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Predicate Data Object - Customer Management

Defines a predicate for the list of entities requested using one of the search operations, for example SearchAccounts, SearchClientLinks, SearchCustomers, or SearchUserInvitations.


<xs:complexType name="Predicate" xmlns:xs="">
    <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Field" nillable="true" type="xs:string" />
    <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Operator" type="tns:PredicateOperator" />
    <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Value" nillable="true" type="xs:string" />


The Predicate object has the following elements: Field, Operator, Value.

Element Description Data Type
Field The name of the element for the object you are searching.

For possible values, see the Remarks below.
Operator Defines the relationship between the field and the value. PredicateOperator
Value The string to search in the specified field.

The length of this string must be four or greater, unless the field is set to MarketCountry or MarketLanguage.


The supported Field element and Operator elements of a Predicate object for each service operation are provided in detail below.

SearchAccounts Predicates

For the SearchAccounts service operation, the following are supported Field element and Operator elements of a Predicate object.

Field Operator Description
AccountId Equals

Use this field to search the Id element of the AdvertiserAccount.
AccountLifeCycleStatus Equals Use this field to search the AccountLifeCycleStatus element of the AdvertiserAccount.

Possible values include "Active", "Draft", "Inactive", "Pause", "Pending", and "Suspended".
- When you request accounts by "Active" status, the operation returns accounts with AccountLifeCycleStatus set to Active. The operation also returns accounts with AccountLifeCycleStatus set to Pause, where the PauseReason value is 2 (the billing service paused the account).
- When you request accounts by "Pause" status, the operation returns accounts with AccountLifeCycleStatus set to Pause, where the PauseReason value is 1 (the user paused the account) or 4 (the user and billing service paused the account).
AccountName Contains

Use this field to search the Name element of the AdvertiserAccount.
AccountNumber Contains


Use this field to search the Number element of the AdvertiserAccount.
CustomerId Equals Use this field to search the Id element of the Customer.
UserId Equals Use this field to search the UserId element of the User.

For the SearchClientLinks service operation, the following are supported Field element and Operator elements of a Predicate object.

Field Operator Description
ClientAccountId Equals

Search for advertiser account ClientLink objects by the client advertiser account identifier.
ClientCustomerId Equals

Search for customer ClientLink objects by the client customer identifier.
DirectManagingCustomerId Equals Search for both customer and advertiser account ClientLink objects by the agency's managing customer identifier. If other customers also link to the client customer, the results will not include those client links.
ManagingCustomerId Equals Search for advertiser account ClientLink objects by the agency's managing customer identifier. If other customers also link to the client advertiser account, the results will include those client links. This predicate value is deprecated in favor of the DirectManagingCustomerId predicate.

Please note the following predicate rules for SearchClientLinks.

  • You cannot include both DirectManagingCustomerId and ManagingCustomerId.
  • You cannot include both ClientAccountId and ClientCustomerId.
  • If you include both ClientAccountId and ManagingCustomerId predicates in the same service call, the ManagingCustomerId will be ignored.
  • If you include both ClientCustomerId and DirectManagingCustomerId predicates in the same service call, the results will only include customer client links that meet both predicate conditions.
  • If you include both ClientAccountId and DirectManagingCustomerId predicates in the same service call, the results will only include advertiser account client links that meet both predicate conditions.

SearchCustomers Predicates

For the SearchCustomers service operation, the following are supported Field element and Operator elements of a Predicate object.

Field Operator Description
AccountId Equals Use this field to search the Id element of the AdvertiserAccount.
AccountName Contains

Use this field to search the Name element of the AdvertiserAccount.
AccountNumber Contains

Use this field to search the Number element of the AdvertiserAccount.
ApplicationScope Equals For internal use only.
CreatedDate GreaterThanEquals

Use this field to search the date when the customer was created or signed up.

The date is stored in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Only the month, day, and year of the specified string are used for search. If you specify the hour, minutes, and seconds of a date they will be ignored.

For information about the format of the date and time, see the dateTime entry in Primitive XML Data Types.
CustomerId Equals

Use this field to search the Id element of the Customer.
CustomerName Contains

Use this field to search the Name element of the Customer.
MarketCountry Equals Use this field to search the MarketCountry element of the Customer.

The MarketCountry and MarketLanguage predicate fields are not required; however, if either is specified then both are required.
MarketLanguage Equals Use this field to search the MarketLanguage element of the Customer.

The MarketCountry and MarketLanguage predicate fields are not required; however, if either is specified then both are required.
UserName Equals Use this field to search the UserName element of the User.

SearchUserInvitations Predicates

For the SearchUserInvitations service operation, the following are supported Field element and Operator elements of a Predicate object.

Field Operator Description
CustomerId Equals Use this field to search the CustomerId element of the UserInvitation.


Service: CustomerManagementService.svc v13

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