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Development lifecycle

Development lifecycle strategy provides key design considerations and recommendations for repository, branch, automated builds, deployment, and rollback strategy during automatic landing zone creation.

Repository strategy

Design considerations

  • Consider adopting a version control system like Git to provide your team with flexibility in code sharing and management.

    • Git is the industry-standard version control system. It's a distributed version control system, where your local copy of the code is a complete version of the repository.
  • Understand mono-repo versus multirepo Repository structure.

    • In mono-repo structures, all source code lives in a single repository.
    • In multirepo structures, all projects are organized into separate repositories.
  • Choose a visibility setting that suits the content of your repository.

    • Public repositories can be accessed anonymously.
    • Private repositories require users be granted access to the repo and signed in to access services.
    • You can set public and private visibility for Azure DevOps Projects and GitHub repos.
  • Consider setting repository permissions that help you control who can contribute to your source code and manage other features.

  • Consider using Infrastructure as Code (IaC) resource deployment to Azure. IaC allows you to manage infrastructure in a declarative model, helping to reduce configuration effort, ensure consistency between deployments, and avoid manual environment configuration.

  • Azure provides support for IaC for Landing Zones through:

Design recommendations

  • Use Git as a version control system.

  • Use private repositories when building Azure Landing Zones

  • Use public repositories when sharing nonconfidential information like automation examples, public documentation, and open-source collaboration material.

  • Adopt an IaC approach for deploying, managing, governing, and supporting cloud resources.

Branch strategy

Design considerations

  • Consider using a branch strategy that allows teams to collaborate better and efficiently manage version control.

  • Consider using specific naming conventions for your branches.

  • Consider using branch permissions to control user capabilities.

  • Consider using branch policies to help your teams protect important branches of development. Policies that can help enforce code quality and change management standards. Examples of branch policies include:

  • Adopting a pull request strategy can help you keep control of code changes merged into branches.

    • Define a merge strategy.
    • Pull requests should be simple, with the number of files kept to a minimum to help reviewers validate commits and changes more efficiently.
    • Pull requests should have clear titles and descriptions so reviewers know what to expect when reviewing code.
    • You can use pull request templates.
    • You can delete origin branches after pull requests are complete, which gives you more control and better branch management.

Design recommendations

  • Adopt a trunk-based development model, in which developers commit to a single branch. This model facilitates continuous integration. All feature work is done in the trunk, and any merge conflicts are resolved when the commit happens.

  • Have your teams define and use consistent naming conventions for branches to identify the work done.

  • Set permissions to control who can read and update code in a branch of your Git repository. You can set permissions for individual users and for groups.

  • Set branch policies:

    • Require the use of pull requests for branch merges into the main branch.
    • Require a minimum number of reviewers for pull requests.
    • Reset all approval votes to remove all approval votes, but keep votes to reject or wait whenever a source branch changes.
    • Automatically include code reviewers.
    • Check for comment resolution.
  • Set squash as merge strategy, which allows you to condense the Git history of topic branches when you complete pull requests. Instead of adding each commit on a topic branch to the history of the default branch, a squash merge adds all file changes to a single new commit on the default branch.

Automated builds

Design considerations

  • Consider implementing Continuous Integration (CI). CI involves merging all developer code into a central codebase on a regular schedule and automatically executing standard builds and test processes.

  • Consider using CI triggers:

    • Azure Repos Git. You can configure branches, paths, and tags as triggers to run a CI build.
    • GitHub. You can configure branches, paths, and tags triggers to run a CI build.
  • Consider including IaC unit tests in your build process to validate syntax.

  • Consider including unit tests in your application build process. Review the tasks available for Azure DevOps Pipeline.

  • Use Azure DevOps service connections or GitHub secrets to manage connections to Azure. Each connection should have the correct privilege access to Azure resources.

  • Consider using Azure Key Vault secrets to store and manage sensitive information like passwords, API keys, certificates.

  • Azure DevOps agents can be self-hosted or Microsoft-hosted.

    • Maintenance and upgrades are taken care of for you when you use Microsoft-hosted agents. Every time a build job is run, a fresh virtual machine is created.
    • You set up and manage self-hosted agents on your own to run build jobs.

Design recommendations

  • Use CI to automate builds and testing of code every time a team member commits changes to version control.

  • Include unit tests for IaC and application code as part of your build process.

  • If possible, use Microsoft-hosted pool rather than self-hosted pools, as they offer isolation and a clean VM for each pipeline run.

  • When you connect Azure DevOps or GitHub to Azure via service connections or GitHub secrets, make sure you always define the scope so they can access only required resources.

  • Use Key Vault secrets to avoid hard-coding sensitive information such as credentials (virtual machine´s user passwords), certificates, or keys. Then use secrets as variables in your build and release jobs.

Deployment strategy

Design considerations

  • Consider using Continuous Delivery (CD). CD involves building, testing, configuring, and deploying from a build to an environment.

  • Consider using environments. Environments allow you to target a collection of resources from a delivery job. Examples of common environment names include:

    • Dev
    • Test
    • QA
    • Staging
    • Production
  • Consider using IaC as part of your strategy to validate and confirm changes predeployment.

Design recommendations

  • Use CD to ensure that code is always ready to deploy by automatically building, testing, and deploying code to production-like environments. Add continuous delivery to create a full CI/CD integration that helps you detect code defects as early as possible and ensures you can quickly release properly tested updates.

  • Use environments as part of your deployment strategy. Environments provide benefits like:

    • Deployment history
    • Traceability of commits and work items
    • Diagnostic resource health
    • Security
  • Include IaC predeployment checks so you can preview changes and see details on whether a resource is created, modified, or deleted.

Rollback strategy

Design considerations

  • Consider creating a rollback plan. Rolling back a deployment involves reverting the deployment to a known good state and provides a crucial ability to recover from a failed deployment.

  • Consider using undo changes in Git if you need to revert changes in a commit, discard changes, or reset a branch to a previous state.

Design recommendations

  • Adopt the use of undo changes in Git when you need to revert changes to committed files, discard uncommitted changes, or reset a branch to a previous state.