Inherited from Calendar)

Gets the maximum date and time supported by the KoreanLunisolarCalendar class.


Gets the minimum date and time supported by the KoreanLunisolarCalendar class.


Gets or sets the last year of a 100-year range that can be represented by a 2-digit year.

(Inherited from EastAsianLunisolarCalendar)


AddDays(DateTime, Int32)

Returns a DateTime that is the specified number of days away from the specified DateTime.

(Inherited from Calendar)
AddHours(DateTime, Int32)

Returns a DateTime that is the specified number of hours away from the specified DateTime.

(Inherited from Calendar)
AddMilliseconds(DateTime, Double)

Returns a DateTime that is the specified number of milliseconds away from the specified DateTime.

(Inherited from Calendar)
AddMinutes(DateTime, Int32)

Returns a DateTime that is the specified number of minutes away from the specified DateTime.

(Inherited from Calendar)
AddMonths(DateTime, Int32)

Calculates the date that is the specified number of months away from the specified date.

(Inherited from EastAsianLunisolarCalendar)
AddSeconds(DateTime, Int32)

Returns a DateTime that is the specified number of seconds away from the specified DateTime.

(Inherited from Calendar)
AddWeeks(DateTime, Int32)

Returns a DateTime that is the specified number of weeks away from the specified DateTime.

(Inherited from Calendar)
AddYears(DateTime, Int32)

Calculates the date that is the specified number of years away from the specified date.

(Inherited from EastAsianLunisolarCalendar)

Creates a new object that is a copy of the current Calendar object.

(Inherited from Calendar)

Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.

(Inherited from Object)

Calculates the celestial stem of the specified year in the sexagenary (60-year) cycle.

(Inherited from EastAsianLunisolarCalendar)

Calculates the day of the month in the specified date.

(Inherited from EastAsianLunisolarCalendar)

Calculates the day of the week in the specified date.

(Inherited from EastAsianLunisolarCalendar)

Calculates the day of the year in the specified date.

(Inherited from EastAsianLunisolarCalendar)
GetDaysInMonth(Int32, Int32, Int32)

Calculates the number of days in the specified month of the specified year and era.

(Inherited from EastAsianLunisolarCalendar)
GetDaysInMonth(Int32, Int32)

Returns the number of days in the specified month and year of the current era.

(Inherited from Calendar)
GetDaysInYear(Int32, Int32)

Calculates the number of days in the specified year and era.

(Inherited from EastAsianLunisolarCalendar)

Returns the number of days in the specified year of the current era.

(Inherited from Calendar)

Retrieves the era that corresponds to the specified DateTime.


Serves as the default hash function.

(Inherited from Object)

Returns the hours value in the specified DateTime.

(Inherited from Calendar)
GetLeapMonth(Int32, Int32)

Calculates the leap month for the specified year and era.

(Inherited from EastAsianLunisolarCalendar)

Calculates the leap month for a specified year.

(Inherited from Calendar)

Returns the milliseconds value in the specified DateTime.

(Inherited from Calendar)

Returns the minutes value in the specified DateTime.

(Inherited from Calendar)

Returns the month in the specified date.

(Inherited from EastAsianLunisolarCalendar)
GetMonthsInYear(Int32, Int32)

Calculates the number of months in the specified year and era.

(Inherited from EastAsianLunisolarCalendar)

Returns the number of months in the specified year in the current era.

(Inherited from Calendar)

Returns the seconds value in the specified DateTime.

(Inherited from Calendar)

Calculates the year in the sexagenary (60-year) cycle that corresponds to the specified date.

(Inherited from EastAsianLunisolarCalendar)

Calculates the terrestrial branch of the specified year in the sexagenary (60-year) cycle.

(Inherited from EastAsianLunisolarCalendar)

Gets the Type of the current instance.

(Inherited from Object)
GetWeekOfYear(DateTime, CalendarWeekRule, DayOfWeek)

Returns the week of the year that includes the date in the specified DateTime value.

(Inherited from Calendar)

Returns the year in the specified date.

(Inherited from EastAsianLunisolarCalendar)
IsLeapDay(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32)

Determines whether the specified date in the specified era is a leap day.

(Inherited from EastAsianLunisolarCalendar)
IsLeapDay(Int32, Int32, Int32)

Determines whether the specified date in the current era is a leap day.

(Inherited from Calendar)
IsLeapMonth(Int32, Int32, Int32)

Determines whether the specified month in the specified year and era is a leap month.

(Inherited from EastAsianLunisolarCalendar)
IsLeapMonth(Int32, Int32)

Determines whether the specified month in the specified year in the current era is a leap month.

(Inherited from Calendar)
IsLeapYear(Int32, Int32)

Determines whether the specified year in the specified era is a leap year.

(Inherited from EastAsianLunisolarCalendar)

Determines whether the specified year in the current era is a leap year.

(Inherited from Calendar)

Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.

(Inherited from Object)
ToDateTime(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32)

Returns a DateTime that is set to the specified date, time, and era.

(Inherited from EastAsianLunisolarCalendar)
ToDateTime(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32)

Returns a DateTime that is set to the specified date and time in the current era.

(Inherited from Calendar)

Converts the specified year to a four-digit year.

(Inherited from EastAsianLunisolarCalendar)

Returns a string that represents the current object.

(Inherited from Object)

Applies to

See also