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SimilarRemarketingList Data Object - Campaign Management

Defines an audience that is similar to one of your remarketing lists.

You cannot create or edit the similar audience for a remarketing list. Having said that, you can add and delete similar remarketing list associations and exclusions. If you delete the source remarketing list, then the similar audience will also be deleted. If a similar audience is associated with a campaign or ad group, then you cannot delete the source remarketing list.


You must have at least one remarketing list that has active associations with at least 1,000 users for Microsoft Advertising to generate a similar audience.

A similar audience needs to have at least 300 users on the search network or the Microsoft Audience Network before it can be associated with an active campaign or ad group.

A similar audience takes up to 24 hours to build and targeting for it won't take effect until that point.


<xs:complexType name="SimilarRemarketingList" xmlns:xs="">
  <xs:complexContent mixed="false">
    <xs:extension base="tns:Audience">
        <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="SourceId" type="xs:long" />


The SimilarRemarketingList object has the following elements: SourceId.

Element Description Data Type
SourceId The Microsoft Advertising identifier of the remarketing list that Microsoft Advertising used to generate this similar audience.

Add: Not supported
Update: Not supported

The SimilarRemarketingList object has Inherited Elements.

Inherited Elements

Inherited Elements from Audience

The SimilarRemarketingList object derives from the Audience object, and inherits the following elements: AudienceNetworkSize, CustomerShare, Description, ForwardCompatibilityMap, Id, MembershipDuration, Name, ParentId, Scope, SearchSize, SupportedCampaignTypes, Type. The descriptions below are specific to SimilarRemarketingList, and might not apply to other objects that inherit the same elements from the Audience object.

Element Description Data Type
AudienceNetworkSize The total number of people who are active members of this audience in the Audience network. This gives you an idea of how many Audience network users you can target.

The audience needs to have at least 300 people before Microsoft Advertising will use it for optimizations.

The audience network size of a similar audience can differ from the audience network size of the source remarketing list.

Add: Not supported
Update: Not supported
CustomerShare This element is not supported for similar remarketing lists.

Add: Not supported
Update: Not supported
Description This element is not applicable for similar audiences.

Add: Not supported
Update: Not supported
ForwardCompatibilityMap The list of key and value strings for forward compatibility to avoid otherwise breaking changes when new elements are added in the current API version.

Forward compatibility changes will be noted here in future releases. There are currently no forward compatibility changes for the Audience object.

Add: Not supported
Update: Not supported
KeyValuePairOfstringstring array
Id The Microsoft Advertising identifier of the similar audience.

Add: Not supported
Update: Not supported
MembershipDuration This element is not applicable for similar audiences.

Add: Not supported
Update: Not supported
Name The name of the similar audience is set by Microsoft Advertising. The name can contain a maximum of 128 characters.

Add: Not supported
Update: Not supported
ParentId The Microsoft Advertising identifier of the account or customer.

If the Scope is set to Account, this is the account ID, and otherwise it is the customer ID.

Add: Not supported
Update: Not supported
Scope Scope defines what accounts can use this audience.

The scope of a similar audience is automatically set to the scope of the source remarketing list.

If scope is set to Account, the audience can only be associated with campaigns and ad groups in one account i.e., via the ParentId. If scope is set to Customer, the audience can be associated with campaigns and ad groups in all of the customer's accounts.

Add: Not supported
Update: Not supported
SearchSize The total number of people who are active members of this audience in the Search network. This gives you an idea of how many search users you can target.

The audience needs to have at least 300 people before Microsoft Advertising will use it for optimizations.

The search size of a similar audience can differ from the search size of the source remarketing list.

This property will be nil or empty for up to 24 hours while the source remarketing list is being built, for example if you add or update the remarketing list membership duration, rule, or tag identifier of the source remarketing list.

This property will be nil or empty if the UET tag associated with the source remarketing list has a status of Unverified or Inactive, because the remarketing list can't receive the customer information from your website that it needs to build the list.

Add: Not supported
Update: Not supported
SupportedCampaignTypes The list of campaign types that support this audience.

Supported values are Audience, DynamicSearchAds, Search, and Shopping. New campaign types might be added in the future, so you should not take any dependency on a fixed set of values.

Add: Not supported
Update: Not supported
string array
Type The type of the audience. This value is SimilarRemarketingList when you retrieve a similar audience for remarketing lists. For more information about audience types, see the Audience Data Object Remarks.

Add: Not supported
Update: Not supported


Service: CampaignManagementService.svc v13